32 research outputs found


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    Hate speech annotation: Analysis of an Italian twitter corpus

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    The paper describes the development of a corpus from social media built with the aim of representing and analysing hate speech against some minority groups in Italy. The issues related to data collection and annotation are introduced, focusing on the challenges we addressed in designing a multifaceted set of labels where the main features of verbal hate expressions may be modelled. Moreover, an analysis of the disagreement among the annotators is presented in order to carry out a preliminary evaluation of the data set and the scheme.L’articolo descrive un corpus di testi estratti da social media costruito con il principale obiettivo di rappresentare ed analizzare il fenomeno dell’hate speech rivolto contro i migranti in Italia. Vengono introdotti gli aspetti significativi della raccolta ed annotazione dei dati, richiamando l’attenzione sulle sfide affrontate per progettare un insieme di etichette che rifletta le molte sfaccettature necessarie a cogliere e modellare le caratteristiche delle espressioni di odio. Inoltre viene presentata un’analisi del disagreement tra gli annotatori allo scopo di tentare una preliminare valutazione del corpus e dello schema di annotazione stesso

    RuG @ EVALITA 2018:Hate Speech Detection In Italian Social Media

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    Dynamics of online hate and misinformation

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    Online debates are often characterised by extreme polarisation and heated discussions among users. The presence of hate speech online is becoming increasingly problematic, making necessary the development of appropriate countermeasures. In this work, we perform hate speech detection on a corpus of more than one million comments on YouTube videos through a machine learning model, trained and fine-tuned on a large set of hand-annotated data. Our analysis shows that there is no evidence of the presence of “pure haters”, meant as active users posting exclusively hateful comments. Moreover, coherently with the echo chamber hypothesis, we find that users skewed towards one of the two categories of video channels (questionable, reliable) are more prone to use inappropriate, violent, or hateful language within their opponents’ community. Interestingly, users loyal to reliable sources use on average a more toxic language than their counterpart. Finally, we find that the overall toxicity of the discussion increases with its length, measured both in terms of the number of comments and time. Our results show that, coherently with Godwin’s law, online debates tend to degenerate towards increasingly toxic exchanges of views

    Source-driven Representations for Hate Speech Detection

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    Sources, in the form of selected Facebook pages, can be used as indicators of hate-rich content. Polarized distributed representations created over such content prove superior to generic embeddings in the task of hate speech detection. The same content seems to carry a too weak signal to proxy silver labels in a distant supervised setting. However, this signal is stronger than gold labels which come from a different distribution, leading to re-think the process of annotation in the context of highly subjective judgments.La provenienza di ciò che viene condiviso su Facebook costituisce un primo elemento indentificativo di contentuti carichi di odio. La rappresentazione distribuita polarizzata che costruiamo su tali contenuti si dimostra migliore nell’individuazione di argomenti di odio rispetto ad alternative più generiche. Il potere predittivo di tali embedding polarizzati risulta anche più incisivo rispetto a quello di dati gold standard che sono caratterizzati da una distribuzione ed una annotatione diverse

    Source-driven Representations for Hate Speech Detection

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    Sources, in the form of selected Facebook pages, can be used as indicators of hate-rich content. Polarized distributed representations created over such content prove superior to generic embeddings in the task of hate speech detection. The same content seems to carry a too weak signal to proxy silver labels in a distant supervised setting. However, this signal is stronger than gold labels which come from a different distribution, leading to re-think the process of annotation in the context of highly subjective judgments.La provenienza di ciò che viene condiviso su Facebook costituisce un primo elemento indentificativo di contentuti carichi di odio. La rappresentazione distribuita polarizzata che costruiamo su tali contenuti si dimostra migliore nell’individuazione di argomenti di odio rispetto ad alternative più generiche. Il potere predittivo di tali embedding polarizzati risulta anche più incisivo rispetto a quello di dati gold standard che sono caratterizzati da una distribuzione ed una annotatione diverse