4 research outputs found

    Survey on Reducing Power Consumption in Peer to Peer System

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    Today, it is very crucial to reduce the consumption of natural resources, such as petroleum. In information system need of reducing electrical power consumption have been raised. There is large scope for reducing power consumption in network based applications. There are many solutions how to reduce the power consumption by servers e.g. by turning off servers which are not required to execute the requests. In this paper, we surveyed how the Round Robin Algorithm and Consumption Laxity Based Algorithm are used to reduce the power consumption of server in peer to peer system and their demerits also

    Eco Models in Heteregeneous Peer-topeer (P2P) Systems

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    研究成果の概要 (和文) : 情報システムは、コンピュータ、センサ等の種々の情報機器を含んだ異種なものとなってきている。こうしたシステムでは、これまでの応答時間、スループット等の性能目標に加えて、新たにシステム全体の消費電力の低減が重要となってきている。本研究では、自律的な対等なプロセスから構成される完全分散型の大規模P2Pシステムを考える。ピア間の自律的な協調動作により、システム全体の消費電力を低減できる分散型システムの新しいモデル、特に消費電力については実際のコンピュータの消費電力の実測に基づいて、消費電力のモデルの構築を行った。このモデルに基づいて、ピア間の分散型の協調動作方式を研究し、評価を行った。研究成果の概要 (英文) : Information systems are composed of nodes like computers and sensors interconnected in networks. Here, we have to reduce the total electric energy consumed by nodes in addition to achieving traditional performance objectives. In this research, we proposed a power consumption model of a node to perform application processes. We first measure the total electric power of types of computers to perform application processes and then abstract essential parameters which dominate the power consumed by nodes. The power consumption model which we proposed is referred to as simple power consumption (SPC) model. Here, a computer consumes maximum poser [W] if at least one process is performed, otherwise consumes minimum power. Based on the SPC model, we proposed the energy-aware server selection (EA) algorithm and evaluated the EA model. In the evaluation, we showed not only the total power consumption of a server cluster but also the average execution time of each process are reduced


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    博士(工学)法政大学 (Hosei University

    Contributions to the solution of the energy efficient file distribution problem

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    It has been realized that energy; one of the key requirements for modern human civilization, must be used efficiently for the civilization to be sustainable. The Information and Communications Technology (ICI) sector is no exception. It has been shown through research that ICT is consuming energy comparable to the aviation sector and is still increasing rapidly. In order to address this issue, many energy efficient approaches applicable to ICT sector have been proposed in the literature. In this Thesis, we pick one of the most ubiquitous task in ICT, file distribution and concentrate on finding ways of transferring a file from one server to many hosts in the most energy efficient manner. We study the problem for one server and many host problem but our algorithms can be applied to many general scenarios inducing P2P file distri­bution, replication of content in a doud, synchronization of caches in content distribution networks, downloading software updates to millions of PCs worldwide, and many more applications w here the data disseminated does not have to be consumed instantaneous y; for example, in video streaming. We study the problem for one server and many hosts but our algorithms can be applied to more general scenarios inducing P2P file distribution, replication of content in a doud, synchronization of caches in content distribution networks, downloading soft­ware updates to millions of PCs worldwide, We assume that the time is slotted and that the file is transferred in units of data called blocks. Each host can have arbitrary power consumption, upload and download capacities. To begin with, we prove that the prob­lem of energy efficient file distribution is NP-complete. In order to solve the problem optimally; we assume additional constraints and impose that all the hosts involved in the file transfer should have same upload and download capacity. Moreover; we also assume that the upload and download capacities are such that they are integral multi­ples of each other, which is typically the case. Under these conditions, we prove lower bounds on energy and design algorithms for file distribution that achieve the calculated lower bounds. Our algorithms minimize the amount of time a host has to be on to down­load and/ or upload in the distribution process. Apart from being theoretically sound, we also evaluate our model by extending our analysis through extensive numerical evaluation to compare the proposed algorithms with the already existing schemes of transfers. Our algorithms show promising improvement over not just the traditional energy agnostic approaches but also over the schemes designed for energy efficient file distribution. It has been shown that our algorithms are at least 50% more energy efficient than any of the proposals compared with. We advance our numerical analysis to relax the constraints in the theoretical analysis and conclude that our algorithms are also applicable in scenarios in which the comput­ing and networking hardware is energy efficient. Our algorithms can exploit the power proportionality of the devices. No efficiency comes without a cost. In this case, we pay the cost in terms of the tight synchronization that our algorithms require. However, we argue that such a tight syn­chronization at each slot level is possible in today's Internet particularly if the algorithms are applied to the hosts inside a corporation in which all the hosts and network are controlled by a central entity. For example, servers of a cloud, content distribution network, software updates inside a corporation, etc.Programa Oficial de Doctorado en Ingeniería TelemáticaPresidente: Fidel Cacheda Seijo.- Secretario: María Carmen Guerrero López.- Vocal: Guillermo Agustín Ibáñez Fernánde