14,200 research outputs found

    Divergences on projective modules and non-commutative integrals

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    A method of constructing (finitely generated and projective) right module structure on a finitely generated projective left module over an algebra is presented. This leads to a construction of a first order differential calculus on such a module which admits a hom-connection or a divergence. Properties of integrals associated to this divergence are studied, in particular the formula of integration by parts is derived. Specific examples include inner calculi on a noncommutative algebra, the Berezin integral on the supercircle and integrals on Hopf algebras.Comment: 13 pages; v2 construction of projective modules has been generalise

    Holomorphic structures on the quantum projective line

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    We show that much of the structure of the 2-sphere as a complex curve survives the q-deformation and has natural generalizations to the quantum 2-sphere - which, with additional structures, we identify with the quantum projective line. Notably among these is the identification of a quantum homogeneous coordinate ring with the coordinate ring of the quantum plane. In parallel with the fact that positive Hochschild cocycles on the algebra of smooth functions on a compact oriented 2-dimensional manifold encode the information for complex structures on the surface, we formulate a notion of twisted positivity for twisted Hochschild and cyclic cocycles and exhibit an explicit twisted positive Hochschild cocycle for the complex structure on the sphere.Comment: 22 pages, no figures. Published in IMR

    Quantisation of twistor theory by cocycle twist

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    We present the main ingredients of twistor theory leading up to and including the Penrose-Ward transform in a coordinate algebra form which we can then `quantise' by means of a functorial cocycle twist. The quantum algebras for the conformal group, twistor space CP^3, compactified Minkowski space CMh and the twistor correspondence space are obtained along with their canonical quantum differential calculi, both in a local form and in a global *-algebra formulation which even in the classical commutative case provides a useful alternative to the formulation in terms of projective varieties. We outline how the Penrose-Ward transform then quantises. As an example, we show that the pull-back of the tautological bundle on CMh pulls back to the basic instanton on S^4\subset CMh and that this observation quantises to obtain the Connes-Landi instanton on \theta-deformed S^4 as the pull-back of the tautological bundle on our \theta-deformed CMh. We likewise quantise the fibration CP^3--> S^4 and use it to construct the bundle on \theta-deformed CP^3 that maps over under the transform to the \theta-deformed instanton.Comment: 68 pages 0 figures. Significant revision now has detailed formulae for classical and quantum CP^

    First Order Calculi with Values in Right--Universal Bimodules

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    The purpose of this note is to show how calculi on unital associative algebra with universal right bimodule generalize previously studied constructions by Pusz and Woronowicz [1989] and by Wess and Zumino [1990] and that in this language results are in a natural context, are easier to describe and handle. As a by--product we obtained intrinsic, coordinate--free and basis--independent generalization of the first order noncommutative differential calculi with partial derivatives.Comment: 13 pages in TeX, the macro package bcp.tex included, to be published in Banach Center Publication, the Proceedings of Minisemester on Quantum Groups and Quantum Spaces, November 199

    Projective Group Algebras

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    In this paper we apply a recently proposed algebraic theory of integration to projective group algebras. These structures have received some attention in connection with the compactification of the MM theory on noncommutative tori. This turns out to be an interesting field of applications, since the space G^\hat G of the equivalence classes of the vector unitary irreducible representations of the group under examination becomes, in the projective case, a prototype of noncommuting spaces. For vector representations the algebraic integration is equivalent to integrate over G^\hat G. However, its very definition is related only at the structural properties of the group algebra, therefore it is well defined also in the projective case, where the space G^\hat G has no classical meaning. This allows a generalization of the usual group harmonic analysis. A particular attention is given to abelian groups, which are the relevant ones in the compactification problem, since it is possible, from the previous results, to establish a simple generalization of the ordinary calculus to the associated noncommutative spaces.Comment: 24 pages, Late

    q-Deformed quaternions and su(2) instantons

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    We have recently introduced the notion of a q-quaternion bialgebra and shown its strict link with the SO_q(4)-covariant quantum Euclidean space R_q^4. Adopting the available differential geometric tools on the latter and the quaternion language we have formulated and found solutions of the (anti)selfduality equation [instantons and multi-instantons] of a would-be deformed su(2) Yang-Mills theory on this quantum space. The solutions depend on some noncommuting parameters, indicating that the moduli space of a complete theory should be a noncommutative manifold. We summarize these results and add an explicit comparison between the two SO_q(4)-covariant differential calculi on R_q^4 and the two 4-dimensional bicovariant differential calculi on the bi- (resp. Hopf) algebras M_q(2),GL_q(2),SU_q(2), showing that they essentially coincide.Comment: Latex file, 18 page