5 research outputs found

    A Novel Theoretical Probabilistic Model for Opportunistic Routing with Applications in Energy Consumption for WSNs

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    This paper proposes a new theoretical stochastic model based on an abstraction of the opportunistic model for opportunistic networks. The model is capable of systematically computing the network parameters, such as the number of possible routes, the probability of successful transmission, the expected number of broadcast transmissions, and the expected number of receptions. The usual theoretical stochastic model explored in the methodologies available in the literature is based on Markov chains, and the main novelty of this paper is the employment of a percolation stochastic model, whose main benefit is to obtain the network parameters directly. Additionally, the proposed approach is capable to deal with values of probability specified by bounded intervals or by a density function. The model is validated via Monte Carlo simulations, and a computational toolbox (R-packet) is provided to make the reproduction of the results presented in the paper easier. The technique is illustrated through a numerical example where the proposed model is applied to compute the energy consumption when transmitting a packet via an opportunistic network

    Protocol for Energy-Efficiency in Networked Control Systems Based on WSN

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    This paper proposes a new communication protocol for output-feedback control through multi-hop Wireless Sensor Network (WSN). The protocol is based on a Hop-by-Hop transport scheme and is especially devised to simultaneously fulfill two conflicting criteria: the network energy consumption and the stability/performance (in terms of H∞ norm) of the closed-loop system. The proposed protocol can be implemented by means of three heuristics, basically using distinct rules to control the maximum number of retransmissions allowed in terms of the voltage level of the batteries of the network nodes. As another contribution, a Markov jump based representation is proposed to model the packet loss in the communication channel, giving rise to a systematic procedure to determine the transition probability matrix and the Markov chain operation modes of a network with multiple information sources. The synthesis of the output-feedback controller is made in two steps (observer filter plus a state-feedback controller) for the Markov model assuming partial availability of the operation modes. The efficiency and applicability of the communication protocol is illustrated by means of a numerical experiment, based on a physical model of a coupled tanks plant. The features of each heuristic of implementation of the proposed protocol are presented in the numerical comparisons

    Protocol for energy-efficiency in networked control systems based on WSN

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    This paper proposes a new communication protocol for output-feedback control through multi-hop Wireless Sensor Network (WSN). The protocol is based on a Hop-by-Hop transport scheme and is especially devised to simultaneously fulfill two conflicting criteria: the network energy consumption and the stability/performance (in terms of H∞ norm) of the closed-loop system. The proposed protocol can be implemented by means of three heuristics, basically using distinct rules to control the maximum number of retransmissions allowed in terms of the voltage level of the batteries of the network nodes. As another contribution, a Markov jump based representation is proposed to model the packet loss in the communication channel, giving rise to a systematic procedure to determine the transition probability matrix and the Markov chain operation modes of a network with multiple information sources. The synthesis of the output-feedback controller is made in two steps (observer filter plus a state-feedback controller) for the Markov model assuming partial availability of the operation modes. The efficiency and applicability of the communication protocol is illustrated by means of a numerical experiment, based on a physical model of a coupled tanks plant. The features of each heuristic of implementation of the proposed protocol are presented in the numerical comparisons8CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQCOORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPESFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESP408782/2017-0não tem2014/22881-1; 2017/18785-5This research was funded by University of the Bío-Bío, Chile grant number DIUBB GI 160210/EF, and Brazilian agencies CNPq grant number 408782/2017-0, CAPES and FAPESP grant numbers 2014/22881-1 and 2017/18785-5