80 research outputs found

    Proving acceptability properties of relaxed nondeterministic approximate programs

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    Approximate program transformations such as skipping tasks [29, 30], loop perforation [21, 22, 35], reduction sampling [38], multiple selectable implementations [3, 4, 16, 38], dynamic knobs [16], synchronization elimination [20, 32], approximate function memoization [11],and approximate data types [34] produce programs that can execute at a variety of points in an underlying performance versus accuracy tradeoff space. These transformed programs have the ability to trade accuracy of their results for increased performance by dynamically and nondeterministically modifying variables that control their execution. We call such transformed programs relaxed programs because they have been extended with additional nondeterminism to relax their semantics and enable greater flexibility in their execution. We present language constructs for developing and specifying relaxed programs. We also present proof rules for reasoning about properties [28] which the program must satisfy to be acceptable. Our proof rules work with two kinds of acceptability properties: acceptability properties [28], which characterize desired relationships between the values of variables in the original and relaxed programs, and unary acceptability properties, which involve values only from a single (original or relaxed) program. The proof rules support a staged reasoning approach in which the majority of the reasoning effort works with the original program. Exploiting the common structure that the original and relaxed programs share, relational reasoning transfers reasoning effort from the original program to prove properties of the relaxed program. We have formalized the dynamic semantics of our target programming language and the proof rules in Coq and verified that the proof rules are sound with respect to the dynamic semantics. Our Coq implementation enables developers to obtain fully machine-checked verifications of their relaxed programs.National Science Foundation (U.S.). (Grant number CCF-0811397)National Science Foundation (U.S.). (Grant number CCF-0905244)National Science Foundation (U.S.). (Grant number CCF-1036241)National Science Foundation (U.S.). (Grant number IIS-0835652)United States. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (Grant number FA8650-11-C-7192)United States. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (Grant number FA8750-12-2-0110)United States. Dept. of Energy. (Grant Number DE-SC0005288

    Reasoning about Relaxed Programs

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    A number of approximate program transformations have recently emerged that enable transformed programs to trade accuracy of their results for increased performance by dynamically and nondeterministically modifying variables that control program execution. We call such transformed programs relaxed programs -- they have been extended with additional nondeterminism to relax their semantics and offer greater execution flexibility. We present programming language constructs for developing relaxed programs and proof rules for reasoning about properties of relaxed programs. Our proof rules enable programmers to directly specify and verify acceptability properties that characterize the desired correctness relationships between the values of variables in a program's original semantics (before transformation) and its relaxed semantics. Our proof rules also support the verification of safety properties (which characterize desirable properties involving values in individual executions). The rules are designed to support a reasoning approach in which the majority of the reasoning effort uses the original semantics. This effort is then reused to establish the desired properties of the program under the relaxed semantics. We have formalized the dynamic semantics of our target programming language and the proof rules in Coq, and verified that the proof rules are sound with respect to the dynamic semantics. Our Coq implementation enables developers to obtain fully machine checked verifications of their relaxed programs

    Master of Science

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    thesisTo minimize resource consumption and maximize performance, computer architecture research has been investigating approaches that may compute inaccurate solutions. Such hardware inaccuracies may induce a wide variety of program behaviors which are not obs

    A Semantics for Approximate Program Transformations

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    An approximate program transformation is a transformation that can change the semantics of a program within a specified empirical error bound. Such transformations have wide applications: they can decrease computation time, power consumption, and memory usage, and can, in some cases, allow implementations of incomputable operations. Correctness proofs of approximate program transformations are by definition quantitative. Unfortunately, unlike with standard program transformations, there is as of yet no modular way to prove correctness of an approximate transformation itself. Error bounds must be proved for each transformed program individually, and must be re-proved each time a program is modified or a different set of approximations are applied. In this paper, we give a semantics that enables quantitative reasoning about a large class of approximate program transformations in a local, composable way. Our semantics is based on a notion of distance between programs that defines what it means for an approximate transformation to be correct up to an error bound. The key insight is that distances between programs cannot in general be formulated in terms of metric spaces and real numbers. Instead, our semantics admits natural notions of distance for each type construct; for example, numbers are used as distances for numerical data, functions are used as distances for functional data, an polymorphic lambda-terms are used as distances for polymorphic data. We then show how our semantics applies to two example approximations: replacing reals with floating-point numbers, and loop perforation

    Verifying Quantitative Reliability of Programs That Execute on Unreliable Hardware

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    Emerging high-performance architectures are anticipated to contain unreliable components that may exhibit soft errors, which silently corrupt the results of computations. Full detection and recovery from soft errors is challenging, expensive, and, for some applications, unnecessary. For example, approximate computing applications (such as multimedia processing, machine learning, and big data analytics) can often naturally tolerate soft errors. In this paper we present Rely, a programming language that enables developers to reason about the quantitative reliability of an application -- namely, the probability that it produces the correct result when executed on unreliable hardware. Rely allows developers to specify the reliability requirements for each value that a function produces. We present a static quantitative reliability analysis that verifies quantitative requirements on the reliability of an application, enabling a developer to perform sound and verified reliability engineering. The analysis takes a Rely program with a reliability specification and a hardware specification, that characterizes the reliability of the underlying hardware components, and verifies that the program satisfies its reliability specification when executed on the underlying unreliable hardware platform. We demonstrate the application of quantitative reliability analysis on six computations implemented in Rely.This research was supported in part by the National Science Foundation (Grants CCF-0905244, CCF-1036241, CCF-1138967, CCF-1138967, and IIS-0835652), the United States Department of Energy (Grant DE-SC0008923), and DARPA (Grants FA8650-11-C-7192, FA8750-12-2-0110)

    Synthesis of Randomized Accuracy-Aware Map-Fold Programs

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    We present Syndy, a technique for automatically synthesizing randomized map/fold computations that trade accuracy for performance. Given a specification of a fully accurate computation, Syndy automatically synthesizes approximate implementations of map and fold tasks, explores the approximate computation space that these approximations induce, and derives an accuracy versus performance tradeoff curve that characterizes the explored space. Each point on the curve corresponds to an approximate randomized program configuration that realizes the probabilistic error and time bounds associated with that point

    Approximate Computing Survey, Part I: Terminology and Software & Hardware Approximation Techniques

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    The rapid growth of demanding applications in domains applying multimedia processing and machine learning has marked a new era for edge and cloud computing. These applications involve massive data and compute-intensive tasks, and thus, typical computing paradigms in embedded systems and data centers are stressed to meet the worldwide demand for high performance. Concurrently, the landscape of the semiconductor field in the last 15 years has constituted power as a first-class design concern. As a result, the community of computing systems is forced to find alternative design approaches to facilitate high-performance and/or power-efficient computing. Among the examined solutions, Approximate Computing has attracted an ever-increasing interest, with research works applying approximations across the entire traditional computing stack, i.e., at software, hardware, and architectural levels. Over the last decade, there is a plethora of approximation techniques in software (programs, frameworks, compilers, runtimes, languages), hardware (circuits, accelerators), and architectures (processors, memories). The current article is Part I of our comprehensive survey on Approximate Computing, and it reviews its motivation, terminology and principles, as well it classifies and presents the technical details of the state-of-the-art software and hardware approximation techniques.Comment: Under Review at ACM Computing Survey
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