7 research outputs found

    Indifferentiability of SKINNY-HASH Internal Functions

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    We provide a formal proof for the indifferentiability of SKINNY-HASH internal function from a random oracle. SKINNY-HASH is a family of function-based sponge hash functions, and it was selected as one of the second round candidates of the NIST lightweight cryptography competition. Its internal function is constructed from the tweakable block cipher SKINNY. The construction of the internal function is very simple and the designers claim nn-bit security, where nn is the block length of SKINNY. However, a formal security proof of this claim is not given in the original specification of SKINNY-HASH. In this paper, we formally prove that the internal function of SKINNY-HASH has nn-bit security, i.e., it is indifferentiable from a random oracle up to O(2n)O(2^n) queries, substantiating the security claim of the designers

    Efficient IBE with Tight Reduction to Standard Assumption in the Multi-challenge Setting

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    In 2015, Hofheinz et al. [PKC, 2015] extended Chen and Wee\u27s almost-tight reduction technique for identity based encryptions (IBE) [CRYPTO, 2013] to the multi-instance, multi-ciphertext (MIMC, or multi-challenge) setting, where the adversary is allowed to obtain multiple challenge ciphertexts from multiple IBE instances, and gave the first almost-tightly secure IBE in this setting using composite-order bilinear groups. Several prime-order realizations were proposed lately. However there seems to be a dilemma of high system performance (involving ciphertext/key size and encryption/decryption cost) or weak/standard security assumptions. A natural question is: can we achieve high performance without relying on stronger/non-standard assumptions? In this paper, we answer the question in the affirmative by describing a prime-order IBE scheme with the same performance as the most efficient solutions so far but whose security still relies on the standard k-linear (k-Lin) assumption. Our technical start point is Blazy et al.\u27s almost-tightly secure IBE [CRYPTO, 2014]. We revisit their concrete IBE scheme and associate it with the framework of nested dual system group. This allows us to extend Blazy et al.\u27s almost-tightly secure IBE to the MIMC setting using Gong et al.\u27s method [PKC, 2016]. We emphasize that, when instantiating our construction by the Symmetric eXternal Diffie-Hellman assumption (SXDH = 1-Lin), we obtain the most efficient concrete IBE scheme with almost-tight reduction in the MIMC setting, whose performance is even comparable to the most efficient IBE in the classical model (i.e., the single-instance, single-ciphertext setting). Besides pursuing high performance, our IBE scheme also achieves a weaker form of anonymity pointed out by Attrapadung et al. [AsiaCrypt, 2015]

    Cryptographic Pseudorandom Generators Can Make Cryptosystems Problematic

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    Randomness is an essential resource for cryptography. For practical randomness generation, the security notion of pseudorandom generators (PRGs) intends to automatically preserve (computational) security of cryptosystems when used in implementation. Nevertheless, some opposite case such as in computational randomness extractors (Barak et al., CRYPTO 2011) is known (but not yet systematically studied so far) where the security can be lost even by applying secure PRGs. The present paper aims at pushing ahead the observation and understanding about such a phenomenon; we reveal such situations at layers of primitives and protocols as well, not just of building blocks like randomness extractors. We present three typical types of such cases: (1) adversaries can legally see the seed of the PRGs (including the case of randomness extractors); (2) the set of bad\u27\u27 randomness may be not efficiently recognizable; (3) the formulation of a desired property implicitly involves non-uniform distinguishers for PRGs. We point out that the semi-honest security of multiparty computation also belongs to Type 1, while the correctness with negligible decryption error probability for public key encryption belongs to Types 2 and 3. We construct examples for each type where a secure PRG (against uniform distinguishers only, for Type 3) does not preserve the security/correctness of the original scheme; and discuss some countermeasures to avoid such an issue

    Information-Theoretic 2-Round MPC without Round Collapsing: Adaptive Security, and More

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    We present simpler and improved constructions of 2-round protocols for secure multi-party computation (MPC) in the semi-honest setting. Our main results are new information-theoretically secure protocols for arithmetic NC1 in two settings: (i) the plain model tolerating up to t<n/2t < n/2 corruptions; and (ii) in the OLE-correlation model tolerating any number of corruptions. Our protocols achieve adaptive security and require only black-box access to the underlying field, whereas previous results only achieve static security and require non-black-box field access. Moreover, both results extend to polynomial-size circuits with computational and adaptive security, while relying on black-box access to a pseudorandom generator. In the OLE correlation model, the extended protocols for circuits tolerate up to n1n-1 corruptions. Along the way, we introduce a conceptually novel framework for 2-round MPC that does not rely on the round collapsing framework underlying all of the recent advances in 2-round MPC

    That’s not my signature! Fail-stop signatures for a post-quantum world

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    The Snowden\u27s revelations kick-started a community-wide effort to develop cryptographic tools against mass surveillance. In this work, we propose to add another primitive to that toolbox: Fail-Stop Signatures (FSS) [EC\u2789]. FSS are digital signatures enhanced with a forgery-detection mechanism that can protect a PPT signer from more powerful attackers. Despite the fascinating concept, research in this area stalled after the \u2790s. However, the ongoing transition to post-quantum cryptography, with its hiccups due to the novelty of underlying assumptions, has become the perfect use case for FSS. This paper aims to reboot research on FSS with practical use in mind: Our framework for FSS includes ``fine-grained\u27\u27 security definitions (that assume a powerful, but bounded adversary e.g: can break 128128-bit of security, but not 256256-bit). As an application, we show new FSS constructions for the post-quantum setting. We show that FSS are equivalent to standard, provably secure digital signatures that do not require rewinding or programming random oracles, and that this implies lattice-based FSS. Our main construction is an FSS version of SPHINCS, which required building FSS versions of all its building blocks: WOTS, XMSS, and FORS. In the process, we identify and provide generic solutions for two fundamental issues arising when deriving a large number of private keys from a single seed, and when building FSS for Hash-and-Sign-based signatures

    Provably Secure Authenticated Encryption

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    Authenticated Encryption (AE) is a symmetric key cryptographic primitive that ensures confidentiality and authenticity of processed messages at the same time. The research of AE as a primitive in its own right started in 2000. The security goals of AE were captured in formal definitions in the tradition in the tradition of provable security (such as NAE, MRAE, OAE, RAE or the RUP), where the security of a scheme is formally proven assuming the security of an underlying building block. The prevailing syntax moved to nonce-based AE with associated data (which is an additional input that gets authenticated, but not encrypted). Other types of AE schemes appeared as well, e.g. ones that supported stateful sessions. Numerous AE schemes were designed; in the early years, these were almost exclusively blockcipher modes of operation, most notably OCB in 2001, CCM in 2003 and GCM in 2004. At the same time, issues were discovered both with the security and applicability of the most popular AE schemes, and other applications of symmetric key cryptography. As a response, the Competition for Authenticated Encryption: Security, Applicability, and Robustness (CAESAR) was started in 2013. Its goals were to identify a portfolio of new, secure and reliable AE schemes that would satisfy the needs of practical applications, and also to boost the research in the area of AE. Prompted by CAESAR, 57 new schemes were designed, new types of constructions that gained popularity appeared (such as the Sponge-based AE schemes), and new notions of security were proposed (such as RAE). The final portfolio of the CAESAR competition should be announced in 2018. In this thesis, we push the state of the art in the field of AE in several directions. All of them are related to provable security, in one way, or another. We propose OMD, the first provably secure dedicated AE scheme that is based on a compression function. We further modify OMD to achieve nonce misuse-resistant security (MRAE). We also propose another provably secure variant of OMD called pure OMD, which enjoys a great improvement of performance over OMD. Inspired by the modifications that gave rise to pure OMD, we turn to the popular Sponge-based AE schemes and prove that similar measures can also be applied to the keyed Sponge and keyed Duplex (a variant of the Sponge), allowing a substantial increase of performance without an impact on security. We then address definitional aspects of AE. We critically evaluate the security notion of OAE, whose authors claimed that it provides the best possible security for online schemes under nonce reuse. We challenge these claims, and discuss what are the meaningful requirements for online AE schemes. Based on our findings, we formulate a new definition of online AE security under nonce-reuse, and demonstrate its feasibility. We next turn our attention to the security of nonce-based AE schemes under stretch misuse; i.e. when a scheme is used with varying ciphertext expansion under the same key, even though it should not be. We argue that varying the stretch is plausible, and formulate several notions that capture security in presence of variable stretch. We establish their relations to previous notions, and demonstrate the feasibility of security in this setting. We finally depart from provable security, with the intention to complement it. We compose a survey of universal forgeries, decryption attacks and key recovery attacks on 3rd round CAESAR candidates

    Tõhus peit- ja aktiivse ründaja vastu kaitstud turvaline ühisarvutus

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    Turvaline ühisarvutus on tänapäevase krüptograafia üks tähtsamaid kasutusviise, mis koondab elegantsed matemaatilised lahendused praktiliste rakenduste ehitamiseks, võimaldades mitmel erineval andmeomanikul sooritada oma andmetega suvalisi ühiseid arvutusi, ilma neid andmeid üksteisele avaldamata. Passiivse ründaja vastu turvalised protokollid eeldavad, et kõik osapooled käituvad ausalt. Aktiivse ründaja vastu turvalised protokollid ei lekita privaatseid andmeid sõltumata ründaja käitumisest. Käesolevas töös esitatakse üldine meetod, mis teisendab passiivse ründaja vastu turvalised ühisarvutusprotokollid turvaliseks aktiivse ründaja vastu. Meetod on optimeeritud kolme osapoolega arvutusteks üle algebraliste ringide; praktikas on see väga efektiivne mudel, mis teeb reaalse maailma rakendused teostatavateks. Meetod lisab esialgsele arvutusprotokollile täitmisjärgse verifitseerimisfaasi, mis muudab valesti käitunud osapooltel vahelejäämise vältimise tõenäosuse kaduvväikseks, säilitades esialgse protokolli turvagarantiid. Lisaks uurib käesolev töö rünnete uut eesmärki, mis seisneb mingi ausa osapoole vaate manipuleerimises sellisel viisil, et ta saaks midagi teada teise ausa osapoole privaatsete andmete kohta. Ründaja ise ei tarvitse seda infot üldse teada saada. Sellised ründed on olulised, sest need kohustavad ausat osapoolt tühjendama oma süsteemi teiste osapoolte andmetest, kuid see ülesanne võib olla päris mittetriviaalne. Eelnevalt pakutud verifitseerimismehhanisme täiendatakse nii, et privaatsed andmed oleksid kaitstud ka ausate osapoolte eest. Paljud ühisarvutusplatvormid on varustatud programmeerimiskeelega, mis võimaldab kirjutada privaatsust säilitavaid rakendusi ilma allolevale krüptograafiale mõtlemata. Juhul, kui programm sisaldab tingimuslauseid, kus arvutusharu valik sõltub privaatsetest andmetest, ei tohi ükski osapool haru valikust midagi teada, nii et üldjuhul peavad osapooled täitma kõik harud. Harude suure arvu kor-ral võib arvutuslik lisakulu olla ülisuur, sest enamik vahetulemustest visatakse ära. Käesolevas töös pakutakse selliseid lisakulusid vähendavat optimeerimist.Secure multiparty computation is one of the most important employments of modern cryptography, bringing together elegant mathematical solutions to build up useful practical applications. It allows several distinct data owners to perform arbitrary collaborative computation on their private data without leaking any information to each other. Passively secure protocols assume that all parties follow the protocol rules. Actively secure protocols do not leak private data regardless of the attacker’s behaviour. This thesis presents a generic method for turning passively secure multiparty protocols to actively secure ones. The method is optimized for three party computation over algebraic rings, which has proven to be quite an efficient model, making large real-world applications feasible. Our method adds to the protocol a post-execution verification phase that allows a misbehaving party to escape detection only with negligible probability. It preserves the privacy guarantees of the original protocol. In this thesis, we also study a new adversarial goal in multiparty protocols. The goal is to manipulate the view of some honest party in such a way, that this honest party learns the private data of some other honest party. The adversary itself might not learn this data at all. Such attacks are significant because they create a liability to the first honest party to clean its systems from the second honest party’s data, which may be a highly non-trivial task in practice. We check the security of our verification mechanism in this new model, and we propose some minor modifications that ensure data protection also from the honest parties. Many secure multiparty computation platforms come with a programming language that allows the developer to write privacy-preserving applications without thinking of the underlying cryptography. If a program contains conditional statements where the choice of the computational branch depends on private data, then no party should know which branch has been executed, so in general the parties need to execute all of them. If the number of branches is large, the computational overhead may be enormous, as most of the intermediate results are just discarded. In this thesis, we propose an automatic optimization that reduces this overhead