35 research outputs found

    Optical Proximity Correction (OPC) Under Immersion Lithography

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    As advanced technology nodes continue scaling down into sub-16 nm regime, optical microlithography becomes more vulnerable to process variations. As a result, overall lithographic yield continuously degrades. Since next-generation lithography (NGL) is still not mature enough, the industry relies heavily on resolution enhancement techniques (RETs), wherein optical proximity correction (OPC) with 193 nm immersion lithography is dominant in the foreseeable future. However, OPC algorithms are getting more aggressive. Consequently, complex mask solutions are outputted. Furthermore, this results in long computation time along with mask data volume explosion. In this chapter, recent state-of-the-art OPC algorithms are discussed. Thereafter, the performance of a recently published fast OPC methodology—to generate highly manufactured mask solutions with acceptable pattern fidelity under process variations—is verified on the public benchmarks

    AI/ML Algorithms and Applications in VLSI Design and Technology

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    An evident challenge ahead for the integrated circuit (IC) industry in the nanometer regime is the investigation and development of methods that can reduce the design complexity ensuing from growing process variations and curtail the turnaround time of chip manufacturing. Conventional methodologies employed for such tasks are largely manual; thus, time-consuming and resource-intensive. In contrast, the unique learning strategies of artificial intelligence (AI) provide numerous exciting automated approaches for handling complex and data-intensive tasks in very-large-scale integration (VLSI) design and testing. Employing AI and machine learning (ML) algorithms in VLSI design and manufacturing reduces the time and effort for understanding and processing the data within and across different abstraction levels via automated learning algorithms. It, in turn, improves the IC yield and reduces the manufacturing turnaround time. This paper thoroughly reviews the AI/ML automated approaches introduced in the past towards VLSI design and manufacturing. Moreover, we discuss the scope of AI/ML applications in the future at various abstraction levels to revolutionize the field of VLSI design, aiming for high-speed, highly intelligent, and efficient implementations

    Analog design for manufacturability: lithography-aware analog layout retargeting

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    As transistor sizes shrink over time in the advanced nanometer technologies, lithography effects have become a dominant contributor of integrated circuit (IC) yield degradation. Random manufacturing variations, such as photolithographic defect or spot defect, may cause fatal functional failures, while systematic process variations, such as dose fluctuation and defocus, can result in wafer pattern distortions and in turn ruin circuit performance. This dissertation is focused on yield optimization at the circuit design stage or so-called design for manufacturability (DFM) with respect to analog ICs, which has not yet been sufficiently addressed by traditional DFM solutions. On top of a graph-based analog layout retargeting framework, in this dissertation the photolithographic defects and lithography process variations are alleviated by geometrical layout manipulation operations including wire widening, wire shifting, process variation band (PV-band) shifting, and optical proximity correction (OPC). The ultimate objective of this research is to develop efficient algorithms and methodologies in order to achieve lithography-robust analog IC layout design without circuit performance degradation

    An alternating direction method of multipliers for inverse lithography problem

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    We propose an alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) to solve an optimization problem stemming from inverse lithography. The objective functional of the optimization problem includes three terms: the misfit between the imaging on wafer and the target pattern, the penalty term which ensures the mask is binary and the total variation regularization term. By variable splitting, we introduce an augmented Lagrangian for the original objective functional. In the framework of ADMM method, the optimization problem is divided into several subproblems. Each of the subproblems can be solved efficiently. We give the convergence analysis of the proposed method. Specially, instead of solving the subproblem concerning sigmoid, we solve directly the threshold truncation imaging function which can be solved analytically. We also provide many numerical examples to illustrate the effectiveness of the method

    A robust computational algorithm for inverse photomask synthesis in optical projection lithography

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    Inverse lithography technology formulates the photomask synthesis as an inverse mathematical problem. To solve this, we propose a variational functional and develop a robust computational algorithm, where the proposed functional takes into account the process variations and incorporates several regularization terms that can control the mask complexity. We establish the existence of the minimizer of the functional, and in order to optimize it effectively, we adopt an alternating minimization procedure with Chambolle's fast duality projection algorithm. Experimental results show that our proposed algorithm is effective in synthesizing high quality photomasks as compared with existing methods.published_or_final_versio

    Design, Fabrication, and Run-time Strategies for Hardware-Assisted Security

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    Today, electronic computing devices are critically involved in our daily lives, basic infrastructure, and national defense systems. With the growing number of threats against them, hardware-based security features offer the best chance for building secure and trustworthy cyber systems. In this dissertation, we investigate ways of making hardware-based security into a reality with primary focus on two areas: Hardware Trojan Detection and Physically Unclonable Functions (PUFs). Hardware Trojans are malicious modifications made to original IC designs or layouts that can jeopardize the integrity of hardware and software platforms. Since most modern systems critically depend on ICs, detection of hardware Trojans has garnered significant interest in academia, industry, as well as governmental agencies. The majority of existing detection schemes focus on test-time because of the limited hardware resources available at run-time. In this dissertation, we explore innovative run-time solutions that utilize on-chip thermal sensor measurements and fundamental estimation/detection theory to expose changes in IC power/thermal profile caused by Trojan activation. The proposed solutions are low overhead and also generalizable to many other sensing modalities and problem instances. Simulation results using state-of-the-art tools on publicly available Trojan benchmarks verify that our approaches can detect Trojans quickly and with few false positives. Physically Unclonable Functions (PUFs) are circuits that rely on IC fabrication variations to generate unique signatures for various security applications such as IC authentication, anti-counterfeiting, cryptographic key generation, and tamper resistance. While the existence of variations has been well exploited in PUF design, knowledge of exactly how variations come into existence has largely been ignored. Yet, for several decades the Design-for-Manufacturability (DFM) community has actually investigated the fundamental sources of these variations. Furthermore, since manufacturing variations are often harmful to IC yield, the existing DFM tools have been geared towards suppressing them (counter-intuitive for PUFs). In this dissertation, we make several improvements over current state-of-the-art work in PUFs. First, our approaches exploit existing DFM models to improve PUFs at physical layout and mask generation levels. Second, our proposed algorithms reverse the role of standard DFM tools and extend them towards improving PUF quality without harming non-PUF portions of the IC. Finally, since our approaches occur after design and before fabrication, they are applicable to all types of PUFs and have little overhead in terms of area, power, etc. The innovative and unconventional techniques presented in this dissertation should act as important building blocks for future work in cyber security

    EDA Solutions for Double Patterning Lithography

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    Expanding the optical lithography to 32-nm node and beyond is impossible using existing single exposure systems. As such, double patterning lithography (DPL) is the most promising option to generate the required lithography resolution, where the target layout is printed with two separate imaging processes. Among different DPL techniques litho-etch-litho-etch (LELE) and self-aligned double patterning (SADP) methods are the most popular ones, which apply two complete exposure lithography steps and an exposure lithography followed by a chemical imaging process, respectively. To realize double patterning lithography, patterns located within a sub-resolution distance should be assigned to either of the imaging sub-processes, so-called layout decomposition. To achieve the optimal design yield, layout decomposition problem should be solved with respect to characteristics and limitations of the applied DPL method. For example, although patterns can be split between the two sub-masks in the LELE method to generate conflict free masks, this pattern split is not favorable due to its sensitivity to lithography imperfections such as the overlay error. On the other hand, pattern split is forbidden in SADP method because it results in non-resolvable gap failures in the final image. In addition to the functional yield, layout decomposition affects parametric yield of the designs printed by double patterning. To deal with both functional and parametric challenges of DPL in dense and large layouts, EDA solutions for DPL are addressed in this thesis. To this end, we proposed a statistical method to determine the interconnect width and space for the LELE method under the effect of random overlay error. In addition to yield maximization and achieving near-optimal trade-off between different parametric requirements, the proposed method provides valuable insight about the trend of parametric and functional yields in future technology nodes. Next, we focused on self-aligned double patterning and proposed layout design and decomposition methods to provide SADP-compatible layouts and litho-friendly decomposed layouts. Precisely, a grid-based ILP formulation of SADP decomposition was proposed to avoid decomposition conflicts and improve overall printability of layout patterns. To overcome the limited applicability of this ILP-based method to fully-decomposable layouts, a partitioning-based method is also proposed which is faster than the grid-based ILP decomposition method too. Moreover, an A∗-based SADP-aware detailed routing method was proposed which performs detailed routing and layout decomposition simultaneously to avoid litho-limited layout configurations. The proposed router preserves the uniformity of pattern density between the two sub-masks of the SADP process. We finally extended our decomposition method for double patterning to triple patterning and formulated SATP decomposition by integer linear programming. In addition to conventional minimum width and spacing constraints, the proposed decomposition method minimizes the mandrel-trim co-defined edges and maximizes the layout features printed by structural spacers to achieve the minimum pattern distortion. This thesis is one of the very early researches that investigates the concept of litho-friendliness in SADP-aware layout design and decomposition. Provided by experimental results, the proposed methods advance prior state-of-the-art algorithms in various aspects. Precisely, the suggested SADP decomposition methods improve total length of sensitive trim edges, total EPE and overall printability of attempted designs. Additionally, our SADP-detailed routing method provides SADP-decomposable layouts in which trim patterns are highly robust to lithography imperfections. The experimental results for SATP decomposition show that total length of overlay-sensitive layout patterns, total EPE and overall printability of the attempted designs are also improved considerably by the proposed decomposition method. Additionally, the methods in this PhD thesis reveal several insights for the upcoming technology nodes which can be considered for improving the manufacturability of these nodes

    Design Techniques for Lithography-Friendly Nanometer CMOS Integrated Circuits

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    The Integrated Circuits industry has been a major driver of the outstanding changes and improvements in the modern day technology and life style that we are observing in our day to day life. The continuous scaling of CMOS technology has been one of the major challenges and success stories. However, as the CMOS technology advances deeply into the deep sub-micron technology nodes, the whole industry (both manufacturing and design) is starting to face new challenges. One major challenge is the control of the variation in device parameters. Lithography variations result from the industry incapability to come up with new light sources with a smaller wavelength than ArF source (193 nm wavelength). In this research, we develop better understanding of the photo-lithography variations and their effect on how the design gets patterned. We investigate the state-of-the-art mask correction and design manipulation techniques. We are focusing in our study on the different Optical Proximity Correction (OPC) and design retargeting techniques to assess how we can improve both the functional and parametric yield. Our goal is to achieve a fast and accurate Model Based Re-Targeting (MBRT) technique that can achieve a better functional yield during manufacturing by establishing the techniques to produce more lithography-friendly targets. Moreover, it can be easily integrated into a fab's PDK (due to its relatively high speed) to feedback the exact final printing on wafer to the designers during the early design phase. In this thesis, we focus on two main topics. First is the development of a fast technique that can predict the final mask shape with reasonable accuracy. This is our proposed Model-based Initial Bias (MIB) methodology, in which we develop the full methodology for creating compact models that can predict the perturbation needed to get to an OPC initial condition that is much closer to the final solution. This is very useful in general in the OPC domain, where it can save almost 50% of the OPC runtime. We also use MIB in our proposed Model-Based Retargeting (MBRT) flow to accurately compute lithography hot-spots location and severity. Second, we develop the fast model-based retargeting methodology that is capable of fixing lithography hot spots and improving the functional yield. Moreover, in this methodology we introduce to the first time the concept of distributed retargeting. In distributed MBRT, not only the design portion that is suffering from the hot-spot is moving to get it fixed but also the surrounding designs and design fragments also contribute to the hot-spot fix. Our proposed model-based retargeting methodology also includes the multiple-patterning awareness as well as the electrical-connectivity-awareness (via-awareness). We used Mentor Graphics Calibre Litho-API c-based programing to develop all of the methodologies we explain in this thesis and tested it on 20nm and 10nm nodes