3 research outputs found

    Providing a Low Latency User Experience in a High Latency Application

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    Through the use of particular visual effects, we provide a low latency user experience, even when extremely large latencies occur in an application. We demonstrate these effects in a wide-area distributed virtual reality application. These effects include the use of motion blur, transparency, and defocusing. While the effects incur a performance penalty, the penalty is predictable, unlike the lag induced by network delays. Thus, we provide immediate feedback to each participant, even when the network prevents informationmore useful than the fact that delays are occurring. When updates are finally received, we use the same effects to provide coherent updates to the user's information, without the jarring discontinuities that otherwise would confuse a participant's understanding of the environment. CR Categories and Subject Descriptors: I.3.6 [Computer Graphics]: Methodology and Techniques - Interaction Techniques; I.3.2 [Computer Graphics]: Graphics Systems - Distributed /network graph..

    An investigation into the cognitive effects of delayed visual feedback

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