6 research outputs found

    Enhanced Hardware Security Using Charge-Based Emerging Device Technology

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    The emergence of hardware Trojans has largely reshaped the traditional view that the hardware layer can be blindly trusted. Hardware Trojans, which are often in the form of maliciously inserted circuitry, may impact the original design by data leakage or circuit malfunction. Hardware counterfeiting and IP piracy are another two serious issues costing the US economy more than $200 billion annually. A large amount of research and experimentation has been carried out on the design of these primitives based on the currently prevailing CMOS technology. However, the security provided by these primitives comes at the cost of large overheads mostly in terms of area and power consumption. The development of emerging technologies provides hardware security researchers with opportunities to utilize some of the otherwise unusable properties of emerging technologies in security applications. In this dissertation, we will include the security consideration in the overall performance measurements to fully compare the emerging devices with CMOS technology. The first approach is to leverage two emerging devices (Silicon NanoWire and Graphene SymFET) for hardware security applications. Experimental results indicate that emerging device based solutions can provide high level circuit protection with relatively lower performance overhead compared to conventional CMOS counterpart. The second topic is to construct an energy-efficient DPA-resilient block cipher with ultra low-power Tunnel FET. Current-mode logic is adopted as a circuit-level solution to countermeasure differential power analysis attack, which is mostly used in the cryptographic system. The third investigation targets on potential security vulnerability of foundry insider\u27s attack. Split manufacturing is adopted for the protection on radio-frequency (RF) circuit design

    Process And Temperature Robust Voltage Multiplier Design For Rf Energy Harvesting

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    Process and temperature invariant voltage multiplier performance has been examined. The analytical predictions of ripple voltage and frequency response are in good agreement with ADS simulation results. In addition, a threshold voltage compensation scheme is investigated to improve the output voltage sensitivity against process variations and temperature fluctuation. The threshold voltage compensation technique effectively reduces the temperature and process variability on the voltage multiplier performance

    Process and temperature robust voltage multiplier design for RF energy harvesting

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    Process and temperature invariant voltage multiplier performance has been examined. The analytical predictions of ripple voltage and frequency response are in good agreement with ADS simulation results. In addition, a threshold voltage compensation scheme is investigated to improve the output voltage sensitivity against process variations and temperature fluctuation. The threshold voltage compensation technique effectively reduces the temperature and process variability on the voltage multiplier performance. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    MEMS piezoelectric vibrational energy harvesters and circuits for IoT applications

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    In the Internet of Things (IoT) world, more and more sensor nodes are being deployed and more mobile power sources are required. Alternative solutions to batteries are the subjects of worldwide extended research. Among the possibilities is the harvesting of energy from the ambient. A novel energy harvesting system to power wireless sensor nodes is a necessity and inevitable path, with more and more market interest. Microelectromechnaical systems (MEMS) based piezoelectric vibrational energy harvesters (PVEH) are considered in this thesis due to their good energy densities, conversion efficiency, suitability for miniaturization and CMOS integration. Cantilever beams are favored for their relatively high average strains, low frequencies and simplicity of fabrication. Proof masses are essential in micro scale devices in order to decrease the resonance frequency and increase the strain along the beam to increase the output power. In this thesis, the effects of proof mass geometry on piezoelectric vibration energy harvesters are studied. Different geometrical dimension ratios have significant impact on the resonance frequency, e.g., beam to mass lengths, and beam to mass widths. The responses of various prototypes are studied. Furthermore, the impact of geometry on the performance of cantilever-based PVEH is investigated. Namely, rectangular and trapezoidal T-shaped designs are fabricated and tested. Optimized cross-shaped geometries are fabricated using a commercial technology PiezoMUMPs process from MEMSCAP. They are characterized for their resonant frequency, strain distribution and output power. The output of an energy harvester is not directly suited as a power supply for circuits because of variations in its power and voltage over time, therefore a power management circuit is required. The circuit meets the requirements of responding to an input voltage that varies with the ambient conditions to generate a regulated output voltage, and the ability to power multiple outputs from a fixed input voltage. In this thesis, new design architectures for a reconfigurable circuit are considered. A charge pump which modifies dynamically the number of stages to generate a plurality of voltage levels has been designed and fabricated using a CMOS 0.13 ÎĽm technology. This provides biasing voltages for electrostatic MEMS devices. Electrostatic MEMS require relatively high and variable actuation voltages and the fabricated circuit serves this goal and attains a measured maximum output voltage of 10.1 V from a 1.2 V supply. In this thesis, design recommendations are given and MEMS piezoelectric harvesters are implemented and validated through fabrications. T-shaped harvesters bring improvements over cantilever designs, namely the trapezoidal T-shaped structures. A cross-shaped design has the advantage of utilizing four beams and the proposed proof mass improves the performance significantly. A cross-coupled circuit rectifies the output efficiently towards an optimal energy harvesting solution

    Towards Battery-Free Internet of Things (IoT) Sensors: Far-Field Wireless Power Transfer and Harmonic Backscattering

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    RÉSUMÉ Notre vie tend à être plus agréable, plus facile et plus efficace grâce à l'évolution rapide de la technologie de l'Internet des objets (IoT). La clef de voute de cette technologie repose essentiellement sur la quantité de capteurs IoT interconnectés, que l’on est en mesure de déployer dans notre environnement. Malheureusement, l’électronique conventionnelle fonctionnant sur piles ou relié au réseau électrique ne peut pas constituer une solution durable en raison des aspects de coût, de faisabilité et d'impact environnemental. Pendant ce temps, le changement climatique dû à la consommation excessive de combustibles fossiles continue de s'aggraver. Il devient donc urgent de trouver une solution pour l’alimentation électrique des capteurs IoT géographiquement répartis à grande échelle, afin de simultanément soutenir la mise en oeuvre de nombreux capteurs IoT tout en limitant leur poids environnemental. L'énergie radiofréquence (RF) ambiante, qui sert de support à l'information sans fil, est non seulement capitale pour notre société, mais aussi omniprésente dans les zones urbaines et suburbaines. Elle permet de réaliser des communications et des détections sans fil. Cependant, l'énergie RF ambiante est majoritairement « gaspillée » car seule une toute petite partie de la puissance transmise est effectivement reçu ou « consommée » par le destinataire. C'est pourquoi le recyclage de l'énergie RF ambiante est une solution prometteuse pour alimenter les capteurs IoT. Pour certains capteurs IoT consommant une puissance plus élevée, l’apport d'énergie sans fil pourra similairement se faire par des centrales électriques spécialisées, suivant le même schéma d’alimentation sans fil. Pour utiliser et récupérer cette énergie RF, cette thèse présente deux techniques principales : la récupération/réception de puissance sans fil en champ lointain (wireless power transfer: WPT) et la rétrodiffusion d'harmoniques. Le chapitre 2 aborde les différents mécanismes de conversion de fréquence entre le WPT en champ lointain et la rétrodiffusion d'harmoniques. La récupération de WPT en champ lointain consiste à convertir l'énergie RF en puissance continue. En revanche, la rétrodiffusion d'harmoniques a pour but de convertir l'énergie RF dans une autre fréquence, dans la plupart des cas, la composante harmonique de rang 2. A titre d'étape préliminaire de recherche et d'étude de faisabilité, une cartographie de la densité de l'énergie RF ambiante dans les zones centrales de l'île de Montréal est résumée au chapitre 3. Contrairement aux mesures traditionnelles précédentes effectuées à des endroits fixes, cette mesure dynamique a été réalisée le long des rues, des routes, des avenues et des autoroutes pour couvrir une large zone.----------ABSTRACT Our life is becoming more convenient, efficient, and intelligent with the aid of fast-evolving Internet of Things (IoT) technology. One essential foundation of IoT technology is the development of numerous interrelated IoT sensors that are distributed extensively in our environment. However, conventional batteries/cords-based powering solutions are certainly not an acceptable long-term solution, considering the incurred cost, feasibility, most of all, environmental impact. Meanwhile, climate change due to excessive consumption of fossil fuels is worsening day by day. Therefore, a transformative powering solution for such large-scale and geographically scattered IoT sensors is of extreme importance in support of such extensive IoT sensors implementation while simultaneously mitigating its environmental burden. Serving as a critical information carrier, ambient radiofrequency (RF) energy is pervasive in urban and suburban areas to realize wireless communication and sensing. However, part of ambient RF energy is dissipated due to path loss if not fully consumed by end-users. Hence, recycling the wasted ambient RF energy to power IoT sensors is a promising solution. The concept of harnessing wireless energy for powering IoT sensors requiring a higher power supply is also feasible through the dedicated wireless power delivery from specialized power stations, which can be an effective supplement. To realize the RF power scavenging, this thesis research introduces two mainstream techniques: far-field wireless power transfer (WPT) and harmonic backscattering. Chapter 2 discusses the different frequency conversion mechanisms applied for far-field or ambient WPT harvesting and harmonic backscattering. Far-field WPT harvesting converts RF energy into dc power (zeroth harmonic). In contrast, harmonic backscattering upconverts RF energy into its harmonics, in most cases, the second harmonic component. As a preliminary research step and a feasibility study, a survey of ambient RF energy density in the core areas on Montreal Island is summarized in Chapter 3. Different from the previously published traditional measurements at fixed locations, this dynamic measurement is carried out along streets, roads, avenues, and highways to cover a large area. Also, a stationary measurement in Downtown Montreal is to reveal whether human activities are able to bring visible change to ambient RF energy levels. This work demonstrates how much ambient RF energy is available in free space and acts as a significant reference for researchers and engineers designing ambient RF energy harvesting circuits/systems for practical applications

    Energy Harvesting Strategies and Upcycling in Manufacturing

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    This thesis examines the interconnected domain of energy harvesting, modular component build, and upcycling strategies in manufacturing with the goal of achieving net-zero emissions. The research is grounded in the Design for X (DFX) paradigm, which integrates various design considerations to enhance product quality while minimising environmental impact. The first part of the thesis investigates the application of radio frequency (RF) and thermoelectric generator (TEG) energy harvesting technologies in manufacturing settings. These technologies capture waste heat and electromagnetic radiation from industrial equipment and convert them into usable electricity, reducing the overall energy consumption of the manufacturing process. The second part of the thesis explores modular component build, which enables easy replacement, upgrading, and servicing of components, thus reducing waste and prolonging product lifespan. This approach contributes to sustainable manufacturing and complements the energy harvesting aspect by minimising emissions. The third part of the thesis examines upcycling, which involves repurposing waste materials into new products or components. This concept supports the circular economy and synergises with the energy harvesting and modular component build strategies to further reduce waste and emissions in manufacturing. The results reveal that upcycling can substantially enhance manufacturing sustainability. Overall, this thesis emphasises the importance of integrating energy harvesting, modular component build, and upcycling strategies in manufacturing to achieve net-zero emissions. The findings contribute to the growing body of knowledge on sustainable manufacturing practices, offering valuable insights for manufacturers, policymakers, and researchers in the pursuit of net-zero emissions