1,777 research outputs found

    On Leveraging Partial Paths in Partially-Connected Networks

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    Mobile wireless network research focuses on scenarios at the extremes of the network connectivity continuum where the probability of all nodes being connected is either close to unity, assuming connected paths between all nodes (mobile ad hoc networks), or it is close to zero, assuming no multi-hop paths exist at all (delay-tolerant networks). In this paper, we argue that a sizable fraction of networks lies between these extremes and is characterized by the existence of partial paths, i.e. multi-hop path segments that allow forwarding data closer to the destination even when no end-to-end path is available. A fundamental issue in such networks is dealing with disruptions of end-to-end paths. Under a stochastic model, we compare the performance of the established end-to-end retransmission (ignoring partial paths), against a forwarding mechanism that leverages partial paths to forward data closer to the destination even during disruption periods. Perhaps surprisingly, the alternative mechanism is not necessarily superior. However, under a stochastic monotonicity condition between current v.s. future path length, which we demonstrate to hold in typical network models, we manage to prove superiority of the alternative mechanism in stochastic dominance terms. We believe that this study could serve as a foundation to design more efficient data transfer protocols for partially-connected networks, which could potentially help reducing the gap between applications that can be supported over disconnected networks and those requiring full connectivity.Comment: Extended version of paper appearing at IEEE INFOCOM 2009, April 20-25, Rio de Janeiro, Brazi

    On the Dynamics of Human Proximity for Data Diffusion in Ad-Hoc Networks

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    We report on a data-driven investigation aimed at understanding the dynamics of message spreading in a real-world dynamical network of human proximity. We use data collected by means of a proximity-sensing network of wearable sensors that we deployed at three different social gatherings, simultaneously involving several hundred individuals. We simulate a message spreading process over the recorded proximity network, focusing on both the topological and the temporal properties. We show that by using an appropriate technique to deal with the temporal heterogeneity of proximity events, a universal statistical pattern emerges for the delivery times of messages, robust across all the data sets. Our results are useful to set constraints for generic processes of data dissemination, as well as to validate established models of human mobility and proximity that are frequently used to simulate realistic behaviors.Comment: A. Panisson et al., On the dynamics of human proximity for data diffusion in ad-hoc networks, Ad Hoc Netw. (2011

    Exploiting Temporal Complex Network Metrics in Mobile Malware Containment

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    Malicious mobile phone worms spread between devices via short-range Bluetooth contacts, similar to the propagation of human and other biological viruses. Recent work has employed models from epidemiology and complex networks to analyse the spread of malware and the effect of patching specific nodes. These approaches have adopted a static view of the mobile networks, i.e., by aggregating all the edges that appear over time, which leads to an approximate representation of the real interactions: instead, these networks are inherently dynamic and the edge appearance and disappearance is highly influenced by the ordering of the human contacts, something which is not captured at all by existing complex network measures. In this paper we first study how the blocking of malware propagation through immunisation of key nodes (even if carefully chosen through static or temporal betweenness centrality metrics) is ineffective: this is due to the richness of alternative paths in these networks. Then we introduce a time-aware containment strategy that spreads a patch message starting from nodes with high temporal closeness centrality and show its effectiveness using three real-world datasets. Temporal closeness allows the identification of nodes able to reach most nodes quickly: we show that this scheme can reduce the cellular network resource consumption and associated costs, achieving, at the same time, a complete containment of the malware in a limited amount of time.Comment: 9 Pages, 13 Figures, In Proceedings of IEEE 12th International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WOWMOM '11
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