16 research outputs found

    Abstractive Text Summarization by Incorporating Reader Comments

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    In neural abstractive summarization field, conventional sequence-to-sequence based models often suffer from summarizing the wrong aspect of the document with respect to the main aspect. To tackle this problem, we propose the task of reader-aware abstractive summary generation, which utilizes the reader comments to help the model produce better summary about the main aspect. Unlike traditional abstractive summarization task, reader-aware summarization confronts two main challenges: (1) Comments are informal and noisy; (2) jointly modeling the news document and the reader comments is challenging. To tackle the above challenges, we design an adversarial learning model named reader-aware summary generator (RASG), which consists of four components: (1) a sequence-to-sequence based summary generator; (2) a reader attention module capturing the reader focused aspects; (3) a supervisor modeling the semantic gap between the generated summary and reader focused aspects; (4) a goal tracker producing the goal for each generation step. The supervisor and the goal tacker are used to guide the training of our framework in an adversarial manner. Extensive experiments are conducted on our large-scale real-world text summarization dataset, and the results show that RASG achieves the state-of-the-art performance in terms of both automatic metrics and human evaluations. The experimental results also demonstrate the effectiveness of each module in our framework. We release our large-scale dataset for further research.Comment: Accepted by AAAI 201

    Product Question Answering in E-Commerce: A Survey

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    Product question answering (PQA), aiming to automatically provide instant responses to customer's questions in E-Commerce platforms, has drawn increasing attention in recent years. Compared with typical QA problems, PQA exhibits unique challenges such as the subjectivity and reliability of user-generated contents in E-commerce platforms. Therefore, various problem settings and novel methods have been proposed to capture these special characteristics. In this paper, we aim to systematically review existing research efforts on PQA. Specifically, we categorize PQA studies into four problem settings in terms of the form of provided answers. We analyze the pros and cons, as well as present existing datasets and evaluation protocols for each setting. We further summarize the most significant challenges that characterize PQA from general QA applications and discuss their corresponding solutions. Finally, we conclude this paper by providing the prospect on several future directions

    Abstractive Opinion Tagging

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    In e-commerce, opinion tags refer to a ranked list of tags provided by the e-commerce platform that reflect characteristics of reviews of an item. To assist consumers to quickly grasp a large number of reviews about an item, opinion tags are increasingly being applied by e-commerce platforms. Current mechanisms for generating opinion tags rely on either manual labelling or heuristic methods, which is time-consuming and ineffective. In this paper, we propose the abstractive opinion tagging task, where systems have to automatically generate a ranked list of opinion tags that are based on, but need not occur in, a given set of user-generated reviews. The abstractive opinion tagging task comes with three main challenges: (1) the noisy nature of reviews; (2) the formal nature of opinion tags vs. the colloquial language usage in reviews; and (3) the need to distinguish between different items with very similar aspects. To address these challenges, we propose an abstractive opinion tagging framework, named AOT-Net, to generate a ranked list of opinion tags given a large number of reviews. First, a sentence-level salience estimation component estimates each review's salience score. Next, a review clustering and ranking component ranks reviews in two steps: first, reviews are grouped into clusters and ranked by cluster size; then, reviews within each cluster are ranked by their distance to the cluster center. Finally, given the ranked reviews, a rank-aware opinion tagging component incorporates an alignment feature and alignment loss to generate a ranked list of opinion tags. To facilitate the study of this task, we create and release a large-scale dataset, called eComTag, crawled from real-world e-commerce websites. Extensive experiments conducted on the eComTag dataset verify the effectiveness of the proposed AOT-Net in terms of various evaluation metrics.Comment: Accepted by WSDM 202