12 research outputs found

    Protection and Resource Control in Distributed Operating Systems

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    Local networks often consist of a cable snaking through a building with sockets in each room into which users can plug their personal computers. Using such a network for building a coherent distributed or network operating system is difficult because the system administrators have no control over the user's machine ¿ not the applications programs, not the system kernel, not even the choice of hardware. In this paper we discuss a general method to protect such systems against malicious users without placing any restrictions on the kinds of operating systems that can be constructed. Depending on the details of the hardware, either one-way functions or public key cryptography forms the basis for the protection. As an example of our method, we show how a traditional object-oriented capability system can be implemented on top of the basic protection mechanism, and how a service for accounting and resource control can be constructed

    Distributed operating systems

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    In the past five years, distributed operating systems research has gone through a consolidation phase. On a large number of design issues there is now considerable consensus between different research groups.\ud \ud In this paper, an overview of recent research in distributed systems is given. In turn, the paper discusses overall system structure, protection issues, file system designs, problems and solutions for fault tolerance and a mechanism that is rapidly becoming very important for efficient distributed systems design: hints.\ud \ud An attempt was made to provide sufficient references to interesting research projects for the reader to find material for more detailed study

    Process Management in Distributed Operating Systems

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    As part of designing and building the Amoeba distributed operating system, we have come up with a simple set of mechanisms for process management that allows downloading process migration, checkpointing, remote debugging and emulation of alien operating system interfaces.\ud The basic process management facilities are realized by the Amoeba Kernel and can be augmented by user-space services: Debug Service, Load-Balancing Service, Unix-Emulation Service, Checkpoint Service, etc.\ud The Amoeba Kernel can produce a representation of the state of a process which can be given to another Kernel where it is accepted for continued execution. This state consists of the memory contents in the form of a collection of segments, and a Process Descriptor which contains the additional state, program counters, stack pointers, system call state, etc.\ud Careful separation of mechanism and policy has resulted in a compact set of Kernel operations for process creation and management. A collection of user-space services provides process management policies and a simple interface for application programs.\ud In this paper we shall describe the mechanisms as they are being implemented in the Amoeba Distributed System at the Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science in Amsterdam. We believe that the mechanisms described here can also apply to other distributed systems

    Using Sparse Capabilities in a Distributed Operating System

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    this paper we discuss a system, Amoeba, that uses capabilities for naming and protecting objects. In contrast to traditional, centralized operating systems, in which capabilities are managed by the operating system kernel, in Amoeba all the capabilities are managed directly by user code. To prevent tampering, the capabilities are protected cryptographically. The paper describes a variety of the issues involved, and gives four different ways of dealing with the access rights

    Performance of the Amoeba Distributed Operating System

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    Amoeba is a capability‐based distributed operating system designed for high‐performance interactions between clients and servers using the well‐known RPC model. The paper starts out by describing the architecture of the Amoeba system, which is typified by specialized components such as workstations, several services, a processor pool, and gateways that connect other Amoeba systems transparently over wide‐area networks. Next the RPC interface is described. The paper presents performance measurements of the Amoeba RPC on unloaded and loaded systems. The time to perform the simplest RPC between two user processes has been measured to be 1‐4 ms. Compared to SUN 3/50's RPC, Amoeba has one ninth of the delay, and over three times the throughput. Finally we describe the Amoeba file server. The Amoeba file server is so fast that it is limited by the communication bandwidth. To the best of our knowledge this is the fastest file server yet reported in the literature for this class of hardware. Copyright © 1989 John Wiley & Sons, Lt

    Reliability Issues in Distributed Operating Systems

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    Distributed systems span a wide spectrum in the design space. In this paper we will look at the various kinds and discuss some of the reliability issues involved. In the first half of the paper we will concentrate on the causes of unreliability, illustrating these with some general solutions and examples. Among the issues treated are interprocess communication, machine crashes, server redundancy, and data integrity. In the second half of the paper, we will examine one distributed operating system, Amoeba, to see how reliability issues have been handled in at least one real system, and how the pieces fit together. 1. INTRODUCTION It is difficult to get two computer scientists to agree on what a distributed system is. Rather than attempt to formulate a watertight definition, which is probably impossible anyway, we will divide these systems into three broad categories: - Closely coupled systems - Loosely coupled systems - Barely coupled systems The key issue that distinguishes these syst..

    Survey on Security on Cloud Computing by Trusted Computer Strategy

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    ABSTRACT: This paper reviews methods developed for anonymizing data from 2009 to 2010. Publishing microdata such as census or patient data for extensive research and other purposes is an important problem area being focused by government agencies and other social associations. The traditional approach identified through literature survey reveals that the approach of eliminating uniquely identifying fields such as social security number from microdata, still results in disclosure of sensitive data, k-anonymization optimization algorithm ,seems to be promising and powerful in certain cases ,still carrying the restrictions that optimized k-anonymity are NP-hard, thereby leading to severe computational challenges. k-anonimity faces the problem of homogeneity attack and background knowledge attack . The notion of ldiversity proposed in the literature to address this issue also poses a number of constraints , as it proved to be inefficient to prevent attribute disclosure (skewness attack and similarity attack), l-diversity is difficult to achieve and may not provide sufficient privacy protection against sensitive attribute across equivalence class can substantially improve the privacy as against information disclosure limitation techniques such as sampling cell suppression rounding and data swapping and pertubertation. This paper aims to discuss efficient anonymization approach that requires partitioning of microdata equivalence classes and by minimizing closeness by kernel smoothing and determining ether move distances by controlling the distribution pattern of sensitive attribute in a microdata and also maintaining diversity

    Distributed Operating Systems

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    Distributed operating systems have many aspects in common with centralized ones, but they also differ in certain ways. This paper is intended as an introduction to distributed operating systems, and especially to current university research about them. After a discussion of what constitutes a distributed operating system and how it is distinguished from a computer network, various key design issues are discussed. Then several examples of current research projects are examined in some detail, namely, the Cambridge Distributed Computing System, Amoeba, V, and Eden. © 1985, ACM. All rights reserved