536 research outputs found

    INCEPTNET: Precise And Early Disease Detection Application For Medical Images Analyses

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    In view of the recent paradigm shift in deep AI based image processing methods, medical image processing has advanced considerably. In this study, we propose a novel deep neural network (DNN), entitled InceptNet, in the scope of medical image processing, for early disease detection and segmentation of medical images in order to enhance precision and performance. We also investigate the interaction of users with the InceptNet application to present a comprehensive application including the background processes, and foreground interactions with users. Fast InceptNet is shaped by the prominent Unet architecture, and it seizes the power of an Inception module to be fast and cost effective while aiming to approximate an optimal local sparse structure. Adding Inception modules with various parallel kernel sizes can improve the network's ability to capture the variations in the scaled regions of interest. To experiment, the model is tested on four benchmark datasets, including retina blood vessel segmentation, lung nodule segmentation, skin lesion segmentation, and breast cancer cell detection. The improvement was more significant on images with small scale structures. The proposed method improved the accuracy from 0.9531, 0.8900, 0.9872, and 0.9881 to 0.9555, 0.9510, 0.9945, and 0.9945 on the mentioned datasets, respectively, which show outperforming of the proposed method over the previous works. Furthermore, by exploring the procedure from start to end, individuals who have utilized a trial edition of InceptNet, in the form of a complete application, are presented with thirteen multiple choice questions in order to assess the proposed method. The outcomes are evaluated through the means of Human Computer Interaction

    The Effectiveness of Transfer Learning Systems on Medical Images

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    Deep neural networks have revolutionized the performances of many machine learning tasks such as medical image classification and segmentation. Current deep learning (DL) algorithms, specifically convolutional neural networks are increasingly becoming the methodological choice for most medical image analysis. However, training these deep neural networks requires high computational resources and very large amounts of labeled data which is often expensive and laborious. Meanwhile, recent studies have shown the transfer learning (TL) paradigm as an attractive choice in providing promising solutions to challenges of shortage in the availability of labeled medical images. Accordingly, TL enables us to leverage the knowledge learned from related data to solve a new problem. The objective of this dissertation is to examine the effectiveness of TL systems on medical images. First, a comprehensive systematic literature review was performed to provide an up-to-date status of TL systems on medical images. Specifically, we proposed a novel conceptual framework to organize the review. Second, a novel DL network was pretrained on natural images and utilized to evaluate the effectiveness of TL on a very large medical image dataset, specifically Chest X-rays images. Lastly, domain adaptation using an autoencoder was evaluated on the medical image dataset and the results confirmed the effectiveness of TL through fine-tuning strategies. We make several contributions to TL systems on medical image analysis: Firstly, we present a novel survey of TL on medical images and propose a new conceptual framework to organize the findings. Secondly, we propose a novel DL architecture to improve learned representations of medical images while mitigating the problem of vanishing gradients. Additionally, we identified the optimal cut-off layer (OCL) that provided the best model performance. We found that the higher layers in the proposed deep model give a better feature representation of our medical image task. Finally, we analyzed the effect of domain adaptation by fine-tuning an autoencoder on our medical images and provide theoretical contributions on the application of the transductive TL approach. The contributions herein reveal several research gaps to motivate future research and contribute to the body of literature in this active research area of TL systems on medical image analysis

    The State of Applying Artificial Intelligence to Tissue Imaging for Cancer Research and Early Detection

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    Artificial intelligence represents a new frontier in human medicine that could save more lives and reduce the costs, thereby increasing accessibility. As a consequence, the rate of advancement of AI in cancer medical imaging and more particularly tissue pathology has exploded, opening it to ethical and technical questions that could impede its adoption into existing systems. In order to chart the path of AI in its application to cancer tissue imaging, we review current work and identify how it can improve cancer pathology diagnostics and research. In this review, we identify 5 core tasks that models are developed for, including regression, classification, segmentation, generation, and compression tasks. We address the benefits and challenges that such methods face, and how they can be adapted for use in cancer prevention and treatment. The studies looked at in this paper represent the beginning of this field and future experiments will build on the foundations that we highlight

    Deep Functional Mapping For Predicting Cancer Outcome

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    The effective understanding of the biological behavior and prognosis of cancer subtypes is becoming very important in-patient administration. Cancer is a diverse disorder in which a significant medical progression and diagnosis for each subtype can be observed and characterized. Computer-aided diagnosis for early detection and diagnosis of many kinds of diseases has evolved in the last decade. In this research, we address challenges associated with multi-organ disease diagnosis and recommend numerous models for enhanced analysis. We concentrate on evaluating the Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Computed Tomography (CT), and Positron Emission Tomography (PET) for brain, lung, and breast scans to detect, segment, and classify types of cancer from biomedical images. Moreover, histopathological, and genomic classification of cancer prognosis has been considered for multi-organ disease diagnosis and biomarker recommendation. We considered multi-modal, multi-class classification during this study. We are proposing implementing deep learning techniques based on Convolutional Neural Network and Generative Adversarial Network. In our proposed research we plan to demonstrate ways to increase the performance of the disease diagnosis by focusing on a combined diagnosis of histology, image processing, and genomics. It has been observed that the combination of medical imaging and gene expression can effectively handle the cancer detection situation with a higher diagnostic rate rather than considering the individual disease diagnosis. This research puts forward a blockchain-based system that facilitates interpretations and enhancements pertaining to automated biomedical systems. In this scheme, a secured sharing of the biomedical images and gene expression has been established. To maintain the secured sharing of the biomedical contents in a distributed system or among the hospitals, a blockchain-based algorithm is considered that generates a secure sequence to identity a hash key. This adaptive feature enables the algorithm to use multiple data types and combines various biomedical images and text records. All data related to patients, including identity, pathological records are encrypted using private key cryptography based on blockchain architecture to maintain data privacy and secure sharing of the biomedical contents

    Task adapted reconstruction for inverse problems

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    The paper considers the problem of performing a task defined on a model parameter that is only observed indirectly through noisy data in an ill-posed inverse problem. A key aspect is to formalize the steps of reconstruction and task as appropriate estimators (non-randomized decision rules) in statistical estimation problems. The implementation makes use of (deep) neural networks to provide a differentiable parametrization of the family of estimators for both steps. These networks are combined and jointly trained against suitable supervised training data in order to minimize a joint differentiable loss function, resulting in an end-to-end task adapted reconstruction method. The suggested framework is generic, yet adaptable, with a plug-and-play structure for adjusting both the inverse problem and the task at hand. More precisely, the data model (forward operator and statistical model of the noise) associated with the inverse problem is exchangeable, e.g., by using neural network architecture given by a learned iterative method. Furthermore, any task that is encodable as a trainable neural network can be used. The approach is demonstrated on joint tomographic image reconstruction, classification and joint tomographic image reconstruction segmentation

    An Annotation Tool for a Digital Library System of Epidermal Data

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    Melanoma is one of the deadliest form of skin cancers so it becomes crucial the developing of automated systems that analyze and investigate epidermal images to early identify them also reducing unnecessary medical exams. A key element is the availability of user-friendly annotation tools that can be used by non-IT experts to produce well-annotated and high-quality medical data. In this work, we present an annotation tool to manually crate and annotate digital epidermal images, with the aim to extract meta-data (annotations, contour patterns and intersections, color information) stored and organized in an integrated digital library. This tool is obtained following rigid usability principles also based on doctors interviews and opinions. A preliminary but functional evaluation phase has been conducted with non-medical subjects by using questionnaires, in order to check the general usability and the efficacy of the proposed tool
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