6 research outputs found

    Moss' logic for ordered coalgebras

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    We present a finitary coalgebraic logic for TT-coalgebras, where TT is a locally monotone endofunctor of the category of posets and monotone maps that preserves exact squares and finite intersections. The logic uses a single cover modality whose arity is given by the dual of the coalgebra functor TT, and the semantics of the modality is given by relation lifting. For the finitary setting to work, we need to develop a notion of a base for subobjects of TXTX. This in particular allows us to talk about a finite poset of subformulas for a given formula, and of a finite poset of successors for a given state in a coalgebra. The notion of a base is introduced generally for a category equipped with a suitable factorisation system. We prove that the resulting logic has the Hennessy-Milner property for the notion of similarity based on the notion of relation lifting. We define a sequent proof system for the logic and prove its completeness

    Completeness for the coalgebraic cover modality

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    Moss' logic for ordered coalgebras

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    We present a finitary version of Moss' coalgebraic logic for TT-coalgebras, where TT is a locally monotone endofunctor of the category of posets and monotone maps. The logic uses a single cover modality whose arity is given by the least finitary subfunctor of the dual of the coalgebra functor Tω∂T_\omega^\partial, and the semantics of the modality is given by relation lifting. For the semantics to work, TT is required to preserve exact squares. For the finitary setting to work, Tω∂T_\omega^\partial is required to preserve finite intersections. We develop a notion of a base for subobjects of TωXT_\omega X. This in particular allows us to talk about the finite poset of subformulas for a given formula. The notion of a base is introduced generally for a category equipped with a suitable factorisation system. We prove that the resulting logic has the Hennessy-Milner property for the notion of similarity based on the notion of relation lifting. We define a sequent proof system for the logic, and prove its completeness

    Proof systems for Moss’ coalgebraic logic

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    We study Gentzen-style proof theory of the finitary version of the coalgebraic logic introduced by L. Moss. The logic captures the behaviour of coalgebras for a large class of set functors. The syntax of the logic, defined uniformly with respect to a finitary coalgebraic type functor T , uses a single modal operator ∇T∇T of arity given by the functor T itself, and its semantics is defined in terms of a relation lifting functor View the MathML sourceT¯. An axiomatization of the logic, consisting of modal distributive laws, has been given together with an algebraic completeness proof in work of C. Kupke, A. Kurz and Y. Venema. In this paper, following our previous work on structural proof theory of the logic in the special case of the finitary powerset functor, we present cut-free, one- and two-sided sequent calculi for the finitary version of Moss' coalgebraic logic for a general finitary functor T in a uniform way. For the two-sided calculi to be cut-free we use a language extended with the boolean dual of the nabla modality

    Proof systems for Moss’ coalgebraic logic

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    We study Gentzen-style proof theory of the finitary version of the coalgebraic logic introduced by L. Moss. The logic captures the behaviour of coalgebras for a large class of set functors. The syntax of the logic, defined uniformly with respect to a finitary coalgebraic type functor T , uses a single modal operator ∇T∇T of arity given by the functor T itself, and its semantics is defined in terms of a relation lifting functor View the MathML sourceT¯. An axiomatization of the logic, consisting of modal distributive laws, has been given together with an algebraic completeness proof in work of C. Kupke, A. Kurz and Y. Venema. In this paper, following our previous work on structural proof theory of the logic in the special case of the finitary powerset functor, we present cut-free, one- and two-sided sequent calculi for the finitary version of Moss' coalgebraic logic for a general finitary functor T in a uniform way. For the two-sided calculi to be cut-free we use a language extended with the boolean dual of the nabla modality