118 research outputs found

    Towards smart style : combining RDF semantics with XML document transformations

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    The 'Document Web' has established itself through the creation of an impressive family of XML and related languages. In addition to this, the 'Semantic Web' is developing its own family of languages based primarily on RDF. Although these families were both developed specifically for 'the Web', each language family has been developed from different premises with specific goals in mind. The result is that combining both families in a single application is surprisingly difficult. This is unfortunate, since the combination of semantic processing with document processing provides advantages in both directions --- namely using semantic inferencing for more intelligent document processing and using document processing tools for presenting semantic representations to an end-user. In this paper, we investigate this integration problem, focusing on the role of (RDF) semantics in selecting, structuring and styling (XML) content. We analyze the approaches taken by two example architectures and use our analysis to derive a more integrated alternative

    Exploiting synergy between ontologies and recommender systems

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    Recommender systems learn about user preferences over time, automatically finding things of similar interest. This reduces the burden of creating explicit queries. Recommender systems do, however, suffer from cold-start problems where no initial information is available early on upon which to base recommendations.Semantic knowledge structures, such as ontologies, can provide valuable domain knowledge and user information. However, acquiring such knowledge and keeping it up to date is not a trivial task and user interests are particularly difficult to acquire and maintain. This paper investigates the synergy between a web-based research paper recommender system and an ontology containing information automatically extracted from departmental databases available on the web. The ontology is used to address the recommender systems cold-start problem. The recommender system addresses the ontology's interest-acquisition problem. An empirical evaluation of this approach is conducted and the performance of the integrated systems measured

    Ontology mapping by concept similarity

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    This paper presents an approach to the problem of mapping ontologies. The motivation for the research stems from the Diogene Project which is developing a web training environment for ICT professionals. The system includes high quality training material from registered content providers, and free web material will also be made available through the project's "Web Discovery" component. This involves using web search engines to locate relevant material, and mapping the ontology at the core of the Diogene system to other ontologies that exist on the Semantic Web. The project's approach to ontology mapping is presented, and an evaluation of this method is described

    An experiment with ontology mapping using concept similarity

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    This paper describes a system for automatically mapping between concepts in different ontologies. The motivation for the research stems from the Diogene project, in which the project's own ontology covering the ICT domain is mapped to external ontologies, in order that their associated content can automatically be included in the Diogene system. An approach involving measuring the similarity of concepts is introduced, in which standard Information Retrieval indexing techniques are applied to concept descriptions. A matrix representing the similarity of concepts in two ontologies is generated, and a mapping is performed based on two parameters: the domain coverage of the ontologies, and their levels of granularity. Finally, some initial experimentation is presented which suggests that our approach meets the project's unique set of requirements

    Querying Semantic Web Resources Using TRIPLE Views

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    Resources on the Semantic Web are described by metadata based on some formal or informal ontology. It is a common situation that casual users are not familiar with a domain ontology in detail. This makes it difficult for such users (or their user tools) to formulate queries to find the relevant resources. Users consider the resources in their specific context, so the most straightforward solution is to formulate queries in an ontology that corresponds to a user-specific view. We present an approach based on multiple views expressed in ontologies simpler than the domain ontology. This allows users to query heterogeneous data repositories in terms of multiple, relatively simple, view ontologies. Ontology developers can define such view ontologies and the corresponding mapping rules. These ontologies are represented in Semantic Web ontology languages such as RDFS, DAML+OIL, or OWL. We present our approach with examples from the e-learning domain using the Semantic Web query and transformation language TRIPLE

    Towards ontology-driven discourse: from semantic graphs to multimedia presentations

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    Traditionally, research in applying Semantic Web technology to multimedia information systems has focused on using annotations and ontologies to improve the retrieval process. This paper concentrates on improving the presentation of the retrieval results. First, our approach uses ontological domain knowledge to select and organize the content relevant to the topic the user is interested in. Domain ontologies are valuable in the presentation generation process, because effective presentations are those that succeed in conveying the relevant domain semantics to the user. Explicit discourse and narrative knowledge allows selection of appropriate presentation genres and creation of narrative structures, which are used for conveying these domain relations. In addition, knowledge of graphic design and media characteristics is essential to transform abstract presentation structures in real multimedia presentations. Design knowledge determines how the semantics and presentation structure are expressed in the multimedia presentation. In traditional Web environments, this type of design knowledge remains implicit, hidden in style sheets and other document transformation code. Our second use of Semantic Web technology is to model design knowledge explicitly, and to let it drive the transformations needed to turn annotated media items into structured presentations

    Storing RDF as a Graph

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    RDF is the first W3C standard for enriching information resources of the Web with detailed meta data. The semantics of RDF data is defined using a RDF schema. The most expressive language for querying RDF is RQL, which enables querying of semantics. In order to support RQL, a RDF storage system has to map the RDF graph model onto its storage structure. Several storage systems for RDF data have been developed, which store the RDF data as triples in a relational database. To evaluate an RQL query on those triple structures, the graph model has to be rebuilt from the triples. In this paper, we presented a new approach to store RDF data as a graph in a object-oriented database. Our approach avoids the costly rebuilding of the graph and efficiently queries the storage structure directly. The advantages of our approach have been shown by performance test on our prototype implementation OO-Store

    A Two Layered Model for Evolving Web Resources

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    In this paper the key features of a two-layered model for describing the semantic of dynamical web resources are introduced. In the current Semantic Web proposal [Berners-Lee et al., 2001] web resources are classified into static ontologies which describes the semantic network of their inter-relationships [Kalianpur, 2001][Handschuh & Staab, 2002] and complex constraints described by logical quantified formula [Boley et al., 2001][McGuinnes & van Harmelen, 2004][McGuinnes et al., 2004], the basic idea is that software agents can use techniques of automatic reasoning in order to relate resources and to support sophisticated web application. On the other hand, web resources are also characterized by their dynamical aspects, which are not adequately addressed by current web models. Resources on the web are dynamical since, in the minimal case, they can appear or disappear from the web and their content is upgraded. In addition, resources can traverse different states, which characterized the resource life-cycle, each resource state corresponding to different possible uses of the resource. Finally most resources are timed, i.e. they information they provide make sense only if contextualised with respect to time, and their validity and accuracy is greatly bounded by time. Temporal projection and deduction based on dynamical and time constraints of the resources can be made and exploited by software agents [Hendler, 2001] in order to make previsions about the availability and the state of a resource, for deciding when consulting the resource itself or in order to deliberately induce a resource state change for reaching some agent goal, such as in the automated planning framework [Fikes & Nilsson, 1971][Bacchus & Kabanza,1998]

    Artificial Intelligence: A Promised Land for Web Services

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    6 page(s
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