17 research outputs found

    Prosody-Driven Head-Gesture Animation

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    Articulatory features for speech-driven head motion synthesis

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    This study investigates the use of articulatory features for speech-driven head motion synthesis as opposed to prosody features such as F0 and energy that have been mainly used in the literature. In the proposed approach, multi-stream HMMs are trained jointly on the synchronous streams of speech and head motion data. Articulatory features can be regarded as an intermediate parametrisation of speech that are expected to have a close link with head movement. Measured head and articulatory movements acquired by EMA were synchronously recorded with speech. Measured articulatory data was compared to those predicted from speech using an HMM-based inversion mapping system trained in a semi-supervised fashion. Canonical correlation analysis (CCA) on a data set of free speech of 12 people shows that the articulatory features are more correlated with head rotation than prosodic and/or cepstral speech features. It is also shown that the synthesised head motion using articulatory features gave higher correlations with the original head motion than when only prosodic features are used. Index Terms: head motion synthesis, articulatory features, canonical correlation analysis, acoustic-to-articulatory mappin

    Prosody-Based Adaptive Metaphoric Head and Arm Gestures Synthesis in Human Robot Interaction

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    International audienceIn human-human interaction, the process of communication can be established through three modalities: verbal, non-verbal (i.e., gestures), and/or para-verbal (i.e., prosody). The linguistic literature shows that the para-verbal and non-verbal cues are naturally aligned and synchronized, however the natural mechanism of this synchronization is still unexplored. The difficulty encountered during the coordination between prosody and metaphoric head-arm gestures concerns the conveyed meaning , the way of performing gestures with respect to prosodic characteristics, their relative temporal arrangement, and their coordinated organization in the phrasal structure of utterance. In this research, we focus on the mechanism of mapping between head-arm gestures and speech prosodic characteristics in order to generate an adaptive robot behavior to the interacting human's emotional state. Prosody patterns and the motion curves of head-arm gestures are aligned separately into parallel Hidden Markov Models (HMM). The mapping between speech and head-arm gestures is based on the Coupled Hidden Markov Models (CHMM), which could be seen as a multi-stream collection of HMM, characterizing the segmented prosody and head-arm gestures' data. An emotional state based audio-video database has been created for the validation of this study. The obtained results show the effectiveness of the proposed methodology

    Speech driven talking head from estimated articulatory features

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    In this paper, we present a talking head in which the lips and head motion are controlled using articulatory movements estimated from speech. A phone-size HMM-based inversion mapping is employed and trained in a semi-supervised fashion. The advantage of the use of articulatory features is that they can drive the lips motions and they have a close link with head movements. Speech inversion normally requires the training data recorded with electromagnetic articulograph (EMA), which restricts the naturalness of head movements. The present study considers a more realistic recording condition where the training data for the target speaker are recorded with a usual motion capture system rather than EMA. Different temporal clustering techniques are investigated for HMMbased mapping as well as a GMM-based frame-wise mapping as a baseline system. Objective and subjective experiments show that the synthesised motions are more natural using an HMM system than a GMM one, and estimated EMA features outperform prosodic features. Index Terms — inversion mapping, clustering, head motion synthesis 1

    Head Motion Analysis and Synthesis over Different Tasks

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    Abstract. It is known that subjects vary in their head movements. This paper presents an analysis of this variety over different tasks and speakers and their impact on head motion synthesis. Measured head and articulatory movements acquired by an ElectroMagnetic Articulograph (EMA) synchronously recorded with audio was used. Data set of speech of 12 people recorded on different tasks confirms that the head motion variate over tasks and speakers. Experimental results confirmed that the proposed models were capable of learning and synthesising task-dependent head motions from speech. Subjective evaluation of synthesised head motion using task models shows that trained models on the matched task is better than mismatched one and free speech data provide models that predict preferred motion by the participants compared to read speech data

    Hidden Markov Model Analysis of Maternal Behavior Patterns in Inbred and Reciprocal Hybrid Mice

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    Individual variation in maternal care in mammals shows a significant heritable component, with the maternal behavior of daughters resembling that of their mothers. In laboratory mice, genetically distinct inbred strains show stable differences in maternal care during the first postnatal week. Moreover, cross fostering and reciprocal breeding studies demonstrate that differences in maternal care between inbred strains persist in the absence of genetic differences, demonstrating a non-genetic or epigenetic contribution to maternal behavior. In this study we applied a mathematical tool, called hidden Markov model (HMM), to analyze the behavior of female mice in the presence of their young. The frequency of several maternal behaviors in mice has been previously described, including nursing/grooming pups and tending to the nest. However, the ordering, clustering, and transitions between these behaviors have not been systematically described and thus a global description of maternal behavior is lacking. Here we used HMM to describe maternal behavior patterns in two genetically distinct mouse strains, C57BL/6 and BALB/c, and their genetically identical reciprocal hybrid female offspring. HMM analysis is a powerful tool to identify patterns of events that cluster in time and to determine transitions between these clusters, or hidden states. For the HMM analysis we defined seven states: arched-backed nursing, blanket nursing, licking/grooming pups, grooming, activity, eating, and sleeping. By quantifying the frequency, duration, composition, and transition probabilities of these states we were able to describe the pattern of maternal behavior in mouse and identify aspects of these patterns that are under genetic and nongenetic inheritance. Differences in these patterns observed in the experimental groups (inbred and hybrid females) were detected only after the application of HMM analysis whereas classical statistical methods and analyses were not able to highlight them

    Automating the production of communicative gestures in embodied characters

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    In this paper we highlight the different challenges in modeling communicative gestures for Embodied Conversational Agents (ECAs). We describe models whose aim is to capture and understand the specific characteristics of communicative gestures in order to envision how an automatic communicative gesture production mechanism could be built. The work is inspired by research on how human gesture characteristics (e.g., shape of the hand, movement, orientation and timing with respect to the speech) convey meaning. We present approaches to computing where to place a gesture, which shape the gesture takes and how gesture shapes evolve through time. We focus on a particular model based on theoretical frameworks on metaphors and embodied cognition that argue that people can represent, reason about and convey abstract concepts using physical representations and processes, which can be conveyed through physical gestures