26 research outputs found

    A Lightweight and Attack Resistant Authenticated Routing Protocol for Mobile Adhoc Networks

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    In mobile ad hoc networks, by attacking the corresponding routing protocol, an attacker can easily disturb the operations of the network. For ad hoc networks, till now many secured routing protocols have been proposed which contains some disadvantages. Therefore security in ad hoc networks is a controversial area till now. In this paper, we proposed a Lightweight and Attack Resistant Authenticated Routing Protocol (LARARP) for mobile ad hoc networks. For the route discovery attacks in MANET routing protocols, our protocol gives an effective security. It supports the node to drop the invalid packets earlier by detecting the malicious nodes quickly by verifying the digital signatures of all the intermediate nodes. It punishes the misbehaving nodes by decrementing a credit counter and rewards the well behaving nodes by incrementing the credit counter. Thus it prevents uncompromised nodes from attacking the routes with malicious or compromised nodes. It is also used to prevent the denial-of-service (DoS) attacks. The efficiency and effectiveness of LARARP are verified through the detailed simulation studies.Comment: 14 Pages, IJWM

    A mobilitást támogató technológiák vizsgálata a mobil hírközlésben és informatikában = Research of mobility supporting technologies in mobile communication and computing

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    A kutatási munka során a pályázati terveknek megfelelően az alábbi területeken értünk el jelentős eredményeket: -A heterogén mobil hálózatok együttműködési problémái -A mobil Internet Protokoll alkalmazásával kapcsolatos vizsgálatok -Útkeresési és csatornakijelölési algoritmusok fejlesztése és vizsgálata mobil hálózatok számára -A mobil hálózatok biztonsági kérdései -Többfelhasználós detekciós módszerek a kódosztásos többszörös hozzáféréses mobil rendszerekben -A heterogén mobil hálózatok forgalmi modellezése -A mobilitást támogató diszkrét algoritmusok, kódolási eljárások mobil hálózatokban Az eredmények a részterületeken jelentős publikációkban testesültek meg, ezek között 11 könyv vagy könyvrészlet (köztük Wiley monográfia a kvantum számítástechnikáról és kommunikációról, hazai monográfia a kriptográfiáról, a helyfüggő szolgáltatásokról, az új generációs mobil hálózatokról, a szoftver rádióról, a hálózati architektúrákról, az adatbiztonságról és ismeretterjesztő anyag a GPS rendszerekről), 18 idegen nyelvű referált folyóiratcikk (az ismert kumulatív impact faktor 15,11), 2 idegen nyelvű nem referált folyóiratcikk, 1 referált magyar nyelvű folyóiratcikk, 21 nem referált magyar nyelvű folyóiratcikk, 63 idegen nyelvű referált konferencia kiadvány, 12 idegen nyelvű nem referált konferencia kiadvány, 3 magyar nyelvű nem referált konferencia kiadvány, 61 magyar és idegen nyelvű diákkonferencia kiadvány és 11 egyéb szakmai alkotás/tanulmány szerepel. | According to the research plan during the research project important results have been produced in the following fields: -Co-existence of heterogeneous mobile networks -Applications of mobile Internet Protocol -Routing and channel assignment for mobile networks -Security problems of mobile networks -Multi-user detection methods in CDMA mobile systems -Traffic modeling for heterogeneous mobile networks -Mobility supporting discrete algorithms and coding in mobile networks The result have been published in prestigious publication forums, among them 11 books or book chapters (a monograph published by the Wiley about quantum computing and communications, a Hungarian monograph about cryptography, others about the location dependent services, the new generation networks, the software radio, the network architecture, the data security and the GPS system), 18 referred journal papers (the cumulative impact factor 15,11), 2 non referred journal papers, 1 referred Hungarian journal paper, 21 non referred Hungarian journal papers, 63 referred conference papers, 12 non referred conference papers, 3 non referred Hungarian conference papers, 61 English and Hungarian student conference papers and 11 other professional results/research reports/PhD dissertations

    Sufficient Authentication for Energy Consumption in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Given the understanding of the prospective WSN programs and because of source restrictions, key management emerges as a complicated problem for WSNs. One of the main issues when developing a key management scheme is the system scalability. Indeed, the method should assistance a huge number of nodes to allow a large range implementation of the system. In this paper we implemented a performance trade-off research of power intake vs. Quality of Solutions obtain in stability, suitability, and security for redundancy control of clustered heterogeneous wireless indicator systems using multipath routing to response customer concerns. We urbanized a novel probability style to evaluate the best redundancy stage in terms of direction redundancy (mp ) and resource redundancy (ms), as well as the best attack identification configurations with regards to the number of voters (m) and the attack incantation interval under which the life-time of a heterogeneous wireless sensor network is optimized while fulfilling the stability, timeliness and protection specifications of question processing applications in the existence of untrustworthy wireless communication and harmful nodes. Lastly, we used our analysis outcomes to the style of powerful redundancy management criteria to recognize and implement the best design parameter configurations at playback in reaction to environment changes to extend the program life-tim

    Adatbiztonság és adatvédelem a mindent átható számítógépes technológia világában = Security and Privacy Issues in Pervasive Computing

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    (1) Több ugrásos vezeték nélküli hálózatok biztonsága: Ad hoc és szenzorhálózatokban használt útvonalválasztó protokollok biztonágának analízise, új bizonyíthatóan biztonságos protokollok tervezése (enairA, Secure tinyLUNAR). Új támadás-ellenálló adataggregációs algoritmusok tervezése (RANBAR, CORA) és analízise. Spontán kooperáció kialakulása feltételeinek vizsgálata ad hoc és szenzorhálózatokban, kooperáció ösztönzése késleltetéstűrő ad hoc hálózatokban (Barter). (2) Személyes biztonsági tokenek: A nem-megbízható terminál probléma vizsgálata, feltételes aláírásra épülő megoldás tervezése és analízise. (3) RFID biztonsági és adatvédelmi kérdések: Kulcsfa alapú azonosító-rejtő hitelesítés analízise, a privacy szintjének meghatározása. Optimális kulcsfa tervezése. Új azonosító-rejtő hitelesítő protokoll tervezése és összehasonlítása a kulcsfa alapú módszerrel. (4) Formális biztonsági modellek: Szimulációs paradigmára épülő biztonsági modell útvonalválasztó protokollok analízisére. Támadó-modellek és analízis módszer támadás-ellenálló adataggregáció vizsgálatára. Formális modell kidolgozása a korlátozott számítási képességekkel rendelkező humán felhasználó leírására. Privacy metrika kidolgozása azonosító-rejtő hitekesítő protokollok számára. Játékelméleti modellek a spontán koopráció vizsgálatára ad hoc és szenzor hálózatokban, valamint spam és DoS elleni védelmi mechanizmusok analízisére. | (1) Security of multi-hop wireless networks: Security analysis of routing protocols proposed for mobile ad hoc and sensor networks, development of novel routing protocols with provable security (enairA, Secure tinyLUNAR). Development of novel resilient aggregation algorithms for sensor networks (RANBAR, CORA). Analysis of conditions for the emergence of spontaneous cooperation in ad hoc and sensor networks, novel algorithm to foster cooperation in opportunistic ad hoc networks (Barter). (2) Security tokens: Analysis of the untrusted terminal problem, mitigation by using conditional signature based protocols. (3) RFID security and privacy: Analysis of key-tree based private authentication, novel metrics to measure the level of privacy. Design of optimal key-trees, novel private authentication protocols based on group keys. (4) Formal models: Modeling framework for routing protocols based on the simulation paradigm, proof techniques for analyzing the security of routing. Attacker models and analysis techniques for resilient aggregation in sensor networks. Formal model for representing the limited computing capacity of humans. Metrics for determining the level of privacy provided by private authentication protocols. Game theoretic models for studying cooperation in ad hoc and sensor networks, and for analysisng the performance of spam and DoS protection mechanisms

    A Sensor Network Routing Protocol To Clear The Damage From Vampire Attacks During Packet Forwarding

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    A reason creates and transmits it to the next hop toward the destination which broadcast it additional until the destination is reached consuming resources not only at the source node but also at each node the message moves through. If we believe the growing energy of an entire network intensification attacks are forever credible given that an opponent can write and send messages which are practiced by each node along the message path. A Vampire attack is the symphony and transmission of a message that sources more power to be enthusiastic by the network than if an open node transmitted a message of the same size to the same destination although using different packet headers. We compute the influence of the attack by the ratio of network energy used in the compassionate case to the energy used in the malicious case i.e. the relation of network-wide power operation with malicious nodes present to energy process with only honest nodes when the number and size of packets sent remains steady. Safety from Vampire attacks involves that this ratio is Energy use by malicious nodes is not measured since they can forever unilaterally drainpipe their own batteries. However believe the procedure of routing a packet in any multihop network

    The Process to disable ADHOC wireless sensor networks by depleting power using routing protocols

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    The consequence of Vampire attacks on link-state, distance-vector, source routing and geographic and beacon routing protocols as well as a logical ID-based sensor network routing protocol. Whereas this is by no means a comprehensive list of routing protocols which are susceptible to Vampire attacks we analysis the covered protocols as a significant subset of the routing solution space and stress that our attacks are probable to apply to other protocols. Assuming that packet giving out drains at least as much energy from the victims as from the attacker a incessantly recharging adversary can keep at least one node enduringly disabled at the cost of its own functionality. However recall that sending any packet automatically constitutes augmentation allowing few Vampires to attack many honest nodes. Dual-cycle networks with mandatory sleep and awake periods are evenly susceptible to Vampires during active duty as long as the Vampire’s cycle switching is in sync with other nodes. Vampire attacks may be damaged by using groups of nodes with staggered cycles only active-duty nodes are vulnerable while the Vampire is active nodes are safe while the Vampire sleeps. Though this security is only successful when duty cycle groups outnumber Vampires given that it only takes one Vampire per group to carry out the attack

    Adaptive Threat Modeling for Secure Ad Hoc Routing Protocols

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    Secure routing protocols for mobile ad hoc networks provide the required functionality for proper network operation. If the underlying routing protocol cannot be trusted to follow the protocol operations, additional trust layers, such as authentication, cannot be obtained. Threat models drive analysis capabilities, affecting how we evaluate trust. Current attacker threat models limit the results obtained during protocol security analysis over ad hoc routing protocols. Developing a proper threat model to evaluate security properties in mobile ad hoc routing protocols presents a significant challenge. If the attacker strength is too weak, we miss vital security flaws. If the attacker strength is too strong, we cannot identify the minimum required attacker capabilities needed to break the routing protocol. In this paper we present an adaptive threat model to evaluate route discovery attacks against ad hoc routing protocols. Our approach enables us to evaluate trust in the ad hoc routing process and allows us to identify minimum requirements an attacker needs to break a given routing protocol

    Vampire Attacks: Draining Life From Wireless Adhoc Sensor Networks

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    Ad hoc less power wireless networks are one of the current topics in the field of security and pervasive computing. Most of the research work done before for improving the security of the networks in this area is mainly limited to the denial of message at the routing level or MAC levels. This project work investigates the attacks done with an aim of resource reduction at the routing protocol layer. These attacks can lead to the quick draining of the nodes battery power there by permanently disable the networks. These resource depletion attacks are called as “Vampire” attacks, which are not particular to any  protocol, instead they depends on the general features of the routing protocols classes. In some of the bad cases, a particular vampire can increases network-wide bandwidth usage in the order of O (N). Present techniques to overcome these attacks were discussed, including one new protocol has been demonstrated which has successfully reduced the affects of the vampires while forwarding the packet as per the simulation results in the testing environment modeled in this work. A public key algorithm named Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) algorithm is also used for more security provision