2 research outputs found

    Startups vs. empresas estabelecidas : a cultura organizacional e a conciliação vida profissional-vida pessoal dos trabalhadores

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    Este estudo revela ser pertinente pois colmata uma lacuna na literatura, devido à falta de informação sobre as especificidades do contexto startups (diferenças na cultura e como esta influencia a forma como os profissionais conciliam a sua vida profissional-pessoal), comparativamente com contextos de empresas estabelecidas. O presente estudo procura avaliar a relação entre a cultura organizacional e a perceção dos trabalhadores sobre a dimensão conciliação, analisando os diferentes contextos de trabalho (startups e empresas estabelecidas). Um questionário foi aplicado a 602 trabalhadores portugueses (59% em startups e 41% em empresas estabelecidas). Os resultados obtidos mostram que nenhum dos tipos de cultura se relaciona positivamente com a dimensão conciliação. No entanto, quando a cultura hierárquica se apresenta alta, há uma maior perceção dos trabalhadores sobre a dimensão da conciliação. A relação entre os tipos de cultura e a dimensão da conciliação não foi influenciada pelo tipo de contexto. Desta forma, o presente estudo demonstrou que, apesar de nenhum dos tipos de cultura se relacionar com a dimensão conciliação, a cultura hierárquica alta leva a uma maior perceção sobre esta dimensão, mas esta relação não é influenciada pelo contexto. Foram discutidas as limitações e as implicações futuras sobre a temática.This study seems to be pertinent as a way to fulfill a literature gap, due the lack of information about the startups context specificities (culture differences and how it can influence how professionals conciliate their personal/professional life), when compared to established companies context. The present study seeks to evaluate the relation between organizational culture and the workers perception about their conciliation dimension, analysing different work contexts (startups and established companies). A survey was applied to 602 Portuguese workers (59% in startups and 41% in established companies). The obtained data shows that none of the types of culture positively relate with the conciliation dimension. However, when the hierarchic culture is presented high, there is a higher workers perception about the conciliation dimension. The relation between different types of culture and the conciliation dimension wasn't influenced by the type of context. That being said, the present study showed that, despite neither type of culture relate itself with conciliation dimension, the high hierarchic culture leads to a higher perception over this dimension, but this relation is not influenced by the context. It was discussed this study's limitations and future implications about this topic

    Project Management Practices at Portuguese Startups

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    Nowadays, due to the continuous changes in technology and markets, com-panies need to use the best project management practices to effectively man-age their projects. The use of these practices however will not have the same results in different types of projects and in different organizations. The prac-tices used by larger companies may have different results if used by smaller companies. With this in mind and focused on project management practices used by Portuguese startups, this study explores the value that project man-agement represents for this type of companies. The study also focused on scale-ups, which are startups that have already undergone an initial phase of maturation and have more complex structures and processes, thus allowing us to see how the project management practices change with the evolution of the organization. This way, it was possible to observe that project manage-ment is seen as an essential factor within this type of organizations. These organizations seem to opt for a more agile approach to project management, thus taking advantage of the flexibility typically offered by such approaches. This type of approach seems to continue as startups mature, where there is only an increase in the formalization and complexity of project management practices and tools.FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the Project Scope: UID/CEC/00319/201