614 research outputs found

    Direct Learning-Based Deep Spiking Neural Networks: A Review

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    The spiking neural network (SNN), as a promising brain-inspired computational model with binary spike information transmission mechanism, rich spatially-temporal dynamics, and event-driven characteristics, has received extensive attention. However, its intricately discontinuous spike mechanism brings difficulty to the optimization of the deep SNN. Since the surrogate gradient method can greatly mitigate the optimization difficulty and shows great potential in directly training deep SNNs, a variety of direct learning-based deep SNN works have been proposed and achieved satisfying progress in recent years. In this paper, we present a comprehensive survey of these direct learning-based deep SNN works, mainly categorized into accuracy improvement methods, efficiency improvement methods, and temporal dynamics utilization methods. In addition, we also divide these categorizations into finer granularities further to better organize and introduce them. Finally, the challenges and trends that may be faced in future research are prospected.Comment: Accepted by Frontiers in Neuroscienc

    Spiking PointNet: Spiking Neural Networks for Point Clouds

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    Recently, Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs), enjoying extreme energy efficiency, have drawn much research attention on 2D visual recognition and shown gradually increasing application potential. However, it still remains underexplored whether SNNs can be generalized to 3D recognition. To this end, we present Spiking PointNet in the paper, the first spiking neural model for efficient deep learning on point clouds. We discover that the two huge obstacles limiting the application of SNNs in point clouds are: the intrinsic optimization obstacle of SNNs that impedes the training of a big spiking model with large time steps, and the expensive memory and computation cost of PointNet that makes training a big spiking point model unrealistic. To solve the problems simultaneously, we present a trained-less but learning-more paradigm for Spiking PointNet with theoretical justifications and in-depth experimental analysis. In specific, our Spiking PointNet is trained with only a single time step but can obtain better performance with multiple time steps inference, compared to the one trained directly with multiple time steps. We conduct various experiments on ModelNet10, ModelNet40 to demonstrate the effectiveness of Spiking PointNet. Notably, our Spiking PointNet even can outperform its ANN counterpart, which is rare in the SNN field thus providing a potential research direction for the following work. Moreover, Spiking PointNet shows impressive speedup and storage saving in the training phase.Comment: Accepted by NeurIP

    Ternary Spike: Learning Ternary Spikes for Spiking Neural Networks

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    The Spiking Neural Network (SNN), as one of the biologically inspired neural network infrastructures, has drawn increasing attention recently. It adopts binary spike activations to transmit information, thus the multiplications of activations and weights can be substituted by additions, which brings high energy efficiency. However, in the paper, we theoretically and experimentally prove that the binary spike activation map cannot carry enough information, thus causing information loss and resulting in accuracy decreasing. To handle the problem, we propose a ternary spike neuron to transmit information. The ternary spike neuron can also enjoy the event-driven and multiplication-free operation advantages of the binary spike neuron but will boost the information capacity. Furthermore, we also embed a trainable factor in the ternary spike neuron to learn the suitable spike amplitude, thus our SNN will adopt different spike amplitudes along layers, which can better suit the phenomenon that the membrane potential distributions are different along layers. To retain the efficiency of the vanilla ternary spike, the trainable ternary spike SNN will be converted to a standard one again via a re-parameterization technique in the inference. Extensive experiments with several popular network structures over static and dynamic datasets show that the ternary spike can consistently outperform state-of-the-art methods. Our code is open-sourced at https://github.com/yfguo91/Ternary-Spike.Comment: Accepted by AAAI202

    Learning Spiking Neural Network from Easy to Hard task

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    Starting with small and simple concepts, and gradually introducing complex and difficult concepts is the natural process of human learning. Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs) aim to mimic the way humans process information, but current SNNs models treat all samples equally, which does not align with the principles of human learning and overlooks the biological plausibility of SNNs. To address this, we propose a CL-SNN model that introduces Curriculum Learning(CL) into SNNs, making SNNs learn more like humans and providing higher biological interpretability. CL is a training strategy that advocates presenting easier data to models before gradually introducing more challenging data, mimicking the human learning process. We use a confidence-aware loss to measure and process the samples with different difficulty levels. By learning the confidence of different samples, the model reduces the contribution of difficult samples to parameter optimization automatically. We conducted experiments on static image datasets MNIST, Fashion-MNIST, CIFAR10, and neuromorphic datasets N-MNIST, CIFAR10-DVS, DVS-Gesture. The results are promising. To our best knowledge, this is the first proposal to enhance the biologically plausibility of SNNs by introducing CL

    Optimising Event-Driven Spiking Neural Network with Regularisation and Cutoff

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    Spiking neural networks (SNNs), a variant of artificial neural networks (ANNs) with the benefit of energy efficiency, have achieved the accuracy close to its ANN counterparts, on benchmark datasets such as CIFAR10/100 and ImageNet. However, comparing with frame-based input (e.g., images), event-based inputs from e.g., Dynamic Vision Sensor (DVS) can make a better use of SNNs thanks to the SNNs' asynchronous working mechanism. In this paper, we strengthen the marriage between SNNs and event-based inputs with a proposal to consider anytime optimal inference SNNs, or AOI-SNNs, which can terminate anytime during the inference to achieve optimal inference result. Two novel optimisation techniques are presented to achieve AOI-SNNs: a regularisation and a cutoff. The regularisation enables the training and construction of SNNs with optimised performance, and the cutoff technique optimises the inference of SNNs on event-driven inputs. We conduct an extensive set of experiments on multiple benchmark event-based datasets, including CIFAR10-DVS, N-Caltech101 and DVS128 Gesture. The experimental results demonstrate that our techniques are superior to the state-of-the-art with respect to the accuracy and latency

    Unleashing the Potential of Spiking Neural Networks for Sequential Modeling with Contextual Embedding

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    The human brain exhibits remarkable abilities in integrating temporally distant sensory inputs for decision-making. However, existing brain-inspired spiking neural networks (SNNs) have struggled to match their biological counterpart in modeling long-term temporal relationships. To address this problem, this paper presents a novel Contextual Embedding Leaky Integrate-and-Fire (CE-LIF) spiking neuron model. Specifically, the CE-LIF model incorporates a meticulously designed contextual embedding component into the adaptive neuronal firing threshold, thereby enhancing the memory storage of spiking neurons and facilitating effective sequential modeling. Additionally, theoretical analysis is provided to elucidate how the CE-LIF model enables long-term temporal credit assignment. Remarkably, when compared to state-of-the-art recurrent SNNs, feedforward SNNs comprising the proposed CE-LIF neurons demonstrate superior performance across extensive sequential modeling tasks in terms of classification accuracy, network convergence speed, and memory capacity

    Event-Driven Learning for Spiking Neural Networks

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    Brain-inspired spiking neural networks (SNNs) have gained prominence in the field of neuromorphic computing owing to their low energy consumption during feedforward inference on neuromorphic hardware. However, it remains an open challenge how to effectively benefit from the sparse event-driven property of SNNs to minimize backpropagation learning costs. In this paper, we conduct a comprehensive examination of the existing event-driven learning algorithms, reveal their limitations, and propose novel solutions to overcome them. Specifically, we introduce two novel event-driven learning methods: the spike-timing-dependent event-driven (STD-ED) and membrane-potential-dependent event-driven (MPD-ED) algorithms. These proposed algorithms leverage precise neuronal spike timing and membrane potential, respectively, for effective learning. The two methods are extensively evaluated on static and neuromorphic datasets to confirm their superior performance. They outperform existing event-driven counterparts by up to 2.51% for STD-ED and 6.79% for MPD-ED on the CIFAR-100 dataset. In addition, we theoretically and experimentally validate the energy efficiency of our methods on neuromorphic hardware. On-chip learning experiments achieved a remarkable 30-fold reduction in energy consumption over time-step-based surrogate gradient methods. The demonstrated efficiency and efficacy of the proposed event-driven learning methods emphasize their potential to significantly advance the fields of neuromorphic computing, offering promising avenues for energy-efficiency applications

    Sharing Leaky-Integrate-and-Fire Neurons for Memory-Efficient Spiking Neural Networks

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    Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs) have gained increasing attention as energy-efficient neural networks owing to their binary and asynchronous computation. However, their non-linear activation, that is Leaky-Integrate-and-Fire (LIF) neuron, requires additional memory to store a membrane voltage to capture the temporal dynamics of spikes. Although the required memory cost for LIF neurons significantly increases as the input dimension goes larger, a technique to reduce memory for LIF neurons has not been explored so far. To address this, we propose a simple and effective solution, EfficientLIF-Net, which shares the LIF neurons across different layers and channels. Our EfficientLIF-Net achieves comparable accuracy with the standard SNNs while bringing up to ~4.3X forward memory efficiency and ~21.9X backward memory efficiency for LIF neurons. We conduct experiments on various datasets including CIFAR10, CIFAR100, TinyImageNet, ImageNet-100, and N-Caltech101. Furthermore, we show that our approach also offers advantages on Human Activity Recognition (HAR) datasets, which heavily rely on temporal information

    LC-TTFS: Towards Lossless Network Conversion for Spiking Neural Networks with TTFS Coding

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    The biological neurons use precise spike times, in addition to the spike firing rate, to communicate with each other. The time-to-first-spike (TTFS) coding is inspired by such biological observation. However, there is a lack of effective solutions for training TTFS-based spiking neural network (SNN). In this paper, we put forward a simple yet effective network conversion algorithm, which is referred to as LC-TTFS, by addressing two main problems that hinder an effective conversion from a high-performance artificial neural network (ANN) to a TTFS-based SNN. We show that our algorithm can achieve a near-perfect mapping between the activation values of an ANN and the spike times of an SNN on a number of challenging AI tasks, including image classification, image reconstruction, and speech enhancement. With TTFS coding, we can achieve up to orders of magnitude saving in computation over ANN and other rate-based SNNs. The study, therefore, paves the way for deploying ultra-low-power TTFS-based SNNs on power-constrained edge computing platforms