2 research outputs found

    El Consejo Provincial de Madrid (1852-1853)

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    El presente estudio tiene como objeto ofrecer una visión práctica del quehacer cotidiano del Consejo Provincial de Madrid, tanto en su calidad de órgano consultivo y asesor del Gobernador Civil, como de tribunal de la recién creada jurisdicción contencioso-administrativa, durante el periodo 1852-1853.The aim of this study is to offer a practical overview of the daily functions of the Provincial Council of Madrid (Consejo Provincial), both as a consultative and advisory body of the Civil Governor and a court for the recently created contentious-administrative proceedings, during the period spanning 1852-1853.En alemán: Die vorliegende Studie möchte einen praktischen Einblick in das Tagesgeschäft des Provinzialrats von Madrid (Consejo Provincial) geben; und zwar in seiner Eigenschaft als Sachverständiger und Berater des Provinzgouverneurs, als Gerichtsinstanz, des gerade erst geschaffenen Verwaltungsgerichts, in den Jahren 1852 bis 1853

    Volume 07: 1936-37

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    A major achievement of the students of St. Mary’s of the Barrens was the regular publication of their student newspaper. Originally titled, The Andrean, it began as a typewritten, hand illustrated piece that appears to have been circulated among the student body from 1928 to 1930. In November 1930, the format and title changed to The DeAndrein. The printed newspaper included copies of photographs, and was offered for sale to alumni, family, and friends. This informative publication continued uninterrupted until 1965. Many issues of The DeAndrein (newsletter) from June 1940 to December 1963; various programs, goals, directions, etc.; many pamphlets and leaflets covering history, devotions, celebrations, library guides, catalogs; different newsletters, reports, writings, alumni listings, and choice of province requests; pictures of the buildings, grounds, camp, individuals, and groups; letters from or about Saint Mary\u27s; letters from the Miraculous Medal Center