4 research outputs found

    Guarding curvilinear art galleries with edge or mobile guards via 2-dominance of triangulation graphs

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    AbstractIn this paper we consider the problem of monitoring an art gallery modeled as a polygon, the edges of which are arcs of curves, with edge or mobile guards. Our focus is on piecewise-convex polygons, i.e., polygons that are locally convex, except possibly at the vertices, and their edges are convex arcs.We transform the problem of monitoring a piecewise-convex polygon to the problem of 2-dominating a properly defined triangulation graph with edges or diagonals, where 2-dominance requires that every triangle in the triangulation graph has at least two of its vertices in its 2-dominating set. We show that: (1) ⌊n+13⌋ diagonal guards are always sufficient and sometimes necessary, and (2) ⌊2n+15⌋ edge guards are always sufficient and sometimes necessary, in order to 2-dominate a triangulation graph. Furthermore, we show how to compute: (1) a diagonal 2-dominating set of size ⌊n+13⌋ in linear time and space, (2) an edge 2-dominating set of size ⌊2n+15⌋ in O(n2) time and O(n) space, and (3) an edge 2-dominating set of size ⌊3n7⌋ in O(n) time and space.Based on the above-mentioned results, we prove that, for piecewise-convex polygons, we can compute: (1) a mobile guard set of size ⌊n+13⌋ in O(nlogn) time, (2) an edge guard set of size ⌊2n+15⌋ in O(n2) time, and (3) an edge guard set of size ⌊3n7⌋ in O(nlogn) time. All space requirements are linear. Finally, we show that ⌊n3⌋ mobile or ⌈n3⌉ edge guards are sometimes necessary.When restricting our attention to monotone piecewise-convex polygons, the bounds mentioned above drop: ⌈n+14⌉ edge or mobile guards are always sufficient and sometimes necessary; such an edge or mobile guard set, of size at most ⌈n+14⌉, can be computed in O(n) time and space

    On the perfect matching of disjoint compact sets by noncrossing line segments in Rn

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    AbstractLet V be a family of even disjoint line segments in Rn of f-equal width for a direction f∈(Rn)∗(n⩾2), or even disjoint curve segments in Rn of fn-equal width, where fn is the normal direction for bases (n⩾2), or even disjoint twisted triangular prisms in R3 of f3-equal width. We prove that V has a perfect matching by open disjoint line segments in the complementary domain of the union of all the elements of V