48,145 research outputs found

    What Can Artificial Intelligence Do for Scientific Realism?

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    The paper proposes a synthesis between human scientists and artificial representation learning models as a way of augmenting epistemic warrants of realist theories against various anti-realist attempts. Towards this end, the paper fleshes out unconceived alternatives not as a critique of scientific realism but rather a reinforcement, as it rejects the retrospective interpretations of scientific progress, which brought about the problem of alternatives in the first place. By utilising adversarial machine learning, the synthesis explores possibility spaces of available evidence for unconceived alternatives providing modal knowledge of what is possible therein. As a result, the epistemic warrant of synthesised realist theories should emerge bolstered as the underdetermination by available evidence gets reduced. While shifting the realist commitment away from theoretical artefacts towards modalities of the possibility spaces, the synthesis comes out as a kind of perspectival modelling

    End-to-End Photo-Sketch Generation via Fully Convolutional Representation Learning

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    Sketch-based face recognition is an interesting task in vision and multimedia research, yet it is quite challenging due to the great difference between face photos and sketches. In this paper, we propose a novel approach for photo-sketch generation, aiming to automatically transform face photos into detail-preserving personal sketches. Unlike the traditional models synthesizing sketches based on a dictionary of exemplars, we develop a fully convolutional network to learn the end-to-end photo-sketch mapping. Our approach takes whole face photos as inputs and directly generates the corresponding sketch images with efficient inference and learning, in which the architecture are stacked by only convolutional kernels of very small sizes. To well capture the person identity during the photo-sketch transformation, we define our optimization objective in the form of joint generative-discriminative minimization. In particular, a discriminative regularization term is incorporated into the photo-sketch generation, enhancing the discriminability of the generated person sketches against other individuals. Extensive experiments on several standard benchmarks suggest that our approach outperforms other state-of-the-art methods in both photo-sketch generation and face sketch verification.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures. Proceeding in ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval (ICMR), 201

    Visual Object Networks: Image Generation with Disentangled 3D Representation

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    Recent progress in deep generative models has led to tremendous breakthroughs in image generation. However, while existing models can synthesize photorealistic images, they lack an understanding of our underlying 3D world. We present a new generative model, Visual Object Networks (VON), synthesizing natural images of objects with a disentangled 3D representation. Inspired by classic graphics rendering pipelines, we unravel our image formation process into three conditionally independent factors---shape, viewpoint, and texture---and present an end-to-end adversarial learning framework that jointly models 3D shapes and 2D images. Our model first learns to synthesize 3D shapes that are indistinguishable from real shapes. It then renders the object's 2.5D sketches (i.e., silhouette and depth map) from its shape under a sampled viewpoint. Finally, it learns to add realistic texture to these 2.5D sketches to generate natural images. The VON not only generates images that are more realistic than state-of-the-art 2D image synthesis methods, but also enables many 3D operations such as changing the viewpoint of a generated image, editing of shape and texture, linear interpolation in texture and shape space, and transferring appearance across different objects and viewpoints.Comment: NeurIPS 2018. Code: https://github.com/junyanz/VON Website: http://von.csail.mit.edu

    Expediting TTS Synthesis with Adversarial Vocoding

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    Recent approaches in text-to-speech (TTS) synthesis employ neural network strategies to vocode perceptually-informed spectrogram representations directly into listenable waveforms. Such vocoding procedures create a computational bottleneck in modern TTS pipelines. We propose an alternative approach which utilizes generative adversarial networks (GANs) to learn mappings from perceptually-informed spectrograms to simple magnitude spectrograms which can be heuristically vocoded. Through a user study, we show that our approach significantly outperforms na\"ive vocoding strategies while being hundreds of times faster than neural network vocoders used in state-of-the-art TTS systems. We also show that our method can be used to achieve state-of-the-art results in unsupervised synthesis of individual words of speech.Comment: Published as a conference paper at INTERSPEECH 201
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