6 research outputs found

    Cardiac circRNAs Arise Mainly From Constitutive Exons Rather Than Alternatively Spliced Exons

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    Circular RNAs (circRNAs) are a relatively new class of RNA molecules, and knowledge about their biogenesis and function is still in its infancy. It was recently shown that alternative splicing underlies the formation of circular RNAs (circRNA) arising from the Titin (TTN) gene. Since the main mechanism by which circRNAs are formed is still unclear, we hypothesized that alternative splicing, and in particular exon skipping, is a major driver of circRNA production. We performed RNA sequencing on human and mouse hearts, mapped alternative splicing events, and overlaid these with expressed circRNAs at exon-level resolution. In addition, we performed RNA sequencing on hearts of Rbm20 KO mice to address how important Rbm20-mediated alternative splicing is in the production of cardiac circRNAs. In human and mouse hearts, we show that cardiac circRNAs are mostly (~90%) produced from constitutive exons and less (~10%) from alternatively spliced exons. In Rbm20 KO hearts, we identified 38 differentially expressed circRNAs of which 12 were produced from the Ttn gene. Even though Ttn appeared the most prominent target of Rbm20 for circularization, we also detected Rbm20-dependent circRNAs arising from other genes including Fan1, Stk39, Xdh, Bcl2l13, and Sorbs1. Interestingly, only Ttn circRNAs seemed to arise from Rbm20-mediated skipped exons. In conclusion, cardiac circRNAs are mostly derived from constitutive exons, suggesting that these circRNAs are generated at the expense of their linear counterpart and that circRNA production impacts the accumulation of the linear mRNA

    Titin circular RNAs create a back-splice motif essential for SRSF10 splicing

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    Background: Titin (TTN), the largest protein in humans, forms the molecular spring that spans half of the sarcomere to provide passive elasticity to the cardiomyocyte. Mutations that disrupt the TTN transcript are the most frequent cause of hereditary heart failure. We showed before that TTN produces a class of circular RNAs (circRNAs) that depend on RBM20 to be formed. In this study we show that the backsplice junction formed by this class of circRNAs creates a unique motif, which binds SRSF10 to enable it to regulate splicing. Furthermore, we show that one of these circRNAs (cTTN1) distorts both localization of and splicing by RBM20. Methods: We calculated genetic constraint of the identified motif in 125.748 exomes collected from the gnomAD database. Furthermore, we focused on the highest expressed RBM20-dependent circRNA in the human heart, which we named cTTN1. We used shRNAs directed to the backsplice junction to induce selective loss of cTTN1 in human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes (hiPSC-CM). Results: Human genetics suggests reduced genetic tolerance of the generated motif, indicating that mutations in this motif might lead to disease. RNA immunoprecipitation confirmed binding of circRNAs with this motif to SRSF10. Selective loss of cTTN1 in hiPSC-CM induced structural abnormalities, apoptosis and reduced contractile force in engineered heart tissue. In line with its SRSF10 binding, loss of cTTN1 caused abnormal splicing of important cardiomyocyte SRSF10 targets like MEF2A and CASQ2. Strikingly, loss of cTTN1 also caused abnormal splicing of TTN itself. Mechanistically, we show that loss of cTTN1 distorts both localization of and splicing by RBM20. Conclusions: We demonstrate that circRNAs formed from the TTN transcript are essential for normal splicing of key muscle genes by enabling splice regulators RBM20 and SRSF10. This shows that the TTN transcript also has regulatory roles, besides its well-known signaling and structural function. In addition, we demonstrate that the specific sequence created by the backsplice junction of these circRNAs has important functions. This highlights the existence of functionally important sequences that cannot be recognized as such in the human genome, but provides a yet unrecognized source for functional sequence variation

    Insights into the biogenesis and potential functions of exonic circular RNA

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    Circular RNAs (circRNAs) exhibit unique properties due to their covalently closed nature. Models of circRNAs synthesis and function are emerging but much remains undefined about this surprisingly prevalent class of RNA. Here, we identified exonic circRNAs from human and mouse RNA-sequencing datasets, documenting multiple new examples. Addressing function, we found that many circRNAs co-sediment with ribosomes, indicative of their translation potential. By contrast, circRNAs with potential to act as microRNA sponges were scarce, with some support for a collective sponge function by groups of circRNAs. Addressing circRNA biogenesis, we delineated several features commonly associated with circRNA occurrence. CircRNA-producing genes tend to be longer and to contain more exons than average. Back-splice acceptor exons are strongly enriched at ordinal position 2 within genes, and circRNAs typically have a short exon span with two exons being the most prevalent. The flanking introns either side of circRNA loci are exceptionally long. Of note also, single-exon circRNAs derive from unusually long exons while multi-exon circRNAs are mostly generated from exons of regular length. These findings independently validate and extend similar observations made in a number of prior studies. Furthermore, we analysed high-resolution RNA polymerase II occupancy data from two separate human cell lines to reveal distinctive transcription dynamics at circRNA-producing genes. Specifically, RNA polymerase II traverses the introns of these genes at above average speed concomitant with an accentuated slow-down at exons. Collectively, these features indicate how a perturbed balance between transcription and linear splicing creates important preconditions for circRNA production. We speculate that these preconditions need to be in place so that looping interactions between flanking introns can promote back-splicing to raise circRNA production to appreciable levels.Chikako Ragan, Gregory J. Goodall, Nikolay E. Shirokikh, Thomas Preis

    Profiling and Validation of the Circular RNA Repertoire in Adult Murine Hearts

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    For several decades, cardiovascular disease has been the leading cause of death throughout all countries. There is a strong genetic component to many disease subtypes (e.g., cardiomyopathy) and we are just beginning to understand the relevant genetic factors. Several studies have related RNA splicing to cardiovascular disease and circular RNAs (circRNAs) are an emerging player. circRNAs, which originate through back-splicing events from primary transcripts, are resistant to exonucleases and typically not polyadenylated. Initial functional studies show clear phenotypic outcomes for selected circRNAs. We provide, for the first time, a comprehensive catalogue of RNase R-resistant circRNA species for the adult murine heart. This work combines state-of-the-art circle sequencing with our novel DCC software to explore the circRNA landscape of heart tissue. Overall, we identified 575 circRNA species that pass a beta-binomial test for enrichment (false discovery rate of 1%) in the exonuclease-treated sequencing sample. Several circRNAs can be directly attributed to host genes that have been previously described as associated with cardiovascular disease. Further studies of these candidate circRNAs may reveal disease-relevant properties or functions of specific circRNAs

    DIS3 and its Role in CircRNA Degradation

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    Circular RNAs (circRNAs) are covalently closed, single-stranded endogenous RNAs lacking 5′ end caps and 3′ poly(A) tails. Although the low abundance, these molecules show cell type-, tissue- or developmental stage-specific expression. For decades, circRNAs were considered as byproducts of aberrant splicing. Recent findings unrevealed their cellular functions such as microRNA (miRNAs) or RNA binding proteins (RBPs) sponges, scaffolds and decoys. Although circRNA biogenesis is considerably well understood, it remains intriguing how circRNAs are ultimately degraded, as they are stable and resistant to RNA exonucleolytic decay. Using a biochemical approach, we aim to identify the cellular degradation pathways of circRNAs and the endonucleases involved. To achieve this purpose, using an enzymatic ligation method, we performed in vitro synthesis of selected circRNAs and confirmed their circularity. Then, we measured the stability of the synthetic circRNAs and their linear counterpart in cell lysates of different purification approaches. Our data confirmed the high stability of circRNAs compared to the linear counterparts and showed high sensitivity of degradation for circular RNAs in cytoplasmic extracts suggesting cytoplasmic decay pathways. Next, we used mass spectrometry analysis to identify the endonucleases involved in circRNAs degradation and validated them with in vitro degradation assays. Furthermore, we characterized the function of DIS3 and its PIN domain using in vitro and in vivo experiments. In vitro experiments show that DIS3 can degrade synthetic circRNAs alone or associated with the exosome and that the PIN domain is responsible for its endoribonuclease activity. RNA-seq analysis from CRISPR/Cas9-mediated DIS3 knockout cells confirmed the potential role of DIS3 in degrading a subset of circRNAs. Among them, three candidates such as circOXCT1, circRERE and circFAM208, show upregulation in DIS3 knockout while their linear RNA counterparts do not change. Finally, proteomic studies of DIS3 function in the nucleus and cytoplasm elucidate the molecular mechanisms behind the regulation of DIS3, which might affect circRNA metabolism. Altogether our study adds a new aspect to the function of DIS3 in regulating circRNA degradation pathway