291 research outputs found

    Conception: Multilingually-Enhanced, Human-Readable Concept Vector Representations

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    To date, the most successful word, word sense, and concept modelling techniques have used large corpora and knowledge resources to produce dense vector representations that capture semantic similarities in a relatively low-dimensional space. Most current approaches, however, suffer from a monolingual bias, with their strength depending on the amount of data available across languages. In this paper we address this issue and propose Conception, a novel technique for building language-independent vector representations of concepts which places multilinguality at its core while retaining explicit relationships between concepts. Our approach results in high-coverage representations that outperform the state of the art in multilingual and cross-lingual Semantic Word Similarity and Word Sense Disambiguation, proving particularly robust on low-resource languages. Conception – its software and the complete set of representations – is available at https://github.com/SapienzaNLP/conception

    Neural Natural Language Inference Models Enhanced with External Knowledge

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    Modeling natural language inference is a very challenging task. With the availability of large annotated data, it has recently become feasible to train complex models such as neural-network-based inference models, which have shown to achieve the state-of-the-art performance. Although there exist relatively large annotated data, can machines learn all knowledge needed to perform natural language inference (NLI) from these data? If not, how can neural-network-based NLI models benefit from external knowledge and how to build NLI models to leverage it? In this paper, we enrich the state-of-the-art neural natural language inference models with external knowledge. We demonstrate that the proposed models improve neural NLI models to achieve the state-of-the-art performance on the SNLI and MultiNLI datasets.Comment: Accepted by ACL 201

    Left-to-Right Dependency Parsing with Pointer Networks

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    We propose a novel transition-based algorithm that straightforwardly parses sentences from left to right by building nn attachments, with nn being the length of the input sentence. Similarly to the recent stack-pointer parser by Ma et al. (2018), we use the pointer network framework that, given a word, can directly point to a position from the sentence. However, our left-to-right approach is simpler than the original top-down stack-pointer parser (not requiring a stack) and reduces transition sequence length in half, from 2nn-1 actions to nn. This results in a quadratic non-projective parser that runs twice as fast as the original while achieving the best accuracy to date on the English PTB dataset (96.04% UAS, 94.43% LAS) among fully-supervised single-model dependency parsers, and improves over the former top-down transition system in the majority of languages tested.Comment: Proceedings of NAACL 2019. 7 page

    Evaluating Word Embeddings in Multi-label Classification Using Fine-grained Name Typing

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    Embedding models typically associate each word with a single real-valued vector, representing its different properties. Evaluation methods, therefore, need to analyze the accuracy and completeness of these properties in embeddings. This requires fine-grained analysis of embedding subspaces. Multi-label classification is an appropriate way to do so. We propose a new evaluation method for word embeddings based on multi-label classification given a word embedding. The task we use is fine-grained name typing: given a large corpus, find all types that a name can refer to based on the name embedding. Given the scale of entities in knowledge bases, we can build datasets for this task that are complementary to the current embedding evaluation datasets in: they are very large, contain fine-grained classes, and allow the direct evaluation of embeddings without confounding factors like sentence contextComment: 6 pages, The 3rd Workshop on Representation Learning for NLP (RepL4NLP @ ACL2018
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