3 research outputs found

    Progressive linear precoder optimization for MIMO packet retransmissions exploiting channel covariance information

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    This work investigates the design of linear precoders for ARQ packet retransmissions in Multi-Input Multi-Output (MIMO) systems. We consider transmitter precoder design based on partial MIMO channel information in the form of their covariance feedback. Our objective is to maximize the ergodic mutual information provided by multiple (re)transmissions of a packet subject to transmission power constraint. We propose a set of near-optimal successive linear ARQ precoders for flat fading MIMO channels. This progressive linear ARQ precoder combines the appropriate power loading and the reverse-order pairing of singular values in the current retransmission with previous transmissions. This reverse-order pairing is a special feature unique to our sequential ARQ precoding approach with demonstrated performance gains

    On the Performance of MIMO-ARQ Systems with Channel State Information at the Receiver

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    This paper investigates the performance of multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) systems in the presence of automatic repeat request (ARQ) feedback. We show that, for a large range of performance metrics, the data transmission efficiency of the ARQ schemes is determined by a set of parameters which are scheme-dependent and not metric-dependent. Then, the results are used to study different aspects of MIMO-ARQ such as the effect of nonlinear power amplifiers, large-scale MIMO-ARQ, adaptive power allocation and different data communication models. The results, which are valid for various forward and feedback channel models, show the efficiency of the MIMO-ARQ techniques in different conditions