1,593 research outputs found

    Synthesizing Certified Code

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    Code certification is a lightweight approach for formally demonstrating software quality. Its basic idea is to require code producers to provide formal proofs that their code satisfies certain quality properties. These proofs serve as certificates that can be checked independently. Since code certification uses the same underlying technology as program verification, it requires detailed annotations (e.g., loop invariants) to make the proofs possible. However, manually adding annotations to the code is time-consuming and error-prone. We address this problem by combining code certification with automatic program synthesis. Given a high-level specification, our approach simultaneously generates code and all annotations required to certify the generated code. We describe a certification extension of AutoBayes, a synthesis tool for automatically generating data analysis programs. Based on built-in domain knowledge, proof annotations are added and used to generate proof obligations that are discharged by the automated theorem prover E-SETHEO. We demonstrate our approach by certifying operator- and memory-safety on a data-classification program. For this program, our approach was faster and more precise than PolySpace, a commercial static analysis tool

    Abstract State Machines 1988-1998: Commented ASM Bibliography

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    An annotated bibliography of papers which deal with or use Abstract State Machines (ASMs), as of January 1998.Comment: Also maintained as a BibTeX file at http://www.eecs.umich.edu/gasm

    Programming language trends : an empirical study

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    Predicting the evolution of software engineering technology trends is a dubious proposition. The recent evolution of software technology is a prime example; it is fast paced and affected by many factors, which are themselves driven by a wide range of sources. This dissertation is part of a long term project intended to analyze software engineering technology trends and how they evolve. Basically, the following questions will be answered: How to watch, predict, adapt to, and affect software engineering trends? In this dissertation, one field of software engineering, programming languages, will be discussed. After reviewing the history of a group of programming languages, it shows that two kinds of factors, intrinsic factors and extrinsic factors, could affect the evolution of a programming language. Intrinsic factors are the factors that can be used to describe the general desigu criteria of programming languages. Extrinsic factors are the factors that are not directly related to the general attributes of programming languages, but still can affect their evolution. In order to describe the relationship of these factors and how they affect programming language trends, these factors need to be quantified. A score has been assigued to each factor for every programming language. By collecting historical data, a data warehouse has been established, which stores the value of each factor for every programming language. The programming language trends are described and evaluated by using these data. Empirical research attempts to capture observed behaviors by empirical laws. In this dissertation, statistical methods are used to describe historical programming language trends and predict the evolution of the future trends. Several statistics models are constructed to describe the relationships among these factors. Canonical correlation is used to do the factor analysis. Multivariate multiple regression method has been used to construct the statistics models for programming language trends. After statistics models are constructed to describe the historical programming language trends, they are extended to do tentative prediction for future trends. The models are validated by comparing the predictive data and the actual data


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    The purpose of this study is to develop a software application m-learning with a focus on the development of m-Learning application features to accommodate all teaching and learning activities in the classroom. Generally speaking, the study activities referred to in this study are virtual communication between faculty and students, award to student assessment, process of tasks by students in an interactive and feedback on student progress assessment by the lecturer,  as well as view  student assessment results and so forth.The method used is a method of research and development (research and development), with the design of the chosen development is a model of Dick and Carey. The primary outcome will be generated in this study a software product development, it is in the process of media development will be equipped with special methods of software development using the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) with Waterfall-based model. The research result is the development of SDLC design to determine the courses, Analysis needs functional and non-functional requirements, the development process of the draft with the analysis of learning conditions, descriptive qualitative analysis, as well as development steps. The design results in the form of development with Waterfall Model Testing media expert, content expert Testing, Testing small groups, field trials. Interface design results in the form of accommodation throughout the teaching and learning activities in the classroom include the presentation of the material, discussion, assessment processes and virtual communications faculty and studentsKeyword: Models, Applications, Mobile Learning, development, featur

    New Approach to Categorical Semantics for Procedural Languages

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    The semantics of programs written in some languages is concerned with the interpretation in various types of models. The purpose of structural operational semantics is to describe how a computation is performed. This method is one of the most popular semantic methods in the community of software engineers. It describes program behavior in the form of state changes caused by the execution of elementary steps. This feature predestinates the usage of the structural operational semantics for implementation of programming languages and also for verification purposes. Another semantic method, denotational semantics, defines changes of states by functions. In this paper a new approach to semantics is presented: behavior of programs, i.e., changes of states are modeled in the category of states. The morphisms category expresses elementary execution steps and the program execution is an oriented path in the category, i.e. composition of morphisms. Our categorical model is constructed for a simple procedural language that contains all basic van Dijkstra's constructs. We enriched our approach also with procedures forming a collection of categories interconnected by functors. This method enables the repeated call of procedures, nesting of procedure calls and recursive calls. Moreover, it allows to illustrate and accentuate dynamics of the program execution. The simplicity of this method does not exclude its mathematical exactness