56 research outputs found

    Computer Science 2019 APR Self-Study & Documents

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    UNM Computer Science APR self-study report and review team report for Spring 2019, fulfilling requirements of the Higher Learning Commission

    Annual Report of the University, 2005-2006, Volumes 1-7

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    PROPOSED POLICIES The Office of Government & Community Relations is in charge of advancing the University\u27s interests at all levels of federal, state and local government. The following policy guidelines for working with University units will achieve a coordinated and effective institutional advancement program. • To inform the Office of Government & Community Relations of all planned contacts and correspondence with elected officials and policy-making employees of federal, state and local government, including those who are alumni or friends of the University. Those items which pertain to sponsored research should be coordinated with the Vice President for Research. • To consult the Office of Government & Community Relations on any verbal or written statements made on behalf of the University that concern federal, state or local policies, legislation or regulations. • To advise the Office of Government & Community Relations on any activities, conferences, seminars, lectures or projects that involve the community and/or impact the University area. • Faculty or staff members who contact federal, state or local policy-making employees as experts in a specific field, or who act on behalf of themselves or another organization, should include a disclaimer which clearly states that they are not acting on behalf of the University

    Annual Report of the University, 2007-2008, Volumes 1-6

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    Project Summary and Goals Historically, affirmative action policies have evolved from initial programs aimed at providing equal educational opportunities to all students, to the legitimacy of programs that are aimed at achieving diversity in higher education. In June 2003, a U.S. Supreme Court ruling on affirmative action pushed higher education across the threshold toward creating a new paradigm for diversity in the 21 51 century. The court clearly stale that affirmative action is still viable but that our institutions must reconsider our traditional concepts for building diversity in the next few decades. This shift in historical context of diversity in our society has led to an important objective: If a diverse student body is an essential factor in a quality higher education, then it is imperative that elementary, secondary and undergraduate schools fulfill their missions to successfully educate a diverse population. In NM, the success of graduate programs depends on the state\u27s P-12 schools, the community and institutions of higher education, and their shared task of educating all students. Further, when the lens in broadened to view the entire P - 20 educational pipeline, it becomes apparent that the loss of students from elementary school to high school is enormous, constricting the number of students who go on to college. Not only are these of concern to what is happening in terms of their academic education but as well in terms of the communities that are affected to make critical decision and become and stay involved in the political and policy world that affects them. Guiding Principles Engaging Latino Communities for Education New Mexico (ENLACE NM) is a statewide collaboration of gente who represent the voices of underrepresented children and families- people who have historically not had a say in policy initiatives that directly impact them and their communities. Therefore, they, and others from our community, are at the forefront of this initiative. We have developed this collaboration based on a process that empowers these communities to find their voice in the pursuit of social justice and educational access, equity and success

    Faculty Publications and Creative Works 2004

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    Faculty Publications & Creative Works is an annual compendium of scholarly and creative activities of University of New Mexico faculty during the noted calendar year. Published by the Office of the Vice President for Research and Economic Development, it serves to illustrate the robust and active intellectual pursuits conducted by the faculty in support of teaching and research at UNM

    Annual Report of the University, 2000-2001, Volumes 1-4

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    Message from the President Thank you for joining me in this look back over the past year at the University of New Mexico. It was a year filled with activity, accomplishment and challenge, and this is our opportunity to reflect back on that year. In 2000-2001 we engaged in a University-wide strategic planning process that called on the energies and talents of hundreds of individuals- faculty, staff, students and members of our broader community. The plan, which will be completed in Fall 2001, will serve as our roadmap for the future and will guide our efforts to capitalize on the opportunities and to meet the challenges of the next several years. This process has encouraged us to examine closely our mission and our values, who we are and what we aspire to become. It has given us reason to be proud of our past and cause to think seriously about how we must change in the future. While this was a year for looking ahead, it was also a year of significant accomplishment. For example, we launched a comprehensive set of programs designed to enrich the academic and social experiences of our undergraduate students. We began the implementation of Freshman Learning Communities where small cohorts of students study and learn together in a common set of courses under the guidance of a senior faculty scholar. We reorganized our advisement systems, we undertook the construction or renovation of student-centered facilities on campus, and we created new support systems to enhance student academic success. It was a year in which our support of faculty, staff and students was our highest priority. Through the support of the New Mexico Legislature, faculty and staff received significant salary increases. A new health benefits plan for graduate assistants was implemented. Our Staff as Students program enabled more than 40 staff members to obtain UNM degrees. And, a Center for Scholarship in Teaching and Learning was established to assist faculty in their efforts to develop more effective teaching skills. Finally, this was a year in which UNM dramatically expanded its role in the local community and throughout the state. Never before has the University been as active or as visible in meeting its public responsibility as it was in 2000-2001. From its active participation in economic development initiatives, to its involvement in K-12 educational improvement efforts, to its significant leadership role in health care delivery, UNM demonstrated its ability to help the state meet its most pressing social challenges. And, as UNM took on a more visible role in supporting the state\\u27s citizens, the support for UNM was returned in kind. This year, annual giving to the University rose to a record 35.3 million dollars, a 40% increase over just two years ago. All told, it has been a gratifying and successful year. However, we cannot allow our past accomplishments to mask the continued challenges facing this University. Neither will we allow these challenges to dominate our thinking and diminish out pride in what the University has achieved. So we will savor our successes and continue to move forward. As always, we thank you for sharing our dreams and for supporting the University of New Mexico. Sincerely, William C. Gordon, Presiden

    Annual Report of the University, 1999-2000, Volumes 1-4

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    The Robert O. Anderson School and Graduate School of Management at The University of New Mexico Period of Report: July 1, 1999 to June 30, 2000 Submitted by Howard L. Smith, Dean The Anderson Schools of Management is divided into four distinct divisions- the Department of Accounting; the Department of Finance, International and Technology Management; the Department of Marketing, Information and Decision Sciences; and the Department of Organizational Studies. This structure provides an opportunity for The Anderson Schools to develop four distinct areas of excellence, proven by results reported here. I. Significant Developments During the Academic Year The Anderson Schools of Management • As a result of the multi-year gift from the Ford Motor Company, completed renovation of The Schools\u27 Advisement and Placement Center, as well as all student organization offices. • The Ford gift also provided for $100,000 to support faculty research, case studies and course development. • The Schools revised the MBA curriculum to meet the changing needs of professional, advanced business education. • The Schools updated computer laboratory facilities, with the addition of a 45-unit cluster for teaching and student work. • The faculty and staff of The Schools furthered outreach in economic development activities by participating directly as committee members and leaders in the cluster workgroups of the Next Generation Economy Initiative. • The faculty, staff and students of The Schools contributed to the development of the Ethics in Business Awards; particularly exciting was the fact that all nominee packages were developed by student teams from The Anderson Schools. • The Schools continue to generate more credit hours per faculty member than any other division of the UNM community. The Accounting Department • Preparation and presentation of a progress report to accrediting body, the AACSB. The Department of Finance, International and Technology Management • The Department continued to focus on expansion of the Management of Technology program as a strategic strength of The Schools. The Department of Marketing. Information and Decision Sciences • Generated 9022 credit hours, with a student enrollment of 3070. The Department of Organizational Studies • Coordinated the 9th UNM Universidad de Guanajuato (UG) Mexico Student Exchange

    Annual Report of the University, 1994-1995, Volumes 1-4

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    DEMONSTRATING THE STRENGTH OF DIVERSITY A walk around the UNM campus as students change classes demonstrates UNM\\u27s commitment to diversity. Students and professors from a variety of ethnic backgrounds crowd the sidewalks and fill classrooms. Over the past year UNM moved forward with existing and new programs to interest more minority students, faculty and staff in the University and to aid in their success while here. Hispanic Outlook in Higher Education recently recognized the University\\u27s endeavors, ranking UNM as one of the best colleges in the nation at graduating Hispanic students. Provost Mary Sue Coleman says diversity contributes to a stimulating environment where faculty and students have different points of view and experiences. The campus becomes a more intellectually alive place, she says. The efforts to build a diverse campus go hand in hand with the University\\u27s goals of achieving academic excellence and attracting the best and brightest. MINORITY ENROLLMENT In the fall of 1994 a total of 32 percent of the student body came from underrepresented groups. The UNM School of Law had the largest number of Native Americans enrolled in any law school in the country

    Faculty Publications & Presentations, 2005-2006

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    Faculty Publications & Presentations, 2008-2009

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