3 research outputs found

    Profiling of Dataflow Programs Using Post Mortem Causation Traces

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    The natural representation of data streams, parallelism, and composition has made dataflow an attractive programming model for expressing a wide range of stream and media processing applications, and has led MPEG and ISO to base their latest video coding standards on this model. This paper describes and compares methodologies and metrics for the optimization of signal processing algorithms represented as dataflow programs. Our approach is based on the analysis of traces and addresses some of the complexity challenges that arise from the very large data sets that are required for evaluating real-world applications. The methodology and experimental results are demonstrated and evaluated in two at-size case studies, an MPEG-4 SP and an AVC/H.264 video decoders

    Traçage et profilage d'applications d'apprentissage automatique de type flot de données utilisant un processeur graphique

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    Actuellement, les besoins en puissance de calcul sont de plus en plus importants, alors que les améliorations au niveau du matériel commencent à ralentir. La puissance des processeurs et notamment leur fréquence de fonctionnement stagnent pour des raisons physiques comme la finesse de gravure ou la dissipation de chaleur. Afin de surpasser ces limites, le calcul en parallèle semble être une solution prometteuse avec l’utilisation d’architectures hétérogènes. Ces dernières mettent en oeuvre une combinaison de plusieurs unités de calculs de types possiblement différents, ce qui leur permet d’offrir un fonctionnement hautement parallèle. Malgré tout, utiliser l’ensemble du matériel efficacement reste difficile, et la programmation au niveau logiciel de ces architectures pose problème. Par conséquent, différents modèles ont émergé avec notamment les approches flot de données. Ces dernières proposent des caractéristiques très adaptées pour ce genre de contexte parallèle. Elles permettent de programmer plus facilement les différentes unités de calcul afin de bénéficier au maximum du matériel disponible. Dans un contexte de recherche de performance optimale, il est essentiel d’avoir des outils permettant de diagnostiquer d’éventuels problèmes. Quelques solutions ont déjà pu démontrer leur efficacité dans le cas d’un modèle de programmation plus traditionnel et séquentiel, utilisant ou non un processeur graphique. On retrouve par exemple des outils comme LTTng ou Ftrace destinés à l’analyse du processeur central. Concernant les processeurs graphiques, les outils propriétaires et à sources fermées, proposés par les constructeurs sont en général les plus complets et privilégiés par les programmeurs. Cela présente toutefois une limite, puisque les solutions ne sont pas générales et restent dépendantes du matériel proposé par un constructeur. Par ailleurs, elles offrent une flexibilité limitée avec des visualisations et analyses définies et fixes qui ne peuvent ni être modifiées ni améliorées en fonction des besoins d’un utilisateur. Finalement, aucun outil existant ne s’intéresse spécifiquement aux modèles flot de données.----------ABSTRACT: Recently, increasing computing capabilities have been required in various areas like scientific computing, video games and graphical rendering or artificial intelligence. These domains usually involve the processing of a large amount of data, intended to be performed as fast as possible. Unfortunately, hardware improvements have recently slowed down. The CPU clock speed, for example, is not increasing much any more, possibly nearing technological limits. Physical constraints like the heat dissipation or fine etching are the main reasons for that. Consequently, new opportunities like parallel processing using heterogeneous architectures became popular. In this context, the traditional processors get support from other computing units like graphical processors. In order to program these, the dataflow model offers several advantages. It is inherently parallel and thus well adapted. In this context, guaranteeing optimal performances is another main concern. For that, tracing and profiling central processing and graphical processing units are two useful techniques that can be considered. Several tools exist, like LTTng and FTrace that can trace the operating system and focus on the central processor. In addition, proprietary tools offered by hardware vendors can help to analyze and monitor the graphical processor. However, these tools are specific to one type of hardware and lack flexibility. Moreover, none of them target in particular dataflow applications executed on a heterogeneous platform

    High-level synthesis of dataflow programs for heterogeneous platforms:design flow tools and design space exploration

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    The growing complexity of digital signal processing applications implemented in programmable logic and embedded processors make a compelling case the use of high-level methodologies for their design and implementation. Past research has shown that for complex systems, raising the level of abstraction does not necessarily come at a cost in terms of performance or resource requirements. As a matter of fact, high-level synthesis tools supporting such a high abstraction often rival and on occasion improve low-level design. In spite of these successes, high-level synthesis still relies on programs being written with the target and often the synthesis process, in mind. In other words, imperative languages such as C or C++, most used languages for high-level synthesis, are either modified or a constrained subset is used to make parallelism explicit. In addition, a proper behavioral description that permits the unification for hardware and software design is still an elusive goal for heterogeneous platforms. A promising behavioral description capable of expressing both sequential and parallel application is RVC-CAL. RVC-CAL is a dataflow programming language that permits design abstraction, modularity, and portability. The objective of this thesis is to provide a high-level synthesis solution for RVC-CAL dataflow programs and provide an RVC-CAL design flow for heterogeneous platforms. The main contributions of this thesis are: a high-level synthesis infrastructure that supports the full specification of RVC-CAL, an action selection strategy for supporting parallel read and writes of list of tokens in hardware synthesis, a dynamic fine-grain profiling for synthesized dataflow programs, an iterative design space exploration framework that permits the performance estimation, analysis, and optimization of heterogeneous platforms, and finally a clock gating strategy that reduces the dynamic power consumption. Experimental results on all stages of the provided design flow, demonstrate the capabilities of the tools for high-level synthesis, software hardware Co-Design, design space exploration, and power optimization for reconfigurable hardware. Consequently, this work proves the viability of complex systems design and implementation using dataflow programming, not only for system-level simulation but real heterogeneous implementations