28 research outputs found

    Generalised cosine functions, basis and regularity properties

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    We examine regularity and basis properties of the family of rescaled pp-cosine functions. We find sharp estimates for their Fourier coefficients. We then determine two thresholds, p02p_02, such that this family is a Schauder basis of Ls(0,1)L_s(0,1) for all s>1s>1 and p[p0,p1]p\in[p_0,p_1].Comment: 24 page

    Geometric convexity of the generalized sine and the generalized hyperbolic sine

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    In the paper, the authors prove that the generalized sine function sinp,q(x)\sin_{p,q}(x) and the generalized hyperbolic sine function sinhp,q(x)\sinh_{p,q}(x) are geometrically concave and geometrically convex, respectively. Consequently, the authors verify a conjecture posed in the paper "B. A. Bhayo and M. Vuorinen, On generalized trigonometric functions with two parameters, J. Approx. Theory 164 (2012), no.~10, 1415\nobreakdash--1426; Available online at \url{http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jat.2012.06.003}".Comment: 5 page

    Logarithmic mean inequality for generalized trigonometric and hyperbolic functions

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    In this paper we study the convexity and concavity properties of generalized trigonometric and hyperbolic functions in case of Logarithmic mean.Comment:

    On generalized trigonometric functions and series of rational functions

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    Here we introduce a way to construct generalized trigonometric functions associated with any complex polynomials, and the well known trigonometric functions can be seen to associate with polynomial x21x^2-1. We will show that those generalized trigonometric functions have algebraic identities which generalizes the well known sin2(x)+cos2(x)=1\sin^2(x)+\cos^2(x)=1. One application of the generalized trigonometric functions is evaluating infinite series of rational functions.Comment: 14 page