1,067 research outputs found

    Asymptotic Soft Filter Pruning for Deep Convolutional Neural Networks

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    Deeper and wider Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) achieve superior performance but bring expensive computation cost. Accelerating such over-parameterized neural network has received increased attention. A typical pruning algorithm is a three-stage pipeline, i.e., training, pruning, and retraining. Prevailing approaches fix the pruned filters to zero during retraining, and thus significantly reduce the optimization space. Besides, they directly prune a large number of filters at first, which would cause unrecoverable information loss. To solve these problems, we propose an Asymptotic Soft Filter Pruning (ASFP) method to accelerate the inference procedure of the deep neural networks. First, we update the pruned filters during the retraining stage. As a result, the optimization space of the pruned model would not be reduced but be the same as that of the original model. In this way, the model has enough capacity to learn from the training data. Second, we prune the network asymptotically. We prune few filters at first and asymptotically prune more filters during the training procedure. With asymptotic pruning, the information of the training set would be gradually concentrated in the remaining filters, so the subsequent training and pruning process would be stable. Experiments show the effectiveness of our ASFP on image classification benchmarks. Notably, on ILSVRC-2012, our ASFP reduces more than 40% FLOPs on ResNet-50 with only 0.14% top-5 accuracy degradation, which is higher than the soft filter pruning (SFP) by 8%.Comment: Extended Journal Version of arXiv:1808.0686

    LAPP: Layer Adaptive Progressive Pruning for Compressing CNNs from Scratch

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    Structured pruning is a commonly used convolutional neural network (CNN) compression approach. Pruning rate setting is a fundamental problem in structured pruning. Most existing works introduce too many additional learnable parameters to assign different pruning rates across different layers in CNN or cannot control the compression rate explicitly. Since too narrow network blocks information flow for training, automatic pruning rate setting cannot explore a high pruning rate for a specific layer. To overcome these limitations, we propose a novel framework named Layer Adaptive Progressive Pruning (LAPP), which gradually compresses the network during initial training of a few epochs from scratch. In particular, LAPP designs an effective and efficient pruning strategy that introduces a learnable threshold for each layer and FLOPs constraints for network. Guided by both task loss and FLOPs constraints, the learnable thresholds are dynamically and gradually updated to accommodate changes of importance scores during training. Therefore the pruning strategy can gradually prune the network and automatically determine the appropriate pruning rates for each layer. What's more, in order to maintain the expressive power of the pruned layer, before training starts, we introduce an additional lightweight bypass for each convolutional layer to be pruned, which only adds relatively few additional burdens. Our method demonstrates superior performance gains over previous compression methods on various datasets and backbone architectures. For example, on CIFAR-10, our method compresses ResNet-20 to 40.3% without accuracy drop. 55.6% of FLOPs of ResNet-18 are reduced with 0.21% top-1 accuracy increase and 0.40% top-5 accuracy increase on ImageNet.Comment: 12 pages, 8 tables, 3 figure

    Mathematical Optimization Algorithms for Model Compression and Adversarial Learning in Deep Neural Networks

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    Large-scale deep neural networks (DNNs) have made breakthroughs in a variety of tasks, such as image recognition, speech recognition and self-driving cars. However, their large model size and computational requirements add a significant burden to state-of-the-art computing systems. Weight pruning is an effective approach to reduce the model size and computational requirements of DNNs. However, prior works in this area are mainly heuristic methods. As a result, the performance of a DNN cannot maintain for a high weight pruning ratio. To mitigate this limitation, we propose a systematic weight pruning framework for DNNs based on mathematical optimization. We first formulate the weight pruning for DNNs as a non-convex optimization problem, and then systematically solve it using alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM). Our work achieves a higher weight pruning ratio on DNNs without accuracy loss and a higher acceleration on the inference of DNNs on CPU and GPU platforms compared with prior works. Besides the issue of model size, DNNs are also sensitive to adversarial attacks, a small invisible noise on the input data can fully mislead a DNN. Research on the robustness of DNNs follows two directions in general. The first is to enhance the robustness of DNNs, which increases the degree of difficulty for adversarial attacks to fool DNNs. The second is to design adversarial attack methods to test the robustness of DNNs. These two aspects reciprocally benefit each other towards hardening DNNs. In our work, we propose to generate adversarial attacks with low distortion via convex optimization, which achieves 100% attack success rate with lower distortion compared with prior works. We also propose a unified min-max optimization framework for the adversarial attack and defense on DNNs over multiple domains. Our proposed method performs better compared with the prior works, which use average-based strategies to solve the problems over multiple domains
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