3 research outputs found

    Simultaneous Petri Net Synthesis

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    Petri net synthesis deals with the problem whether, given a labelled transition system TS, one can find a Petri net N with an initial marking M0 such that the reachability graph of (N. M0) is isomorphic to TS. This may be preceded by a pre-synthesis phase that will quickly reject ill-formed transition systems (and give structural reasons for the failure) and otherwise build data structures needed by the proper synthesis. The last phase proceeds by solving systems of linear inequalities, and may still fail but for less transparent reasons. In this paper, we consider an extended problem. A finite set of transition systems {TS1, ...,TSm} shall be called simultaneously Petri net solvable if there is a single Petri net N with several initial markings {M01,...,M0m}, such that for every i = 1,...,m, the reachability graph of (N, M0i) is isomorphic to TSi. The focus will be on choice-free nets, that is, nets without structural choices, and we explore how previously published efficient algorithms for the pre-synthesis and proper synthesis of bounded and choice-free Petri nets can be generalised for the simultaneous pre-synthesis and synthesis of such multi-marked nets. At the same time, the choice-free pre-synthesis of a single transition system shall be strengthened by introducing new structural checks

    Products of Transition Systems and Additions of Petri Nets

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    It is well-known that the reachability graph of a sumof disjoint Petri nets is the disjoint product of the reachabilitygraphs of the components. We shall consider here the converseproblem, i.e. determine when and how a transition system maybe decomposed in non-trivial concurrent factors, and extend thetheory to more general labelled transition systems. Meanwhile, weshall develop interesting algebraic properties of disjoint products.SCOPUS: cp.pinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe