11 research outputs found


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    Triangulations and a discrete Brunn-Minkowski inequality in the plane

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    For a set AA of points in the plane, not all collinear, we denote by tr(A){\rm tr}(A) the number of triangles in any triangulation of AA; that is, tr(A)=2i+b2{\rm tr}(A) = 2i+b-2 where bb and ii are the numbers of points of AA in the boundary and the interior of [A][A] (we use [A][A] to denote "convex hull of AA"). We conjecture the following analogue of the Brunn-Minkowski inequality: for any two point sets A,BR2A,B \subset {\mathbb R}^2 one has tr(A+B)12tr(A)12+tr(B)12. {\rm tr}(A+B)^{\frac12}\geq {\rm tr}(A)^{\frac12}+{\rm tr}(B)^{\frac12}. We prove this conjecture in several cases: if [A]=[B][A]=[B], if B=A{b}B=A\cup\{b\}, if B=3|B|=3, or if none of AA or BB has interior points.Comment: 30 page

    Difference sets in Rd\mathbb{R}^d

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    Let d2d \geq 2 be a natural number. We show that AA(2d2+1d1)A(2d24d+3)|A-A| \geq \left(2d-2 + \frac{1}{d-1}\right)|A|-(2d^2-4d+3) for any sufficiently large finite subset AA of Rd\mathbb{R}^d that is not contained in a translate of a hyperplane. By a construction of Stanchescu, this is best possible and thus resolves an old question first raised by Uhrin.Comment: 15 page

    Inverse Additive Problems for Minkowski Sumsets II

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    The Brunn-Minkowski Theorem asserts that μd(A+B)1/dμd(A)1/d+μd(B)1/d\mu_d(A+B)^{1/d}\geq \mu_d(A)^{1/d}+\mu_d(B)^{1/d} for convex bodies A,BRdA,\,B\subseteq \R^d, where μd\mu_d denotes the dd-dimensional Lebesgue measure. It is well-known that equality holds if and only if AA and BB are homothetic, but few characterizations of equality in other related bounds are known. Let HH be a hyperplane. Bonnesen later strengthened this bound by showing μd(A+B)(M1/(d1)+N1/(d1))d1(μd(A)M+μd(B)N),\mu_d(A+B)\geq (M^{1/(d-1)}+N^{1/(d-1)})^{d-1}(\frac{\mu_d(A)}{M}+\frac{\mu_d(B)}{N}), where M=sup{μd1((x+H)A)xRd}M=\sup\{\mu_{d-1}((\mathbf x+H)\cap A)\mid \mathbf x\in \R^d\} and N=sup{μd1((y+H)B)yRd}N=\sup\{\mu_{d-1}((\mathbf y+H)\cap B)\mid \mathbf y\in \R^d\}. Standard compression arguments show that the above bound also holds when M=μd1(π(A))M=\mu_{d-1}(\pi(A)) and N=μd1(π(B))N=\mu_{d-1}(\pi(B)), where π\pi denotes a projection of Rd\mathbb R^d onto HH, which gives an alternative generalization of the Brunn-Minkowski bound. In this paper, we characterize the cases of equality in this later bound, showing that equality holds if and only if AA and BB are obtained from a pair of homothetic convex bodies by `stretching' along the direction of the projection, which is made formal in the paper. When d=2d=2, we characterize the case of equality in the former bound as well

    New lower bounds for cardinalities of higher dimensional difference sets and sumsets

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    Let d ≥ 4 be a natural number and let A be a finite, non-empty subset of R d such that A is not contained in a translate of a hyperplane. In this setting, we show that |A−A| ≥ (2d − 2 + 1/d −1) |A| −Od(|A|1−δ), for some absolute constant δ > 0 that only depends on d. This provides a sharp main term, consequently answering questions of Ruzsa and Stanchescu up to an Od(|A| 1−δ) error term. We also prove new lower bounds for restricted type difference sets and asymmetric sumsets in Rd

    Sets in Zk\mathbb{Z}^k with doubling 2k+δ2^k+\delta are near convex progressions

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    For δ>0\delta>0 sufficiently small and AZkA\subset \mathbb{Z}^k with A+A(2k+δ)A|A+A|\le (2^k+\delta)|A|, we show either AA is covered by mk(δ)m_k(\delta) parallel hyperplanes, or satisfies co^(A)AckδA|\widehat{\operatorname{co}}(A)\setminus A|\le c_k\delta |A|, where co^(A)\widehat{\operatorname{co}}(A) is the smallest convex progression (convex set intersected with a sublattice) containing AA. This generalizes the Freiman-Bilu 2k2^k theorem, Freiman's 3A43|A|-4 theorem, and recent sharp stability results of the present authors for sumsets in Rk\mathbb{R}^k conjectured by Figalli and Jerison.Comment: 53 pages, comments welcome