30 research outputs found

    White-Box Implementation of the Identity-Based Signature Scheme in the IEEE P1363 Standard for Public Key Cryptography

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    Unlike black-box cryptography, an adversary in a white-box security model has full access to the implementation of the cryptographic algorithm. Thus, white-box implementation of cryptographic algorithms is more practical. Nevertheless, in recent years, there is no white-box implementation for public key cryptography. In this paper, we propose the first white-box implementation of the identity-based signature scheme in the IEEE P1363 standard. Our main idea is to hide the private key to multiple lookup tables, so that the private key cannot be leaked during the algorithm executed in the untrusted environment. We prove its security in both black-box and white-box models. We also evaluate the performance of our white-box implementations, in order to demonstrate utility for real-world applications

    Hybrid WBC: Secure and Efficient White-Box Encryption Schemes

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    White-box cryptography aims at providing security against an adversary that has access to the encryption process. Numerous white-box encryption schemes were proposed since the introduction of white-box cryptography by Chow et al. in 2002. However, most of them are slow, and thus, can be used in practice only to protect very small amounts of information, such as encryption keys. In this paper we present a new threat model for white-box cryptography which corresponds to the practical abilities of the adversary in a wide range of applications. Furthermore, we study design criteria for white-box primitives that are important from the industry point of view. Finally, we propose a class of new primitives that combine a white-box algorithm with a standard block cipher to obtain white-box protection for encrypting long messages, with high security and reasonable performance

    White-Box Block Cipher Implementation Based on LS-Design

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    Protecting secret keys from malicious observers in untrusted environments is a critical security issue. White-box cryptography suggests software protection by hiding the key in the white-box setting. One method for hiding the key in the cipher code is through encoding methods. Unfortunately, encoding methods may be vulnerable to algebraic attacks and side-channel analysis. Another technique to hide the key is (M,Z)-space hardness approach that conceals the key into a large lookup table generated with a reliable small block cipher. In (M,Z)-space-hard algorithms, the key extraction problem in the white-box setting turns into a key recovery problem in the black-box setting. One of the problems for (M,Z)-space-hard algorithms is improving run-time performance. In this study, we aim to improve the run-time performance of the existing white-box implementations. We propose an LS-design based white-box algorithm with better run-rime performance than space-hard SPNbox algorithm. Moreover, an LS-design based table creation method is designed. When we compare the run-time performance of our method with the SPNbox algorithm, we obtain 28% improvement for white-box implementation and 27% for black-box implementation for 128-bit block size. The LS-design based method is also used for 256-bit block size in the white-box setting

    On the Linear Transformation in White-box Cryptography

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    Linear transformations are applied to the white-box cryptographic implementation for the diffusion effect to prevent key-dependent intermediate values from being analyzed. However, it has been shown that there still exists a correlation before and after the linear transformation, and thus this is not enough to protect the key against statistical analysis. So far, the Hamming weight of rows in the invertible matrix has been considered the main cause of the key leakage from the linear transformation. In this study, we present an in-depth analysis of the distribution of intermediate values and the characteristics of block invertible binary matrices. Our mathematical analysis and experimental results show that the balanced distribution of the key-dependent intermediate value is the main cause of the key leakage

    Measuring Performances of a White-Box Approach in the IoT Context

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    The internet of things (IoT) refers to all the smart objects that are connected to other objects, devices or servers and that are able to collect and share data, in order to "learn" and improve their functionalities. Smart objects suffer from lack of memory and computational power, since they are usually lightweight. Moreover, their security is weakened by the fact that smart objects can be placed in unprotected environments, where adversaries are able to play with the symmetric-key algorithm used and the device on which the cryptographic operations are executed. In this paper, we focus on a family of white-box symmetric ciphers substitution-permutation network (SPN)box, extending and improving our previous paper on the topic presented at WIDECOM2019. We highlight the importance of white-box cryptography in the IoT context, but also the need to have a fast black-box implementation (server-side) of the cipher. We show that, modifying an internal layer of SPNbox, we are able to increase the key length and to improve the performance of the implementation. We measure these improvements (a) on 32/64-bit architectures and (b) in the IoT context by encrypting/decrypting 10,000 payloads of lightweight messaging protocol Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT)

    A Secure Implementation of a Symmetric Encryption Algorithm in White-Box Attack Contexts

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    In a white-box context, an adversary has total visibility of the implementation of the cryptosystem and full control over its execution platform. As a countermeasure against the threat of key compromise in this context, a new secure implementation of the symmetric encryption algorithm SHARK is proposed. The general approach is to merge several steps of the round function of SHARK into table lookups, blended by randomly generated mixing bijections. We prove the soundness of the implementation of the algorithm and analyze its security and efficiency. The implementation can be used in web hosts, digital right management devices, and mobile devices such as tablets and smart phones. We explain how the design approach can be adapted to other symmetric encryption algorithms with a slight modification

    Revisiting the BGE Attack on a White-Box AES Implementation

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    White-box cryptography aims to protect the secret key of a cipher in an environment in which an adversary has full access to the implementation of the cipher and its execution environment. In 2002, Chow, Eisen, Johnson and van Oorschot proposed a white-box implementation of AES. In 2004, Billet, Gilbert and Ech-Chatbi presented an efficient attack (referred to as the BGE attack) on this implementation, extracting its embedded AES key with a work factor of 2302^{30}. In 2012, Tolhuizen presented an improvement of the most time-consuming phase of the BGE attack. This paper presents several improvements to the other phases of the BGE attack. The paper shows that the overall work factor of the BGE attack is reduced to 2222^{22} when all improvements are implemented. In 2010, Karroumi presented a white-box AES implementation that is designed to withstand the BGE attack. This paper shows that the implementations of Karroumi and Chow \emph{et al.} are the same. As a result, Karroumi\u27s white-box AES implementation is vulnerable to the attack it was designed to resist

    Toward an Asymmetric White-Box Proposal

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    This article presents a proposal for an asymmetric white-box scheme. While symmetric white-box is a well studied topic (in particular for AES white-box) with a rich literature, there is almost no public article on the topic of asymmetric white-box. However, asymmetric white-box designs are used in practice by the industry and are a real challenge. Proprietary implementations can be found in the wild but are usually heavily obfuscated and their design is not public, which makes their study impractical. The lack of public research on that topic makes it hard to assess the security of those implementations and can cause serious security issues. Our main contribution is to bring a public proposal for an asymmetric white-box scheme. Our proposal is a lattice-based cryptographic scheme that combines classical white-box techniques and arithmetic techniques to offer resilience to the white-box context. In addition, thanks to some homomorphic properties of our scheme, we use homomorphic encoding techniques to increase the security of our proposal in a white-box setting. The resulting scheme successfully performs a decryption function without exposing its secret key while its weight remains under 20 MB. While some of our techniques are designed around specific characteristics of our proposal, some of them may be adapted to other asymmetric cryptosystems. Moreover, those techniques can be used and improved in a less restrictive model than the white-box one: the grey-box model. This proposal aims to raise awareness from the research community on the study of asymmetric white-box cryptography

    Another Nail in the Coffin of White-Box AES Implementations

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    The goal of white-box cryptography is to design implementations of common cryptographic algorithm (e.g. AES) that remain secure against an attacker with full control of the implementation and execution environment. This concept was put forward a decade ago by Chow et al. (SAC 2002) who proposed the first white-box implementation of AES. Since then, several works have been dedicated to the design of new implementations and/or the breaking of existing ones. In this paper, we describe a new attack against the original implementation of Chow et al. (SAC 2002), which efficiently recovers the AES secret key as well as the private external encodings in complexity 2222^{22}. Compared to the previous attack due to Billet et al. (SAC 2004) of complexity 2302^{30}, our attack is not only more efficient but also simpler to implement. Then, we show that the \emph{last} candidate white-box AES implementation due to Karroumi (ICISC 2010) can be broken by a direct application of either Billet et al. attack or ours. Specifically, we show that for any given secret key, the overall implementation has the \emph{exact same} distribution as the implementation of Chow et al. making them both vulnerable to the same attacks. By improving the state of the art of white-box cryptanalysis and putting forward new attack techniques, we believe our work brings new insights on the failure of existing white-box implementations, which could be useful for the design of future solutions

    White-Box Cryptography in the Gray Box - A Hardware Implementation and its Side Channels

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    Implementations of white-box cryptography aim to protect a secret key in a white-box environment in which an adversary has full control over the execution process and the entire environment. Its fundamental principle is the map of the cryptographic architecture, including the secret key, to a number of encoded tables that shall resist the inspection and decomposition of an attacker. In a gray-box scenario, however, the property of hiding required implementation details from the attacker could be used as a promising mitigation strategy against side-channel attacks (SCA). In this work, we present a first white-box implementation of AES on reconfigurable hardware for which we evaluate this approach assuming a gray-box attacker. We show that - unfortunately - such an implementation does not provide sufficient protection against an SCA attacker. We continue our evaluations by a thorough analysis of the source of the observed leakage, and present additional results which can be used to build stronger white-box designs