46 research outputs found

    Lower data attacks on Advanced Encryption Standard

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    The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is one of the most commonly used and analyzed encryption algorithms. In this work, we present new combinations of some prominent attacks on AES, achieving new records in data requirements among attacks, utilizing only 242^4 and 2162^{16} chosen plaintexts (CP) for 6-round and 7-round AES-192/256 respectively. One of our attacks is a combination of a meet-in-the-middle (MiTM) attack with a square attack mounted on 6-round AES-192/256 while another attack combines an MiTM attack and an integral attack, utilizing key space partitioning technique, on 7-round AES-192/256. Moreover, we illustrate that impossible differential (ID) attacks can be viewed as the dual of MiTM attacks in certain aspects which enables us to recover the correct key using the meet-in-the-middle (MiTM) technique instead of sieving through all potential wrong keys in our ID attack. Furthermore, we introduce the constant guessing technique in the inner rounds which significantly reduces the number of key bytes to be searched. The time and memory complexities of our attacks remain marginal

    New Methods for Bounding the Length of Impossible Differentials of SPN Block Ciphers

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    Impossible differential (ID) cryptanalysis is one of the most important cryptanalytic approaches for block ciphers. How to evaluate the security of Substitution-Permutation Network (SPN) block ciphers against ID is a valuable problem. In this paper, a series of methods for bounding the length of IDs of SPN block ciphers are proposed. From the perspective of overall structure, we propose a general framework and three implementation strategies. The three implementation strategies are compared and analyzed in terms of efficiency and accuracy. From the perspective of implementation technologies, we give the methods for determining representative set, partition table and ladder and integrating them into searching models. Moreover, the rotation-equivalence ID sets of ciphers are explored to reduce the number of models need to be considered. Thus, the ID bounds of SPN block ciphers can be effectively evaluated. As applications, we show that 9-round PRESENT, 8-round GIFT-64, 12-round GIFT-128, 5-round AES, 6-round Rijndael-160, 7-round Rijndael-192, 7-round Rijndael-224, 7-round Rijndael-256 and 10-round Midori64 do not have any ID under the sole assumption that the round keys are uniformly random. The results of PRESENT, GIFT-128, Rijndael-160, Rijndael-192, Rijndael-224, Rijndael-256 and Midori64 are obtained for the first time. Moreover, the ID bounds of AES, Rijndael-160, Rijndael-192, Rijndael-224 and Rijndael-256 are infimum

    Algoritmos criptográficos e o seu desempenho no Arduíno

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    O Arduíno é uma plataforma muito robusta e multifacetada utilizada em diversas situações e, cada vez mais, um elemento relevante na arquitetura da Internet das Coisas. Ao disponibilizar várias interfaces de comunicação sem fios, pode ser utilizado para controlar eletrodomésticos, portas, sensores de temperatura, etc. permitindo implementar facilmente a comunicação entre estas “coisas”. Nesta tese foram estudadas as principais redes sem fios utilizadas pelo Arduíno (Bluetooth Low Energy [BLE], Wi-Fi e ZigBee) para tentar perceber qual a que tem o melhor desempenho, vantagens e desvantagens de cada uma, quais os módulos necessários para permitir ao Arduíno utilizar esse tipo de rede sem fios, quais as principais funções para que foram projetadas quando criadas e qual o sistema de segurança utilizado nestas redes. Estas diferentes tecnologias sem fios permitem uma maior mobilidade e uma maior flexibilidade no desenho das estruturas de rede do que as redes com fios convencionais. Porém, este tipo de redes têm uma grande desvantagem já que qualquer um dentro do alcance da rede sem fios consegue intercetar o sinal que está a ser transmitido. Para solucionar e proteger a informação que é transmitida por estas redes foram desenvolvidos vários algoritmos de criptografia. Estes dados encriptados só podem ser lidos por dispositivos que tenham uma determinada chave. Os algoritmos de criptografia Data Encryption Standard (DES), Triple DES (TDES), Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), eXtended TEA (XTEA) Corrected Block TEA (XXTEA) estão entre as técnicas mais conhecidos e usadas tualmente. Nesta tese foram analisados estes algoritmos e as suas vulnerabilidades, tendo também sido feito um levantamento dos principais ataques existentes para avaliar se ainda são seguros atualmente. De forma a avaliar a possibilidade de utilizar o Arduíno em aplicações que utilizem comunicações sem fios com segurança, foram realizados testes de desempenho com os algoritmos de criptografia estudados, usando bibliotecas já existentes. Nos testes de desempenho implementados verificou-se que o AES é bastante mais rápido do que as outras soluções, oferecendo ainda uma maior segurança. Já o TDES verificou-se ser bastante lento, justificando o porquê de o algoritmo ser pouco usado, sendo ao longo dos anos substituído pelo AES. O XXTEA ficou em posição intermédia no teste de desempenho, tendo uma relação segurança/desempenho interessante e revelando-se assim uma escolha melhor do que o TDES.The Arduino is a very robust and multifaceted platform used in many situations and, increasingly, a relevant element in the Internet of Things. By providing several wireless communication interfaces, it can be used to control household appliances, doors, temperature sensors, etc. Allowing easy implementation of communication between these "things". In this thesis the main wireless networks used by Arduino (Bluetooth Low Energy [BLE], Wi-Fi and ZigBee) were studied to try to understand which one has the best performance, the advantages and disadvantages of each one, the modules needed to implement each wireless network and what security system are used. These different wireless technologies allow for greater mobility and greater flexibility in the design of network structures than conventional wired networks. However, such networks have a major disadvantage since anyone within the range of the wireless network can intercept the signal being transmitted. Several cryptographic algorithms have been developed to solve and protect the information that is transmitted by these networks. This encrypted data can only be read by devices that have a certain key. Triple Encryption Standard (DES), Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), eXtended TEA (XTEA) and Corrected Block TEA (XXTEA) encryption algorithms are among the best known and currently used algorithms. In this thesis these algorithms have been analyzed to compare their vulnerabilities and to identify the main existing attacks. In order to evaluate the possibility of using Arduino in applications that use wireless communications with security, performance tests were implemented using existing libraries. The results show that the AES is much faster than the other algorithms, offering even greater security. TDES was found to be quite slow, justifying why the algorithm has little used, and why over the years has been replaced by AES. The XXTEA was ranked in the middle of the performance test, having an interesting safety/performance ratio proving it to be a better choice than TDES

    New Insights into Divide-and-Conquer Attacks on the Round-Reduced Keccak-MAC

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    Keccak is the final winner of SHA-3 competition and it can be used as message authentic codes as well. The basic and balanced divide-and-conquer attacks on Keccak-MAC were proposed by Dinur et al. at Eurocrypt 2015. The idea of cube attacks is used in the two attacks to divide key bits into small portions. In this paper, by carefully analysing the mappings used in Keccak-MAC, it is found that some cube variables could divide key bits into smaller portions and so better divide-and-conquer attacks are obtained. Furthermore, in order to evaluate the resistance of Keccak-MAC against divide-and-conquer attacks based on cubes, we theoretically analyse the lower bounds of the complexities of divide-and-conquer attacks. It is shown that the lower bounds of the complexities are still not better than those of the conditional cube tester proposed by Senyang Huang et al.. This indicates that Keccak-MAC can resist the divide-and-conquer attack better than the conditional cube tester. We hope that these techniques still could provide some new insights on the future cryptanalysis of Keccak

    Fault Attacks In Symmetric Key Cryptosystems

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    Fault attacks are among the well-studied topics in the area of cryptography. These attacks constitute a powerful tool to recover the secret key used in the encryption process. Fault attacks work by forcing a device to work under non-ideal environmental conditions (such as high temperature) or external disturbances (such as glitch in the power supply) while performing a cryptographic operation. The recent trend shows that the amount of research in this direction; which ranges from attacking a particular primitive, proposing a fault countermeasure, to attacking countermeasures; has grown up substantially and going to stay as an active research interest for a foreseeable future. Hence, it becomes apparent to have a comprehensive yet compact study of the (major) works. This work, which covers a wide spectrum in the present day research on fault attacks that fall under the purview of the symmetric key cryptography, aims at fulfilling the absence of an up-to-date survey. We present mostly all aspects of the topic in a way which is not only understandable for a non-expert reader, but also helpful for an expert as a reference

    Combined Fault and DPA Protection for Lattice-Based Cryptography

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    The progress on constructing quantum computers and the ongoing standardization of post-quantum cryptography (PQC) have led to the development and refinement of promising new digital signature schemes and key encapsulation mechanisms (KEM). Especially lattice-based schemes have gained some popularity in the research community, presumably due to acceptable key, ciphertext, and signature sizes as well as good performance results and cryptographic strength. However, in some practical applications like smart cards, it is also crucial to secure cryptographic implementations against side-channel and fault attacks. In this work, we analyze the so-called redundant number representation (RNR) that can be used to counter side-channel attacks. We show how to avoid security issues with the RNR due to unexpected de-randomization and we apply it to the Kyber KEM and show that the RNR has a very low overhead. We then verify the RNR methodology by practical experiments, using the non-specific t-test methodology and the ChipWhisperer platform. Furthermore, we present a novel countermeasure against fault attacks based on the Chinese remainder theorem (CRT). On an ARM Cortex-M4, our implementation of the RNR and fault countermeasure offers better performance than masking and redundant calculation. Our methods thus have the potential to expand the toolbox of a defender implementing lattice-based cryptography with protection against two common physical attacks

    New Security Proofs and Complexity Records for Advanced Encryption Standard

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    Common block ciphers like AES specified by the NIST or KASUMI (A5/3) of GSM are extensively utilized by billions of individuals globally to protect their privacy and maintain confidentiality in daily communications. However, these ciphers lack comprehensive security proofs against the vast majority of known attacks. Currently, security proofs are limited to differential and linear attacks for both AES and KASUMI. For instance, the consensus on the security of AES is not based on formal mathematical proofs but on intensive cryptanalysis over its reduced rounds spanning several decades. In this work, we introduce new security proofs for AES against another attack method: impossible differential (ID) attacks. We classify ID attacks as reciprocal and nonreciprocal ID attacks. We show that sharp and generic lower bounds can be imposed on the data complexities of reciprocal ID attacks on substitution permutation networks. We prove that the minimum data required for a reciprocal ID attack on AES using a conventional ID characteristic is 2662^{66} chosen plaintexts whereas a nonreciprocal ID attack involves at least 2882^{88} computational steps. We mount a nonreciprocal ID attack on 6-round AES for 192-bit and 256-bit keys, which requires only 2182^{18} chosen plaintexts and outperforms the data complexity of any attack. Given its marginal time complexity, this attack does not pose a substantial threat to the security of AES. However, we have made enhancements to the integral attack on 6-round AES, thereby surpassing the longstanding record for the most efficient attack after a period of 23 years

    On the Linear Transformation in White-box Cryptography

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    Linear transformations are applied to the white-box cryptographic implementation for the diffusion effect to prevent key-dependent intermediate values from being analyzed. However, it has been shown that there still exists a correlation before and after the linear transformation, and thus this is not enough to protect the key against statistical analysis. So far, the Hamming weight of rows in the invertible matrix has been considered the main cause of the key leakage from the linear transformation. In this study, we present an in-depth analysis of the distribution of intermediate values and the characteristics of block invertible binary matrices. Our mathematical analysis and experimental results show that the balanced distribution of the key-dependent intermediate value is the main cause of the key leakage

    A Novel Approach to Communicate Secret Message Between Users Using Sponge Function Technique on NTRU

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    This paper presents a novel approach for a (key distribution) for secret message communication among a group (G). In order to increase security to distribute secret message (key), we introduce sponge functions using these at a specific permutation. We generate a key and distribute this key using (PKCS)(public key crypto systems), the absorbing, squeezing functions are used. In this paper an introduction part which briefs regarding sponge functions, key distribution centre, group communication and NTRU, key generation authentication, in literature review we describe about the research states of sponge functions, lightweight hash functions-KDC – NTRU. In proposed work we propose how the group communication establishes registration of users, entry and exit of a user. The encryption and decryption algorithm are used between sender and receiver. The entire proposed work is verified in VHDL and ‘MATLABS'. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.12777/ijse.4.2.2013.44-51 [How to cite this article: Varaprasad, S., Rao, K. V., & Avadhani, P. S. (2013). A Novel Approach to Communicate Secret Message between Users Using Sponge Function Technique on NTRU. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, 4(2), 44-51; doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.12777/ijse.4.2.2013.44-51

    Rate One-Third Non-malleable Codes

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    At ITCS 2010, Dziembowski, Pietrzak, and Wichs introduced Non-malleable Codes (NMCs) which protect against tampering of a codeword of a given message into the codeword of a related message. A well-studied model of tampering is the 22-split-state model where the codeword consists of two independently tamperable states. As with standard error-correcting codes, it is of great importance to build codes with high rates. Following a long line of work, Aggarwal and Obremski (FOCS 2020) showed the first constant rate non-malleable code in the 22-split state model; however this constant was a minuscule 10610^{-6}! In this work, we build a Non-malleable Code with rate 1/31/3. This nearly matches the rate 1/21/2 lower bound for this model due to Cheraghchi and Guruswami (ITCS 2014). Our construction is simple, requiring just an inner-product extractor, a seeded extractor, and an affine-evasive function