367 research outputs found

    Ensemble of Example-Dependent Cost-Sensitive Decision Trees

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    Several real-world classification problems are example-dependent cost-sensitive in nature, where the costs due to misclassification vary between examples and not only within classes. However, standard classification methods do not take these costs into account, and assume a constant cost of misclassification errors. In previous works, some methods that take into account the financial costs into the training of different algorithms have been proposed, with the example-dependent cost-sensitive decision tree algorithm being the one that gives the highest savings. In this paper we propose a new framework of ensembles of example-dependent cost-sensitive decision-trees. The framework consists in creating different example-dependent cost-sensitive decision trees on random subsamples of the training set, and then combining them using three different combination approaches. Moreover, we propose two new cost-sensitive combination approaches; cost-sensitive weighted voting and cost-sensitive stacking, the latter being based on the cost-sensitive logistic regression method. Finally, using five different databases, from four real-world applications: credit card fraud detection, churn modeling, credit scoring and direct marketing, we evaluate the proposed method against state-of-the-art example-dependent cost-sensitive techniques, namely, cost-proportionate sampling, Bayes minimum risk and cost-sensitive decision trees. The results show that the proposed algorithms have better results for all databases, in the sense of higher savings.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures, Submitted for possible publicatio

    Maximize What Matters: Predicting Customer Churn With Decision-Centric Ensemble Selection

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    Churn modeling is important to sustain profitable customer relationships in saturated consumer markets. A churn model predicts the likelihood of customer defection. This is important to target retention offers to the right customers and to use marketing resources efficiently. The prevailing approach toward churn model development, supervised learning, suffers an important limitation: it does not allow the marketing analyst to account for campaign planning objectives and constraints during model building. Our key proposition is that creating a churn model in awareness of actual business requirements increases the performance of the final model for marketing decision support. To demonstrate this, we propose a decision-centric framework to create churn models. We test our modeling framework on eight real-life churn data sets and find that it performs significantly better than state-of-the-art churn models. Further analysis suggests that this improvement comes directly from incorporating business objectives into model building, which confirms the effectiveness of the proposed framework. In particular, we estimate that our approach increases the per customer profits of retention campaigns by $.47 on average

    A predict-and-optimize approach to profit-driven churn prevention

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    In this paper, we introduce a novel predict-and-optimize method for profit-driven churn prevention. We frame the task of targeting customers for a retention campaign as a regret minimization problem. The main objective is to leverage individual customer lifetime values (CLVs) to ensure that only the most valuable customers are targeted. In contrast, many profit-driven strategies focus on churn probabilities while considering average CLVs. This often results in significant information loss due to data aggregation. Our proposed model aligns with the guidelines of Predict-and-Optimize (PnO) frameworks and can be efficiently solved using stochastic gradient descent methods. Results from 12 churn prediction datasets underscore the effectiveness of our approach, which achieves the best average performance compared to other well-established strategies in terms of average profit.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures, submitted to INFORMATION SCIENCE

    Churn Identification and Prediction from a Large-Scale Telecommunication Dataset Using NLP

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    The identification of customer churn is a major issue for large telecom businesses. In order to manage the data of current customers as well as acquire and manage new customers, every day, a substantial volume of data gets generated. Therefore, it's crucial to identify the causes of client churn so that the appropriate steps can be taken to lower it. Numerous researchers have already discussed their efforts to combine static and dynamic approaches in order to reduce churn in big data sets, but these systems still have many issues when it comes to actually identifying churn. In this paper, we suggested two methods, the first of which is churn identification and using Natural Language Processing (NLP) methods and machine learning techniques, we make predictions based on a vast telecommunication data set. The NLP process involves data pre-processing, normalization, feature extraction, and feature selection. For feature extraction, we employ unique techniques like TF-IDF, Stanford NLP, and occurrence correlation methods, have been suggested. Throughout the lesson, a machine learning classification algorithm is used for training and testing. Finally, the system employs a variety of cross validation techniques and training and evaluating Machine learning algorithms. The experimental analysis shows the system's efficacy and accuracy

    Extended RFM logit model for churn prediction in the mobile gaming market

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    As markets are becoming increasingly saturated, many businesses are shifting their focus to customer retention. In their need to understand and predict future customer behavior, businesses across sectors are adopting data-driven business intelligence to deal with churn prediction. A good example of this approach to retention management is the mobile game industry. This business sector usually relies on a considerable amount of behavioral telemetry data that allows them to understand how users interact with games. This high-resolution information enables game companies to develop and adopt accurate models for detecting customers with a high attrition propensity. This paper focuses on building a churn prediction model for the mobile gaming market by utilizing logistic regression analysis in the extended recency, frequency and monetary (RFM) framework. The model relies on a large set of raw telemetry data that was transformed into interpretable game-independent features. Robust statistical measures and dominance analysis were applied in order to assess feature importance. Established features are used to develop a logistic model for churn prediction and to classify potential churners in a population of users, regardless of their lifetime

    Investigating Customer Churn in Banking: A Machine Learning Approach and Visualization App for Data Science and Management

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    Customer attrition in the banking industry occurs when consumers quit using the goods and services offered by the bank for some time and, after that, end their connection with the bank. Therefore, customer retention is essential in today’s extremely competitive banking market. Additionally, having a solid customer base helps attract new consumers by fostering confidence and a referral from a current clientele. These factors make reducing client attrition a crucial step that banks must pursue. In our research, we aim to examine bank data and forecast which users will most likely discontinue using the bank’s services and become paying customers. We use various machine learning algorithms to analyze the data and show comparative analysis on different evaluation metrics. In addition, we developed a Data Visualization RShiny app for data science and management regarding customer churn analysis. Analyzing this data will help the bank indicate the trend and then try to retain customers on the verge of attrition

    Explainable AI for enhanced decision-making

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