3 research outputs found

    Collaboration-based management of petroleum pipeline rights of way in Nigeria

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    PhD ThesisThis thesis starts with a conceptual exploration of the challenges in the management of Petroleum Pipeline Rights of Way (ROW), within the context of public infrastructure management. Upon this basis, a holistic understanding has been developed of the concept. This understanding argues the need for Collaboration-Based Management of ROW for Petroleum Pipelines, in particular, involving the communities traversed by the pipelines as stakeholders, in order to enhance long term social, economic and environmental sustainability through their interaction with the other stakeholders: the government and multi-national oil companies. Building upon the theoretical arguments developed, this research has proposed a geographic information system framework for demarcating ROW that is capable of continuous updating in line with new knowledge. By applying this framework, the ROW in the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, is demarcated; and further analysis is applied that shows widespread encroachment on the ROW by other land uses. A total of 588 structured interview questionnaires were completed, five focus group discussions held and 14 key informant interviews conducted across four case study areas. Analysis of the data revealed that the pipeline project has not improved the economic situation of the people in the communities it traverses. The empirical evidence from the case studies also suggests that vandalism thrives in the pipeline communities, because those geographically closest to the pipeline have no role in its management and the national and multi-national oil companies that have lawful authorisation over the pipelines and the associated ROW do not have the capacity to maintain real-time surveillance. Hence, there is a need for a new approach, based on a collaboration-based framework. This framework will engender the adoption of local knowledge and experience regarding the environment for the greater collective interest of the oil and gas industry, the citizenry and, by extension, the Nigerian national economy