297 research outputs found

    Snapshot : friend or foe of data management - on optimizing transaction processing in database and blockchain systems

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    Data management is a complicated task. Due to a wide range of data management tasks, businesses often need a sophisticated data management infrastructure with a plethora of distinct systems to fulfill their requirements. Moreover, since snapshot is an essential ingredient in solving many data management tasks such as checkpointing and recovery, they have been widely exploited in almost all major data management systems that have appeared in recent years. However, snapshots do not always guarantee exceptional performance. In this dissertation, we will see two different faces of the snapshot, one where it has a tremendous positive impact on the performance and usability of the system, and another where an incorrect usage of the snapshot might have a significant negative impact on the performance of the system. This dissertation consists of three loosely-coupled parts that represent three distinct projects that emerged during this doctoral research. In the first part, we analyze the importance of utilizing snapshots in relational database systems. We identify the bottlenecks in state-of-the-art snapshotting algorithms, propose two snapshotting techniques, and optimize the multi-version concurrency control for handling hybrid workloads effectively. Our snapshotting algorithm is up to 100x faster and reduces the latency of analytical queries by up to 4x in comparison to the state-of-the-art techniques. In the second part, we recognize strict snapshotting used by Fabric as a critical bottleneck, and replace it with MVCC and propose some additional optimizations to improve the throughput of the permissioned-blockchain system by up to 12x under highly contended workloads. In the last part, we propose ChainifyDB, a platform that transforms an existing database infrastructure into a blockchain infrastructure. ChainifyDB achieves up to 6x higher throughput in comparison to another state-of-the-art permissioned blockchain system. Furthermore, its external concurrency control protocol outperforms the internal concurrency control protocol of PostgreSQL and MySQL, achieving up to 2.6x higher throughput in a blockchain setup in comparison to a standalone isolated setup. We also utilize snapshots in ChainifyDB to support recovery, which has been missing so far from the permissioned-blockchain world.Datenverwaltung ist eine komplizierte Aufgabe. Aufgrund der vielfältigen Aufgaben im Bereich der Datenverwaltung benötigen Unternehmen häufig eine anspruchsvolle Infrastruktur mit einer Vielzahl an unterschiedlichen Systemen, um ihre Anforderungen zu erfüllen. Dabei ist Snapshotting ein wesentlicher Bestandteil in nahezu allen aktuellen Datenbanksystemen, um Probleme wie Checkpointing und Recovery zu lösen. Allerdings garantieren Snapshots nicht immer eine gute Performance. In dieser Arbeit werden wir zwei Facetten des Snapshots beleuchten: Einerseits können Snapshots enorm positive Auswirkungen auf die Performance und Usability des Systems haben, andererseits können sie bei falscher Anwendung zu erheblichen Performanceverlusten führen. Diese Dissertation besteht aus drei Teilen basierend auf drei unterschiedlichen Projekten, die im Rahmen der Forschung zu dieser Arbeit entstanden sind. Im ersten Teil untersuchen wir die Bedeutung von Snapshots in relationalen Datenbanksystemen. Wir identifizieren die Bottlenecks gegenwärtiger Snapshottingalgorithmen, stellen zwei leichtgewichtige Snapshottingverfahren vor und optimieren Multi- Version Concurrency Control f¨ur das effiziente Ausführen hybrider Workloads. Unser Snapshottingalgorithmus ist bis zu 100 mal schneller und verringert die Latenz analytischer Anfragen um bis zu Faktor vier gegenüber dem Stand der Technik. Im zweiten Teil identifizieren wir striktes Snapshotting als Bottleneck von Fabric. In Folge dessen ersetzen wir es durch MVCC und schlagen weitere Optimierungen vor, mit denen der Durchsatz des Permissioned Blockchain Systems unter hoher Arbeitslast um Faktor zwölf verbessert werden kann. Im letzten Teil stellen wir ChainifyDB vor, eine Platform die eine existierende Datenbankinfrastruktur in eine Blockchaininfrastruktur überführt. ChainifyDB erreicht dabei einen bis zu sechs mal höheren Durchsatz im Vergleich zu anderen aktuellen Systemen, die auf Permissioned Blockchains basieren. Das externe Concurrency Protokoll übertrifft dabei sogar die internen Varianten von PostgreSQL und MySQL und erreicht einen bis zu 2,6 mal höhren Durchsatz im Blockchain Setup als in einem eigenständigen isolierten Setup. Zusätzlich verwenden wir Snapshots in ChainifyDB zur Unterstützung von Recovery, was bisher im Rahmen von Permissioned Blockchains nicht möglich war

    Growth of relational model: Interdependence and complementary to big data

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    A database management system is a constant application of science that provides a platform for the creation, movement, and use of voluminous data. The area has witnessed a series of developments and technological advancements from its conventional structured database to the recent buzzword, bigdata. This paper aims to provide a complete model of a relational database that is still being widely used because of its well known ACID properties namely, atomicity, consistency, integrity and durability. Specifically, the objective of this paper is to highlight the adoption of relational model approaches by bigdata techniques. Towards addressing the reason for this in corporation, this paper qualitatively studied the advancements done over a while on the relational data model. First, the variations in the data storage layout are illustrated based on the needs of the application. Second, quick data retrieval techniques like indexing, query processing and concurrency control methods are revealed. The paper provides vital insights to appraise the efficiency of the structured database in the unstructured environment, particularly when both consistency and scalability become an issue in the working of the hybrid transactional and analytical database management system

    Design and modeling of a hybrid database schema: transactional and analytical

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    Os sistemas de bases de dados em contexto organizacional estão segmentados em duas categorias: bases de dados operacionais e bases de dados analíticas. Como consequência da constante evolução tecnológica, vários esforços foram levados a cabo com o objetivo de reavaliar o paradigma atual. Assim, a conceção de bases de dados híbridas capazes de suportar o processamento transacional e analítico é vista como possível e viável. No entanto, é clara a presença de uma lacuna no que diz respeito à existência de abordagens que demonstrem como modelar esquemas conceptuais para este tipo de bases de dados. Neste póster é apresentada uma conceção e modelação de um esquema lógico de uma base de dados híbrida.Database systems in organizational context are segmented in two categories: operational databases and analytical databases. Several efforts have been undertaken to re-evaluate the current paradigm, based on the constant technological evolution. Thus, the design of hybrid databases, capable of supporting transactional and analytical processing is possible and feasible. Even so, it is clear a gap about the existence of approaches regarding the modelling of conceptual schema for this type of databases. In this poster, is presented a logical schema for a hybrid database.(undefined)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    On the Impact of Memory Allocation on High-Performance Query Processing

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    Somewhat surprisingly, the behavior of analytical query engines is crucially affected by the dynamic memory allocator used. Memory allocators highly influence performance, scalability, memory efficiency and memory fairness to other processes. In this work, we provide the first comprehensive experimental analysis on the impact of memory allocation for high-performance query engines. We test five state-of-the-art dynamic memory allocators and discuss their strengths and weaknesses within our DBMS. The right allocator can increase the performance of TPC-DS (SF 100) by 2.7x on a 4-socket Intel Xeon server

    Scaling up Mixed Workloads: a Battle of Data Freshness, Flexibility, and Scheduling

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    The common "one size does not fit all" paradigm isolates transactional and analytical workloads into separate, specialized database systems. Operational data is periodically replicated to a data warehouse for analytics. Competitiveness of enterprises today, however, depends on real-time reporting on operational data, necessitating an integration of transactional and analytical processing in a single database system. The mixed workload should be able to query and modify common data in a shared schema. The database needs to provide performance guarantees for transactional workloads, and, at the same time, efficiently evaluate complex analytical queries. In this paper, we share our analysis of the performance of two main-memory databases that support mixed workloads, SAP HANA and HyPer, while evaluating the mixed workload CH-benCHmark. By examining their similarities and differences, we identify the factors that affect performance while scaling the number of concurrent transactional and analytical clients. The three main factors are (a) data freshness, i.e., how recent is the data processed by analytical queries, (b) flexibility, i.e., restricting transactional features in order to increase optimization choices and enhance performance, and (c) scheduling, i.e., how the mixed workload utilizes resources. Specifically for scheduling, we show that the absence of workload management under cases of high concurrency leads to analytical workloads overwhelming the system and severely hurting the performance of transactional workloads