3 research outputs found

    Recommendation for a holistic secure embedded ISA extension

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    Embedded systems are a cornerstone of the ongoing digitization of our society, ranging from expanding markets around IoT and smart-X devices over to sensors in autonomous driving, medical equipment or critical infrastructures. Since a vast amount of embedded systems are safety-critical (e.g., due to their operation site), security is a necessity for their operation. However, unlike mobile, desktop, and server systems, where adversaries typically only act have remote access, embedded systems typically face attackers with physical access. Thus embedded system require an additional set of defense techniques, preferably leveraging hardware acceleration to minimize the impact on their stringent operation constraints. Over the last decade numerous defenses have been explored, however, they have often been analyzed in isolation. In this work, we first systematically analyze the state of the art in defenses for both software exploitation and fault attacks on embedded systems. We then carefully design a holistic instruction set extension to augment the RISC-V instruction set architecture with instructions to deter against the threats analyzed in this work. Moreover we implement our design using the gem5 simulator system and a binary translation approach to arm software with our instruction set extension. Finally, we evaluate performance overhead on the MiBench2 benchmark suite. Our evaluation demonstrates a ROM overhead increase of 20% to defeat the aforementioned attacks

    MooseGuard: secure file sharing at scale in untrusted environments

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    Shared storage systems provide cheap, scalable, and reliable storage, but secure sharing in these systems requires users to encrypt their data and limit efficient sharing or trust a service provider to faithfully keep their data private. Current research has explored the use of trusted execution environments (TEEs) to operate on sensitive data and sharing policies in isolated execution. That work enables the utilization of untrusted shared resources to store and share sensitive data while maintaining stronger security guarantees. However, current research has limitations in scaling these solutions, as it bottlenecks both metadata and data operations within the same physical TEE, whereas a scaled file system distributes metadata and data operations to separate devices. This paper explores the use of two TEEs specialized for metadata and data operations to provide file sharing at scale with less overhead in addition to strong security guarantees. This approach achieves scaled metadata and concurrent use by utilizing a server-side TEE for isolated execution on a master server and provides data privacy and efficient access revocation through a client-side TEE. MooseGuard is the prototype implementation of this design, utilizing Intel SGX as a TEE and extending the MooseFS distributed file system. MooseGuard's implementation details the modifications needed to provide security and shows how this approach can be applied to a typical distributed file system. An evaluation of MooseGuard demonstrates that TEEs specialized for metadata and data operations allow a secured distributed file system to maintain its scale with only constant overheads. As TEEs and secure hardware become more widely available in public clouds, enterprise, and personal devices, MooseGuard presents a way for users to get the best of both worlds in data privacy and efficient sharing when using scaled, shared storage systems