478 research outputs found

    Cost and benefit analysis of quality requirements in competitive software product management: a case study on the QUPER model

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    In market-driven product development, it is important that the software product is released to the market at the right time, and offers higher quality than the competitors. In release planning, the allocation of development effort in investments into product enhancements, functions are competing with quality requirements for limited resources. In addition, it is important to find the right balance between competing quality requirements. In this paper, we present an industrial evaluation of the benefit and cost views in the QUality PERformance (QUPER) model. The results indicate that the model is relevant in the release planning process, and that the combination of the benefit and cost views provides a clear picture of the current market situation

    Collective market-making efforts at an engineering conference

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    "This paper advances research on institutional work in market constitution processes. I show how purposive, coordinated action is organized under conditions of uncertainty through practices of rendering irreducible uncertainty tolerable. Building on recent developments in institutional theories of organization, market sociology, and the concept of field-configuring events, I analyze collective market-making efforts at a conference on the next generation of lithography technology for manufacturing semiconductors. I use original documents and 76 field interviews in a qualitative analysis to identify and understand the main practices of collective institutional work at the conference, along with the immediate consequences of these practices. My findings show that the overall purpose of the conference was to generate momentum toward commercialization, in spite of remaining uncertainty, through practices of bootstrapping, roadmapping, leader-picking, and issue-bracketing. These are practices of ignoring, denying, displacing, and suspending uncertainty, respectively. I contribute important clarifications of the meaning of purposive action and agency in institutional work and I advance action-theoretical explanations of market constitution processes by identifying activities involved in shaping a market that is still in the making." (author's abstract)"Diese Studie trägt zur Erforschung von Institutional Work in Marktkonstitutionsprozessen bei. Der Autor zeigt, wie gezieltes, koordiniertes Handeln unter Ungewissheit durch Praktiken organisiert wird, die die Ungewissheit tolerierbar machen. Ausgehend von den jüngsten Erkenntnissen der institutionalistischen Organisationstheorien, der Marktsoziologie und dem Begriff des Field-Configuring Events analysiere ich kollektive Bemühungen der Markterschaffung bei einer Konferenz über die nächste Generation von Lithographietechnologie für die Halbleiterproduktion (Next Generation Lithography). Anhand von Originaldokumenten aus dem Feld sowie 76 Interviews führt der Autor eine qualitative Analyse durch, mit der die wichtigsten Praktiken des kollektiven Institutional Work bei der Konferenz und deren unmittelbare Folgen identifiziert und verstanden werden können. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass es in der Konferenz vor allem darum ging, einen gewissen Schwung, das heißt: eine zielgerichtete Kraft zu erzeugen, die die Kommerzialisierung einer neuen Technologie anstoßen soll - und zwar trotz der verbleibenden Ungewissheit. Dies wurde durch Praktiken des Ignorierens, Leugnens, Verschiebens und Aufhebens von Ungewissheit erreicht, die ich mit den englischen Begriffen bootstrapping, roadmapping, leader-picking und issue-bracketing genauer bezeichne. Die Studie trägt zur weiteren Klärung der Bedeutung von gezieltem Handeln und der Rolle von Akteuren in Institutionalisierungsprozessen bei. Der Autor bringt handlungstheoretische Begründungen von Marktkonstitutionsprozessen voran, indem er Praktiken beschreibt, die einen Markt beeinflussen, der sich noch im Entstehungsprozess befindet." (Autorenreferat

    The SmartCulTour Toolkit.

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    Deliverable 7.3 of the Horizon 2020 project SmartCulTour (GA number 870708), published on theproject web site on (30-11-2022): http://www.smartcultour.eu/deliverables

    The SmartCulTour Toolkit.

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    Deliverable 7.3 of the Horizon 2020 project SmartCulTour (GA number 870708), published on theproject web site on (30-11-2022): http://www.smartcultour.eu/deliverables

    Dynamic Analysis of X-ray Angiography for Image-Guided Coronary Interventions

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    Percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) is a minimally-invasive procedure for treating patients with coronary artery disease. PCI is typically performed with image guidance using X-ray angiograms (XA) in which coronary arter

    Rapid prototyping technology adoption framework development: Operationalization and roadmap generation for SMEs

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    The research provides a comprehensive and practical roadmap, from strategic through to the operational level, for an effective adoption of Rapid Prototyping Technology (RPT). This has been achieved through the development of frameworks, a Decision Support System for process selection, identification of the drivers of external and internal environment, market evaluation and competitor analysis. The developed methodology incorporates Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), value chain micro analysis of product development cycle and important performance (IP) Analysis