11 research outputs found

    Hybrid dynamic energy and thermal management in heterogeneous embedded multiprocessor SoCs

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    Dynamically Matching ILP Characteristics Via a Heterogeneous Clustered Microarchitecture

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    Applications vary in the degree of instruction level parallelism (ILP) available to be exploited by a superscalar processor. The ILP can also vary significantly within an application. On one end of the microarchitecture space are monolithic superscalar designs that exploit parallelism within an application. At another end of the spectrum are clustered architectures having many simple cores that can be clocked at a higher frequency than a comparable monolithic design. A disadvantage of the clustered design is the cost to transmit results between clusters which potentially limits the performance even in high ILP applications if instructions are not mapped carefully to minimize cross communication. In this paper, we propose an approach that incorporates the strengths of the prior two by clustering multiple integer ALUs in an asymmetric fashion. In one cluster, a 6-way out-of-order pipeline efficiently executes code having high ILP. In another cluster, a simpler, but deeper, 2-way pipeline running at twice the frequency speeds up regions of code having little ILP. We use the parallelism metrics gathered from the dynamic Data Dependence Tracking (DDT) mechanism to dynamically steer instruction windows to a cluster. We demonstrate that the heterogeneous cluster design can improve performance by up to 30% over a monolithic 8- way superscalar processor

    SEEC: A Framework for Self-aware Management of Multicore Resources

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    This paper presents SEEC, a self-aware programming model, designed to reduce programming effort in modern multicore systems. In the SEEC model, application programmers specify application goals and progress, while systems programmers separately specify actions system software and hardware can take to affect an application (e.g. resource allocation). The SEEC runtime monitors applications and dynamically selects actions to meet application goals optimally (e.g. meeting performance while minimizing power consumption). The SEEC runtime optimizes system behavior for the application rather than requiring the application programmer to optimize for the system. This paper presents a detailed discussion of the SEEC model and runtime as well as several case studies demonstrating their benefits. SEEC is shown to optimize performance per Watt for a video encoder, find optimal resource allocation for an application with complex resource usage, and maintain the goals of multiple applications in the face of environmental fluctuations

    SEEC: A Framework for Self-aware Computing

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    As the complexity of computing systems increases, application programmers must be experts in their application domain and have the systems knowledge required to address the problems that arise from parallelism, power, energy, and reliability concerns. One approach to relieving this burden is to make use of self-aware computing systems, which automatically adjust their behavior to help applications achieve their goals. This paper presents the SEEC framework, a unified computational model designed to enable self-aware computing in both applications and system software. In the SEEC model, applications specify goals, system software specifies possible actions, and the SEEC framework is responsible for deciding how to use the available actions to meet the application-specified goals. The SEEC framework is built around a general and extensible control system which provides predictable behavior and allows SEEC to make decisions that achieve goals while optimizing resource utilization. To demonstrate the applicability of the SEEC framework, this paper presents fivedifferent self-aware systems built using SEEC. Case studies demonstrate how these systems can control the performance of the PARSEC benchmarks, optimize performance per Watt for a video encoder, and respond to unexpected changes in the underlying environment. In general these studies demonstrate that systems built using the SEEC framework are goal-oriented, predictable, adaptive, and extensible

    Processor Power Reduction Via Single-ISA Heterogeneous Multi-core Architectures

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    This paper proposes a single-ISA heterogeneous multi-core architecture as a mechanism to reduce processor power dissipation. It assumes a single chip containing a diverse set of cores that target different performance levels and consume different levels of power. During an application's execution, system software dynamically chooses the most appropriate core to meet specific performance and power requirements. It describes an example architecture with five cores of varying performance and complexity. Initial results demonstrate a five-fold reduction in energy at a cost of only 25% performance

    Processor Power Reduction Via Single-ISA Heterogeneous Multi-Core Architectures

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    Low power architectures for streaming applications

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    It is too hot in here! A performance, energy and heat aware scheduler for Asymmetric multiprocessing processors in embedded systems.

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    Modern architecture present in self-power devices such as mobiles or tablet computers proposes the use of asymmetric processors that allow either energy-efficient or performant computation on the same SoC. For energy efficiency and performance consideration, the asymmetry resides in differences in CPU micro-architecture design and results in diverging raw computing capability. Other components such as the processor memory subsystem also show differences resulting in different memory transaction timing. Moreover, based on a bus-snoop protocol, cache coherency between processors comes with a peculiarity in memory latency depending on the processors operating frequencies. All these differences come with challenging decisions on both application schedulability and processor operating frequencies. In addition, because of the small form factor of such embedded systems, these devices generally cannot afford active cooling systems. Therefore thermal mitigation relies on dynamic software solutions. Current operating systems for embedded systems such as Linux or Android do not consider all these particularities. As such, they often fail to satisfy user expectations of a powerful device with long battery life. To remedy this situation, this thesis proposes a unified approach to deliver high-performance and energy-efficiency computation in each of its flavours, considering the memory subsystem and all computation units available in the system. Performance is maximized even when the device is under heavy thermal constraints. The proposed unified solution is based on accurate models targeting both performance and thermal behaviour and resides at the operating systems kernel level to manage all running applications in a global manner. Particularly, the performance model considers both the computation part and also the memory subsystem of symmetric or asymmetric processors present in embedded devices. The thermal model relies on the accurate physical thermal properties of the device. Using these models, application schedulability and processor frequency scaling decisions to either maximize performance or energy efficiency within a thermal budget are extensively studied. To cover a large range of application behaviour, both models are built and designed using a generative workload that considers fine-grain details of the underlying microarchitecture of the SoC. Therefore, this approach can be derived and applied to multiple devices with little effort. Extended evaluation on real-world benchmarks for high performance and general computing, as well as common applications targeting the mobile and tablet market, show the accuracy and completeness of models used in this unified approach to deliver high performance and energy efficiency under high thermal constraints for embedded devices