79,345 research outputs found

    A Framework of Hybrid Force/Motion Skills Learning for Robots

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    Human factors and human-centred design philosophy are highly desired in today’s robotics applications such as human-robot interaction (HRI). Several studies showed that endowing robots of human-like interaction skills can not only make them more likeable but also improve their performance. In particular, skill transfer by imitation learning can increase usability and acceptability of robots by the users without computer programming skills. In fact, besides positional information, muscle stiffness of the human arm, contact force with the environment also play important roles in understanding and generating human-like manipulation behaviours for robots, e.g., in physical HRI and tele-operation. To this end, we present a novel robot learning framework based on Dynamic Movement Primitives (DMPs), taking into consideration both the positional and the contact force profiles for human-robot skills transferring. Distinguished from the conventional method involving only the motion information, the proposed framework combines two sets of DMPs, which are built to model the motion trajectory and the force variation of the robot manipulator, respectively. Thus, a hybrid force/motion control approach is taken to ensure the accurate tracking and reproduction of the desired positional and force motor skills. Meanwhile, in order to simplify the control system, a momentum-based force observer is applied to estimate the contact force instead of employing force sensors. To deploy the learned motion-force robot manipulation skills to a broader variety of tasks, the generalization of these DMP models in actual situations is also considered. Comparative experiments have been conducted using a Baxter Robot to verify the effectiveness of the proposed learning framework on real-world scenarios like cleaning a table

    Neural Task Programming: Learning to Generalize Across Hierarchical Tasks

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    In this work, we propose a novel robot learning framework called Neural Task Programming (NTP), which bridges the idea of few-shot learning from demonstration and neural program induction. NTP takes as input a task specification (e.g., video demonstration of a task) and recursively decomposes it into finer sub-task specifications. These specifications are fed to a hierarchical neural program, where bottom-level programs are callable subroutines that interact with the environment. We validate our method in three robot manipulation tasks. NTP achieves strong generalization across sequential tasks that exhibit hierarchal and compositional structures. The experimental results show that NTP learns to generalize well to- wards unseen tasks with increasing lengths, variable topologies, and changing objectives.Comment: ICRA 201

    Semantic Robot Programming for Goal-Directed Manipulation in Cluttered Scenes

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    We present the Semantic Robot Programming (SRP) paradigm as a convergence of robot programming by demonstration and semantic mapping. In SRP, a user can directly program a robot manipulator by demonstrating a snapshot of their intended goal scene in workspace. The robot then parses this goal as a scene graph comprised of object poses and inter-object relations, assuming known object geometries. Task and motion planning is then used to realize the user's goal from an arbitrary initial scene configuration. Even when faced with different initial scene configurations, SRP enables the robot to seamlessly adapt to reach the user's demonstrated goal. For scene perception, we propose the Discriminatively-Informed Generative Estimation of Scenes and Transforms (DIGEST) method to infer the initial and goal states of the world from RGBD images. The efficacy of SRP with DIGEST perception is demonstrated for the task of tray-setting with a Michigan Progress Fetch robot. Scene perception and task execution are evaluated with a public household occlusion dataset and our cluttered scene dataset.Comment: published in ICRA 201

    Tangible user interfaces : past, present and future directions

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    In the last two decades, Tangible User Interfaces (TUIs) have emerged as a new interface type that interlinks the digital and physical worlds. Drawing upon users' knowledge and skills of interaction with the real non-digital world, TUIs show a potential to enhance the way in which people interact with and leverage digital information. However, TUI research is still in its infancy and extensive research is required in or- der to fully understand the implications of tangible user interfaces, to develop technologies that further bridge the digital and the physical, and to guide TUI design with empirical knowledge. This paper examines the existing body of work on Tangible User In- terfaces. We start by sketching the history of tangible user interfaces, examining the intellectual origins of this field. We then present TUIs in a broader context, survey application domains, and review frame- works and taxonomies. We also discuss conceptual foundations of TUIs including perspectives from cognitive sciences, phycology, and philoso- phy. Methods and technologies for designing, building, and evaluating TUIs are also addressed. Finally, we discuss the strengths and limita- tions of TUIs and chart directions for future research

    Learning Contact-Rich Manipulation Skills with Guided Policy Search

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    Autonomous learning of object manipulation skills can enable robots to acquire rich behavioral repertoires that scale to the variety of objects found in the real world. However, current motion skill learning methods typically restrict the behavior to a compact, low-dimensional representation, limiting its expressiveness and generality. In this paper, we extend a recently developed policy search method \cite{la-lnnpg-14} and use it to learn a range of dynamic manipulation behaviors with highly general policy representations, without using known models or example demonstrations. Our approach learns a set of trajectories for the desired motion skill by using iteratively refitted time-varying linear models, and then unifies these trajectories into a single control policy that can generalize to new situations. To enable this method to run on a real robot, we introduce several improvements that reduce the sample count and automate parameter selection. We show that our method can acquire fast, fluent behaviors after only minutes of interaction time, and can learn robust controllers for complex tasks, including putting together a toy airplane, stacking tight-fitting lego blocks, placing wooden rings onto tight-fitting pegs, inserting a shoe tree into a shoe, and screwing bottle caps onto bottles

    Vision-Based Multi-Task Manipulation for Inexpensive Robots Using End-To-End Learning from Demonstration

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    We propose a technique for multi-task learning from demonstration that trains the controller of a low-cost robotic arm to accomplish several complex picking and placing tasks, as well as non-prehensile manipulation. The controller is a recurrent neural network using raw images as input and generating robot arm trajectories, with the parameters shared across the tasks. The controller also combines VAE-GAN-based reconstruction with autoregressive multimodal action prediction. Our results demonstrate that it is possible to learn complex manipulation tasks, such as picking up a towel, wiping an object, and depositing the towel to its previous position, entirely from raw images with direct behavior cloning. We show that weight sharing and reconstruction-based regularization substantially improve generalization and robustness, and training on multiple tasks simultaneously increases the success rate on all tasks