1,029 research outputs found

    On supersolvable and nearly supersolvable line arrangements

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    We introduce a new class of line arrangements in the projective plane, called nearly supersolvable, and show that any arrangement in this class is either free or nearly free. More precisely, we show that the minimal degree of a Jacobian syzygy for the defining equation of the line arrangement, which is a subtle algebraic invariant, is determined in this case by the combinatorics. When such a line arrangement is nearly free, we discuss the splitting types and the jumping lines of the associated rank two vector bundle, as well as the corresponding jumping points, introduced recently by S. Marchesi and J. Vall\`es. As a by-product of our results, we get a version of the Slope Problem, looking for lower bounds on the number of slopes of the lines determined by nn points in the affine plane over the real or the complex numbers as well.Comment: v.3, a version of the Slope Problem, valid over the real and the complex numbers as well, is obtained, see Thm. 1.1 and Thm. 4.

    Singular hypersurfaces characterizing the Lefschetz properties

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    In the paper untitled "Laplace equations and the Weak Lefschetz Property" the authors highlight the link between rational varieties satisfying a Laplace equation and artinian ideals that fail the Weak Lefschetz property. Continuing their work we extend this link to the more general situation of artinian ideals failing the Strong Lefschetz Property. We characterize the failure of SLP (that includes WLP) by the existence of special singular hypersurfaces (cones for WLP). This characterization allows us to solve three problems posed by Migliore and Nagel and to give new examples of ideals failing the SLP. Finally, line arrangements are related to artinian ideals and the unstability of the associated derivation bundle is linked with the failure of SLP. Moreover we reformulate the so-called Terao's conjecture for free line arrangements in terms of artinian ideals failing the SLP

    Logarithmic Bundles Of Hypersurface Arrangements In P^n

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    Let D = {D_{1},...,D_{l}} be an arrangement of smooth hypersurfaces with normal crossings on the complex projective space P^n and let \Omega^{1}_{P^n}(log D) be the logarithmic bundle attached to it. Following [1], we show that \Omega^{1}_{P^n}(log D) admits a resolution of lenght 1 which explicitly depends on the degrees and on the equations of D_{1},...,D_{l}. Then we prove a Torelli type theorem when all the D_{i}'s have the same degree d and l >= {{n+d} \choose {d}}+3: indeed, we recover the components of D as unstable smooth hypersurfaces of \Omega^{1}_{P^n}(log D). Finally we analyze the cases of one quadric and a pair of quadrics, which yield examples of non-Torelli arrangements. In particular, through a duality argument, we prove that two pairs of quadrics have isomorphic logarithmic bundles if and only if they have the same tangent hyperplanes.Comment: 21 pages, 2 figures, Collectanea Mathematica 201
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