4,438 research outputs found

    Design & Evaluation of Path-based Reputation System for MANET Routing

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    Most of the existing reputation systems in mobile ad hoc networks (MANET) consider only node reputations when selecting routes. Reputation and trust are therefore generally ensured within a one-hop distance when routing decisions are made, which often fail to provide the most reliable, trusted route. In this report, we first summarize the background studies on the security of MANET. Then, we propose a system that is based on path reputation, which is computed from reputation and trust values of each and every node in the route. The use of path reputation greatly enhances the reliability of resulting routes. The detailed system architecture and components design of the proposed mechanism are carefully described on top of the AODV (Ad-hoc On-demand Distance Vector) routing protocol. We also evaluate the performance of the proposed system by simulating it on top of AODV. Simulation experiments show that the proposed scheme greatly improves network throughput in the midst of misbehavior nodes while requires very limited message overhead. To our knowledge, this is the first path-based reputation system proposal that may be implemented on top of a non-source based routing scheme such as AODV

    An enhanced Multipath Strategy in Mobile Ad hoc Routing Protocols

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    The various routing protocols in Mobile Ad hoc Networks follow different strategies to send the information from one node to another. The nodes in the network are non static and they move randomly and are prone to link failure which makes always to find new routes to the destination. This research mainly focused on the study of the characteristics of multipath routing protocols in MANETS. Two of the multipath routing protocols were investigated and a comparative study along with simulation using NS2 was done between DSR and AODV to propose an enhanced approach to reach the destination maintaining the QoS. A possible optimization to the DSR and AODV routing protocols was proposed to make no node to be overburdened by distributing the load after finding the alternate multipath routes which were discovered in the Route discovery process. The simulation shows that the differences in the protocol highlighted major differences with the protocol performance. These differences have been analyzed with various network size, mobility, and network load. A new search table named Search of Next Node Enquiry Table (SONNET) was proposed to find the best neighbor node. Using SONNET the node selects the neighbor which can be reached in less number of hops and with less time delay and maintaining the QoS

    Jumps: Enhancing hop-count positioning in sensor networks using multiple coordinates

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    Positioning systems in self-organizing networks generally rely on measurements such as delay and received signal strength, which may be difficult to obtain and often require dedicated equipment. An alternative to such approaches is to use simple connectivity information, that is, the presence or absence of a link between any pair of nodes, and to extend it to hop-counts, in order to obtain an approximate coordinate system. Such an approximation is sufficient for a large number of applications, such as routing. In this paper, we propose Jumps, a positioning system for those self-organizing networks in which other types of (exact) positioning systems cannot be used or are deemed to be too costly. Jumps builds a multiple coordinate system based solely on nodes neighborhood knowledge. Jumps is interesting in the context of wireless sensor networks, as it neither requires additional embedded equipment nor relies on any nodes capabilities. While other approaches use only three hop-count measurements to infer the position of a node, Jumps uses an arbitrary number. We observe that an increase in the number of measurements leads to an improvement in the localization process, without requiring a high dense environment. We show through simulations that Jumps, when compared with existing approaches, reduces the number of nodes sharing the same coordinates, which paves the way for functions such as position-based routing