37 research outputs found

    Post-quantum cryptography

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    Cryptography is essential for the security of online communication, cars and implanted medical devices. However, many commonly used cryptosystems will be completely broken once large quantum computers exist. Post-quantum cryptography is cryptography under the assumption that the attacker has a large quantum computer; post-quantum cryptosystems strive to remain secure even in this scenario. This relatively young research area has seen some successes in identifying mathematical operations for which quantum algorithms offer little advantage in speed, and then building cryptographic systems around those. The central challenge in post-quantum cryptography is to meet demands for cryptographic usability and flexibility without sacrificing confidence.</p

    Equational Security Proofs of Oblivious Transfer Protocols

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    We exemplify and evaluate the use of the equational framework of Micciancio and Tessaro (ITCS 2013) by analyzeing a number of concrete Oblivious Transfer protocols: a classic OT transformation to increase the message size, and the recent (so called ``simplest\u27\u27) OT protocol in the random oracle model of Chou and Orlandi (Latincrypt 2015), together with some simple variants. Our analysis uncovers subtle timing bugs or shortcomings in both protocols, or the OT definition typically employed when using them. In the case of the OT length extension transformation, we show that the protocol can be formally proved secure using a revised OT definition and a simple protocol modification. In the case of the ``simplest\u27\u27 OT protocol, we show that it cannot be proved secure according to either the original or revised OT definition, in the sense that for any candidate simulator (expressible in the equational framework) there is an environment that distinguishes the real from the ideal system

    Comparison between Subfield and Straightforward Attacks on NTRU

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    Recently in two independent papers, Albrecht, Bai and Ducas and Cheon, Jeong and Lee presented two very similar attacks, that allow to break NTRU with larger parameters and GGH Multinear Map without zero encodings. They proposed an algorithm for recovering the NTRU secret key given the public key which apply for large NTRU modulus, in particular to Fully Homomorphic Encryption schemes based on NTRU. Hopefully, these attacks do not endanger the security of the NTRUE NCRYPT scheme, but shed new light on the hardness of this problem. The basic idea of both attacks relies on decreasing the dimension of the NTRU lattice using the multiplication matrix by the norm (resp. trace) of the public key in some subfield instead of the public key itself. Since the dimension of the subfield is smaller, the dimension of the lattice decreases, and lattice reduction algorithm will perform better. Here, we revisit the attacks on NTRU and propose another variant that is simpler and outperforms both of these attacks in practice. It allows to break several concrete instances of YASHE, a NTRU-based FHE scheme, but it is not as efficient as the hybrid method of Howgrave-Graham on concrete parameters of NTRU. Instead of using the norm and trace, we propose to use the multiplication by the public key in some subring and show that this choice leads to better attacks. We &#8730; can then show that for power of two cyclotomic fields, the time complexity is polynomialFinally, we show that, under heuristics, straightforward lattice reduction is even more efficient, allowing to extend this result to fields without non-trivial subfields, such as NTRU Prime. We insist that the improvement on the analysis applies even for relatively small modulus ; though if the secret is sparse, it may not be the fastest attack. We also derive a tight estimation of security for (Ring-)LWE and NTRU assumptions. when q=2Ω(nloglogn)q=2^{\Omega(\sqrt{n \log \log n})}

    Degenerate Curve Attacks

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    Invalid curve attacks are a well-known class of attacks against implementations of elliptic curve cryptosystems, in which an adversary tricks the cryptographic device into carrying out scalar multiplication not on the expected secure curve, but on some other, weaker elliptic curve of his choosing. In their original form, however, these attacks only affect elliptic curve implementations using addition and doubling formulas that are independent of at least one of the curve parameters. This property is typically satisfied for elliptic curves in Weierstrass form but not for newer models that have gained increasing popularity in recent years, like Edwards and twisted Edwards curves. It has therefore been suggested (e.g. in the original paper on invalid curve attacks) that such alternate models could protect against those attacks. In this paper, we dispel that belief and present the first attack of this nature against (twisted) Edwards curves, Jacobi quartics, Jacobi intersections and more. Our attack differs from invalid curve attacks proper in that the cryptographic device is tricked into carrying out a computation not on another elliptic curve, but on a group isomorphic to the multiplicative group of the underlying base field. This often makes it easy to recover the secret scalar with a single invalid computation. We also show how our result can be used constructively, especially on curves over random base fields, as a fault attack countermeasure similar to Shamir\u27s trick

    Cryptanalysis of a Protocol for Efficient Sorting on SHE Encrypted Data

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    Sorting on encrypted data using Somewhat Homomorphic Encryption (SHE) schemes is currently inefficient in practice when the number of elements to be sorted is very large. Hence alternate protocols that can efficiently perform computation and sorting on encrypted data is of interest. Recently, Kesarwani et al. (EDBT 2018) proposed a protocol for efficient sorting on data encrypted using an SHE scheme in a model where one of the two non-colluding servers is holding the decryption key. The encrypted data to be sorted is transformed homomorphically by the first server using a randomly chosen monotonic polynomial with possibly large coefficients, and then the non-colluding server holding the decryption key decrypts, sorts, and conveys back the sorted order to the first server without learning the actual values except possibly for the order. In this work we demonstrate an attack on the above protocol that allows the non-colluding server holding the decryption key to recover the original plaintext inputs (up to a constant difference). Though our attack runs in time exponential in the size of plaintext inputs and degree of the polynomial but polynomial in the size of coefficients, we show that our attack is feasible for 32-bit inputs, hence accounting for several real world scenarios. Of independent interest is our algorithm for recovering the integer inputs (up to a constant difference) by observing only the integer polynomial outputs

    Supersingular Isogeny Oblivious Transfer

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    We present an oblivious transfer (OT) protocol that combines the OT scheme of Chou and Orlandi together with thesupersingular isogeny Diffie-Hellman (SIDH) primitive of De Feo, Jao, and Pl\^ut. Our construction is a candidate for post-quantum secure OT and demonstrates that SIDH naturally supports OT functionality. We consider the protocol in the simplest configuration of (21)\binom{2}{1}-OT and analyze the protocol to verify its security.Comment: 26 pages, 4 figures, Submitte

    Analogue of Vélu\u27s Formulas for Computing Isogenies over Hessian Model of Elliptic Curves

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    Vélu\u27s formulas for computing isogenies over Weierstrass model of elliptic curves has been extended to other models of elliptic curves such as the Huff model, the Edwards model and the Jacobi model of elliptic curves. This work continues this line of research by providing efficient formulas for computing isogenies over elliptic curves of Hessian form. We provide explicit formulas for computing isogenies of degree 3 and isogenies of degree l not divisible by 3. The theoretical cost of computing these maps in this case is slightly faster than the case with other curves. We also extend the formulas to obtain isogenies over twisted and generalized Hessian forms of elliptic curves. The formulas in this work have been verified with the Sage software and are faster than previous results on the same curve

    Secure kk-ish Nearest Neighbors Classifier

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    In machine learning, classifiers are used to predict a class of a given query based on an existing (classified) database. Given a database S of n d-dimensional points and a d-dimensional query q, the k-nearest neighbors (kNN) classifier assigns q with the majority class of its k nearest neighbors in S. In the secure version of kNN, S and q are owned by two different parties that do not want to share their data. Unfortunately, all known solutions for secure kNN either require a large communication complexity between the parties, or are very inefficient to run. In this work we present a classifier based on kNN, that can be implemented efficiently with homomorphic encryption (HE). The efficiency of our classifier comes from a relaxation we make on kNN, where we allow it to consider kappa nearest neighbors for kappa ~ k with some probability. We therefore call our classifier k-ish Nearest Neighbors (k-ish NN). The success probability of our solution depends on the distribution of the distances from q to S and increase as its statistical distance to Gaussian decrease. To implement our classifier we introduce the concept of double-blinded coin-toss. In a doubly-blinded coin-toss the success probability as well as the output of the toss are encrypted. We use this coin-toss to efficiently approximate the average and variance of the distances from q to S. We believe these two techniques may be of independent interest. When implemented with HE, the k-ish NN has a circuit depth that is independent of n, therefore making it scalable. We also implemented our classifier in an open source library based on HELib and tested it on a breast tumor database. The accuracy of our classifier (F_1 score) were 98\% and classification took less than 3 hours compared to (estimated) weeks in current HE implementations

    Security is an Architectural Design Constraint

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    In state-of-the-art design paradigm, time, space and power efficiency are considered the primary design constraints. Quite often, this approach adversely impacts the security of the overall system, especially when security is adopted as a countermeasure after some vulnerability is identified. In this position paper, we motivate the idea that security should also be considered as an architectural design constraint in addition to time, space and power. We show that security and efficiency objectives along the three design axes of time, space and power are in fact tightly coupled while identifying that security stands in direct contrast with them across all layers of architectural design. We attempt to prove our case utilizing a proof-by-evidence approach wherein we refer to various works across literature that explicitly imply the eternal conflict between security and efficiency. Thus, security has to be treated as a design constraint from the very beginning. Additionally, we advocate a security-aware design flow starting from the choice of cryptographic primitives, protocols and system design

    Optimal Ate Pairing on Elliptic Curves with Embedding Degree 9,159,15 and 2727

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    Much attention has been given to the efficient computation of pairings on elliptic curves with even embedding degree since the advent of pairing-based cryptography. The few existing works in the case of odd embedding degrees require some improvements. This paper considers the computation of optimal ate pairings on elliptic curves of embedding degrees k=9k=9, 1515, 2727 which have twists of order three. Our main goal is to provide a detailed arithmetic and cost estimation of operations in the tower extensions field of the corresponding extension fields. A good selection of parameters enables us to improve the theoretical cost for the Miller step and the final exponentiation using the lattice-based method as compared to the previous few works that exist in these cases. In particular, for k=15k=15, k=27k=27, we obtain an improvement, in terms of operations in the base field, of up to 25% and 29% respectively in the computation of the final exponentiation. We also find that elliptic curves with embedding degree k=15k=15 present faster results than BN12 curves at the 128-bit security level. We provide a MAGMA implementation in each case to ensure the correctness of the formulas used in this work.Comment: 25 page