3 research outputs found

    Enterprise Architecture Approach for Project Management and Project-Based Organizations: A Review

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    Project-based organizations (PBOs) derive income from conducting projects for their clients. Maintaining the most effective and efficient project governance style is an ongoing process for these organizations as the context continuously changes. Enterprise architecture (EA) is a systemic approach that supports organizations in modeling and describing themselves in different layers, such as strategy, business, application, and technology. This literature review describes the current state of EA usage in improving and quickly revising project management governance in PBOs to benefit practitioners and researchers for an integrated view of EA, PM, and PBO, and identification of future research gaps. This review used an EA model composed of layers as an analytical framework. The extracted bibliometric and content data from selected articles were processed using the VOSviewer tool for identifying and understanding the relationships between main concepts through network mapping. The selected articles are oriented to internal organization projects, mainly in information technology (IT). The need to align projects with business is highlighted, with EA positioned as a governance tool. It was found that application of EA in PBOs is rare. A trend toward using popular PM and EA frameworks, such as PMBOK and ArchiMate, was observed

    AnĆ”lise e melhoria do controlo de produĆ§Ć£o na Heliflex

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    Este projeto foi proposto pela Heliflex com o objetivo de melhorar o processo de controlo da produĆ§Ć£o. A incerteza provoca pela pandemia trouxe outras preocupaƧƵes Ć s organizaƧƵes. Devido ao aumento inflacionado do preƧo das matĆ©rias-primas, hĆ” agora uma ainda maior preocupaĆ§Ć£o por parte das empresas em executar um melhor controlo e previsĆ£o dos custos. Assim este trabalho teve como objetivo responder a essa necessidade de melhoria. Com recurso ao ciclo PDCA, a ferramentas da qualidade e ao Lean Thinking foi possĆ­vel analisar todo o processo, identificar oportunidades de aperfeiƧoamento, estabelecer um plano de aĆ§Ć£o, executar este mesmo e atestar a eficĆ”cia destas melhorias. As melhorias sugeridas e implementadas permitiram Ć  organizaĆ§Ć£o atingir os objetivos iniciais, com a transformaĆ§Ć£o do processo de controlo num processo rĆ”pido, simplificado, eficaz e automatizado. Os processos foram padronizados sendo utilizados diariamente pela organizaĆ§Ć£o apĆ³s a implementaĆ§Ć£o do projeto de melhoria.This project was proposed by Heliflex with the aim of improving the production control process. The uncertainty caused by the pandemic has brought other concerns to organizations. Due to the inflated price of raw materials, there is now an even greater concern on the part of companies to perform a better cost control and forecasting. Thus this work aimed to respond to this need for improvement. Using the PDCA cycle, quality tools, and Lean Thinking, it was possible to analyze the entire process, identify opportunities for improvement, establish an action plan, execute it, and attest the effectiveness of these improvements. The suggested and implemented improvements allowed the organization to achieve its initial objectives, with the transformation of the control process into a fast, simplified, effective, and automated process. The processes were standardized and are used daily by the organization after the implementation of the improvement project.Mestrado em Engenharia e GestĆ£o Industria