1,679 research outputs found

    LOGEN: Few-shot Logical Knowledge-Conditioned Text Generation with Self-training

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    Natural language generation from structured data mainly focuses on surface-level descriptions, suffering from uncontrollable content selection and low fidelity. Previous works leverage logical forms to facilitate logical knowledge-conditioned text generation. Though achieving remarkable progress, they are data-hungry, which makes the adoption for real-world applications challenging with limited data. To this end, this paper proposes a unified framework for logical knowledge-conditioned text generation in the few-shot setting. With only a few seeds logical forms (e.g., 20/100 shot), our approach leverages self-training and samples pseudo logical forms based on content and structure consistency. Experimental results demonstrate that our approach can obtain better few-shot performance than baselines.Comment: Work in progres

    A Call for Standardization and Validation of Text Style Transfer Evaluation

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    Text Style Transfer (TST) evaluation is, in practice, inconsistent. Therefore, we conduct a meta-analysis on human and automated TST evaluation and experimentation that thoroughly examines existing literature in the field. The meta-analysis reveals a substantial standardization gap in human and automated evaluation. In addition, we also find a validation gap: only few automated metrics have been validated using human experiments. To this end, we thoroughly scrutinize both the standardization and validation gap and reveal the resulting pitfalls. This work also paves the way to close the standardization and validation gap in TST evaluation by calling out requirements to be met by future research.Comment: Accepted to Findings of ACL 202

    Sequence-Level Certainty Reduces Hallucination In Knowledge-Grounded Dialogue Generation

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    Model hallucination has been a crucial interest of research in Natural Language Generation (NLG). In this work, we propose sequence-level certainty as a common theme over hallucination in NLG, and explore the correlation between sequence-level certainty and the level of hallucination in model responses. We categorize sequence-level certainty into two aspects: probabilistic certainty and semantic certainty, and reveal through experiments on Knowledge-Grounded Dialogue Generation (KGDG) task that both a higher level of probabilistic certainty and a higher level of semantic certainty in model responses are significantly correlated with a lower level of hallucination. What's more, we provide theoretical proof and analysis to show that semantic certainty is a good estimator of probabilistic certainty, and therefore has the potential as an alternative to probability-based certainty estimation in black-box scenarios. Based on the observation on the relationship between certainty and hallucination, we further propose Certainty-based Response Ranking (CRR), a decoding-time method for mitigating hallucination in NLG. Based on our categorization of sequence-level certainty, we propose 2 types of CRR approach: Probabilistic CRR (P-CRR) and Semantic CRR (S-CRR). P-CRR ranks individually sampled model responses using their arithmetic mean log-probability of the entire sequence. S-CRR approaches certainty estimation from meaning-space, and ranks a number of model response candidates based on their semantic certainty level, which is estimated by the entailment-based Agreement Score (AS). Through extensive experiments across 3 KGDG datasets, 3 decoding methods, and on 4 different models, we validate the effectiveness of our 2 proposed CRR methods to reduce model hallucination

    Quantifying the Plausibility of Context Reliance in Neural Machine Translation

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    Establishing whether language models can use contextual information in a human-plausible way is important to ensure their safe adoption in real-world settings. However, the questions of when and which parts of the context affect model generations are typically tackled separately, and current plausibility evaluations are practically limited to a handful of artificial benchmarks. To address this, we introduce Plausibility Evaluation of Context Reliance (PECoRe), an end-to-end interpretability framework designed to quantify context usage in language models' generations. Our approach leverages model internals to (i) contrastively identify context-sensitive target tokens in generated texts and (ii) link them to contextual cues justifying their prediction. We use PECoRe to quantify the plausibility of context-aware machine translation models, comparing model rationales with human annotations across several discourse-level phenomena. Finally, we apply our method to unannotated generations to identify context-mediated predictions and highlight instances of (im)plausible context usage in model translations

    Beyond Triplet: Leveraging the Most Data for Multimodal Machine Translation

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    Multimodal machine translation (MMT) aims to improve translation quality by incorporating information from other modalities, such as vision. Previous MMT systems mainly focus on better access and use of visual information and tend to validate their methods on image-related datasets. These studies face two challenges. First, they can only utilize triple data (bilingual texts with images), which is scarce; second, current benchmarks are relatively restricted and do not correspond to realistic scenarios. Therefore, this paper correspondingly establishes new methods and new datasets for MMT. First, we propose a framework 2/3-Triplet with two new approaches to enhance MMT by utilizing large-scale non-triple data: monolingual image-text data and parallel text-only data. Second, we construct an English-Chinese {e}-commercial {m}ulti{m}odal {t}ranslation dataset (including training and testing), named EMMT, where its test set is carefully selected as some words are ambiguous and shall be translated mistakenly without the help of images. Experiments show that our method is more suitable for real-world scenarios and can significantly improve translation performance by using more non-triple data. In addition, our model also rivals various SOTA models in conventional multimodal translation benchmarks.Comment: 8 pages, ACL 2023 Findin

    LightNER: A Lightweight Tuning Paradigm for Low-resource NER via Pluggable Prompting

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    Most NER methods rely on extensive labeled data for model training, which struggles in the low-resource scenarios with limited training data. Existing dominant approaches usually suffer from the challenge that the target domain has different label sets compared with a resource-rich source domain, which can be concluded as class transfer and domain transfer. In this paper, we propose a lightweight tuning paradigm for low-resource NER via pluggable prompting (LightNER). Specifically, we construct the unified learnable verbalizer of entity categories to generate the entity span sequence and entity categories without any label-specific classifiers, thus addressing the class transfer issue. We further propose a pluggable guidance module by incorporating learnable parameters into the self-attention layer as guidance, which can re-modulate the attention and adapt pre-trained weights. Note that we only tune those inserted module with the whole parameter of the pre-trained language model fixed, thus, making our approach lightweight and flexible for low-resource scenarios and can better transfer knowledge across domains. Experimental results show that LightNER can obtain comparable performance in the standard supervised setting and outperform strong baselines in low-resource settings. Code is in https://github.com/zjunlp/DeepKE/tree/main/example/ner/few-shot.Comment: Accepted by COLING 202

    An Investigation of Evaluation Metrics for Automated Medical Note Generation

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    Recent studies on automatic note generation have shown that doctors can save significant amounts of time when using automatic clinical note generation (Knoll et al., 2022). Summarization models have been used for this task to generate clinical notes as summaries of doctor-patient conversations (Krishna et al., 2021; Cai et al., 2022). However, assessing which model would best serve clinicians in their daily practice is still a challenging task due to the large set of possible correct summaries, and the potential limitations of automatic evaluation metrics. In this paper, we study evaluation methods and metrics for the automatic generation of clinical notes from medical conversations. In particular, we propose new task-specific metrics and we compare them to SOTA evaluation metrics in text summarization and generation, including: (i) knowledge-graph embedding-based metrics, (ii) customized model-based metrics, (iii) domain-adapted/fine-tuned metrics, and (iv) ensemble metrics. To study the correlation between the automatic metrics and manual judgments, we evaluate automatic notes/summaries by comparing the system and reference facts and computing the factual correctness, and the hallucination and omission rates for critical medical facts. This study relied on seven datasets manually annotated by domain experts. Our experiments show that automatic evaluation metrics can have substantially different behaviors on different types of clinical notes datasets. However, the results highlight one stable subset of metrics as the most correlated with human judgments with a relevant aggregation of different evaluation criteria.Comment: Accepted to ACL Findings 202