4 research outputs found

    Some recent results and open problems on sets of lengths of Krull monoids with finite class group

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    Some of the fundamental notions related to sets of lengths of Krull monoids with finite class group are discussed, and a survey of recent results is given. These include the elasticity and related notions, the set of distances, and the structure theorem for sets of lengths. Several open problems are mentioned

    A characterization of class groups via sets of lengths

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    Let HH be a Krull monoid with class group GG such that every class contains a prime divisor. Then every nonunit a∈Ha \in H can be written as a finite product of irreducible elements. If a=u_1⋅…⋅u_ka=u\_1 \cdot \ldots \cdot u\_k, with irreducibles u_1,…u_k∈Hu\_1, \ldots u\_k \in H, then kk is called the length of the factorization and the set L(a)\mathsf L (a) of all possible kk is called the set of lengths of aa. It is well-known that the system L(H)={L(a)∣a∈H}\mathcal L (H) = \{\mathsf L (a) \mid a \in H \} depends only on the class group GG. In the present paper we study the inverse question asking whether or not the system L(H)\mathcal L (H) is characteristic for the class group. Consider a further Krull monoid H′H' with class group G′G' such that every class contains a prime divisor and suppose that L(H)=L(H′)\mathcal L (H) = \mathcal L (H'). We show that, if one of the groups GG and G′G' is finite and has rank at most two, then GG and G′G' are isomorphic (apart from two well-known pairings).Comment: The current version is close to the one to appear in J. Korean Math. Soc., yet it contains a detailed proof of Proposition 2.4. The content of Chapter 4 of the first version had been split off and is presented in ' A characterization of Krull monoids for which sets of lengths are (almost) arithmetical progressions' by the same authors (see hal-01976941 and arXiv:1901.03506

    Products of two atoms in Krull monoids and arithmetical characterizations of class groups

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    Let H be a Krull monoid with finite class group G such that every class contains a prime divisor and let D (G) be the Davenport constant of G. Then a product of two atoms of H can be written as a product of at most D (G) atoms. We study this extremal case and consider the set U{2,D(G)}(H) defined as the set of all l∈N with the following property: there are two atoms u,v∈H such that uv can be written as a product of l atoms as well as a product of D (G) atoms. If G is cyclic, then U{2,D(G)}(H)={2,D(G)}. If G has rank two, then we show that (apart from some exceptional cases) U{2,D(G)}(H)=[2,D(G)]{set minus}{3}. This result is based on the recent characterization of all minimal zero-sum sequences of maximal length over groups of rank two. As a consequence, we are able to show that the arithmetical factorization properties encoded in the sets of lengths of a rank 2 prime power order group uniquely characterizes the group. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd