4,323 research outputs found

    Iterated reflection principles over full disquotational truth

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    Iterated reflection principles have been employed extensively to unfold epistemic commitments that are incurred by accepting a mathematical theory. Recently this has been applied to theories of truth. The idea is to start with a collection of Tarski-biconditionals and arrive by finitely iterated reflection at strong compositional truth theories. In the context of classical logic it is incoherent to adopt an initial truth theory in which A and 'A is true' are inter-derivable. In this article we show how in the context of a weaker logic, which we call Basic De Morgan Logic, we can coherently start with such a fully disquotational truth theory and arrive at a strong compositional truth theory by applying a natural uniform reflection principle a finite number of times

    On the inevitability of the consistency operator

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    We examine recursive monotonic functions on the Lindenbaum algebra of EA\mathsf{EA}. We prove that no such function sends every consistent φ\varphi to a sentence with deductive strength strictly between φ\varphi and (φ∧Con(φ))(\varphi\wedge\mathsf{Con}(\varphi)). We generalize this result to iterates of consistency into the effective transfinite. We then prove that for any recursive monotonic function ff, if there is an iterate of Con\mathsf{Con} that bounds ff everywhere, then ff must be somewhere equal to an iterate of Con\mathsf{Con}
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