6 research outputs found

    Proving the correct execution of concurrent services in zero-knowledge

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    This paper introduces Spice, a system for building verifiable state machines (VSMs). A VSM is a request-processing service that produces proofs establishing that requests were executed correctly according to a specification. Such proofs are succinct (a verifier can check them efficiently without reexecution) and zero-knowledge (a verifier learns nothing about the content of the requests, responses, or the internal state of the service). Recent systems for proving the correct execution of stateful computations---Pantry, Geppetto, CTV, vSQL, etc.--implicitly implement VSMs, but they incur prohibitive costs. Spice reduces these costs significantly with a new storage primitive. More notably, Spice’s storage primitive supports multiple writers, making Spice the first system that can succinctly prove the correct execution of concurrent services. We find that Spice running on a cluster of 16 servers achieves 488--1167 transactions/second for a variety of applications including inter-bank transactions, cloud-hosted ledgers, and dark pools. This represents an 18,000--685,000× higher throughput than prior work

    Zero Knowledge for Everything and Everyone: Fast ZK Processor with Cached RAM for ANSI C Programs

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    We build a complete and efficient ZK toolchain that handles proof statements encoded as arbitrary ANSI C programs. Zero-Knowledge (ZK) proofs are foundational in cryptography. Recent ZK research has focused intensely on non-interactive proofs of small statements, useful in blockchain scenarios. We instead target large statements that are useful, e.g., in proving properties of programs. Recent work (Heath and Kolesnikov, CCS 2020 [HK20a]) designed a proof-of-concept ZK machine (ZKM). Their machine executes arbitrary programs over a minimal instruction set, authenticating in ZK the program execution. In this work, we significantly extend this research thrust, both in terms of efficiency and generality. Our contributions include: • A rich and performance-oriented architecture for representing arbitrary ZK proofs as programs. • A complete compiler toolchain providing full support for ANSI C95 programs. We ran off-the-shelf buggy versions of sed and gzip, proving in ZK that each program has a bug. To our knowledge, this is the first ZK system capable of executing standard Linux programs. • Improved ZK RAM. [HK20a] introduced an efficient ZK-specific RAM BubbleRAM that consumes O(log2n)O(\log^2 n) communication per access. We extend BubbleRAM with multi-level caching, decreasing communication to O(logn)O(\log n) per access. This introduces the possibility of a cache miss, which we handle cheaply. Our experiments show that cache misses are rare; in isolation, i.e., ignoring other processor costs, BubbleCache improves communication over BubbleRAM by more than 8×8\times. Using BubbleCache improves our processor’s total communication (including costs of cache misses) by 2530\approx 25-30%. • Numerous low-level optimizations, resulting in a CPU that is both more expressive and 5.5×\approx 5.5\times faster than [HK20a]’s. • Attention to user experience. Our engineer-facing ZK instrumentation and extensions are minimal and easy to use. Put together, our system is efficient and general, and can run many standard Linux programs. The resultant machine runs at up to 11KHz on a 1Gbps LAN and supports MBs of RAM

    Proofs for Deep Thought: Accumulation for large memories and deterministic computations

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    We construct two new accumulation schemes. The first one is for checking that \ell read and write operations were performed correctly from a memory of size TT. The prover time is entirely independent of TT and only requires committing to 66\ell field elements, which is an over 100100X improvement over prior work. The second one is for deterministic computations. It does not require committing to the intermediate wires of the computation but only to the input and output. This is achieved by building an accumulation scheme for a modified version of the famous GKR protocol. We show that these schemes are highly compatible and that the accumulation for GKR can further reduce the cost of the memory-checking scheme. Using the BCLMS (Crypto 21) compiler, these protocols yield an efficient, incrementally verifiable computation (IVC) scheme that is particularly useful for machine computations with large memories and deterministic steps

    Brakedown: Linear-time and field-agnostic SNARKs for R1CS

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    This paper introduces Brakedown, the first built system that provides linear-time SNARKs for NP, meaning the prover incurs O(N)O(N) finite field operations to prove the satisfiability of an NN-sized R1CS instance. Brakedown’s prover is faster, both concretely and asymptotically, than prior SNARK implementations. Brakedown does not require a trusted setup and is plausibly post-quantum secure. Furthermore, it is compatible with arbitrary finite fields of sufficient size; this property is new amongst implemented arguments with sublinear proof sizes. To design Brakedown, we observe that recent work of Bootle, Chiesa, and Groth (BCG, TCC 2020) provides a polynomial commitment scheme that, when combined with the linear-time interactive proof system of Spartan (CRYPTO 2020), yields linear-time IOPs and SNARKs for R1CS (a similar theoretical result was previously established by BCG, but our approach is conceptually simpler, and crucial for achieving high-speed SNARKs). A core ingredient in the polynomial commitment scheme that we distill from BCG is a linear-time encodable code. Existing constructions of such codes are believed to be impractical. Nonetheless, we design and engineer a new one that is practical in our context. We also implement a variant of Brakedown that uses Reed-Solomon codes instead of our linear-time encodable codes; we refer to this variant as Shockwave. Shockwave is not a linear-time SNARK, but it provides shorter proofs and lower verification times than Brakedown (it also provides a faster prover than prior plausibly post-quantum SNARKs)