41 research outputs found

    GazeCast: Using Mobile Devices to Allow Gaze-based Interaction on Public Displays

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    Gaze is promising for natural and spontaneous interaction with public displays, but current gaze-enabled displays require movement-hindering stationary eye trackers or cumbersome head-mounted eye trackers. We propose and evaluate GazeCast – a novel system that leverages users’ handheld mobile devices to allow gaze-based interaction with surrounding displays. In a user study (N = 20), we compared GazeCast to a standard webcam for gaze-based interaction using Pursuits. We found that while selection using GazeCast requires more time and physical demand, participants value GazeCast’s high accuracy and flexible positioning. We conclude by discussing how mobile computing can facilitate the adoption of gaze interaction with pervasive displays

    Gaze-Hand Alignment:Combining Eye Gaze and Mid-Air Pointing for Interacting with Menus in Augmented Reality

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    Gaze and freehand gestures suit Augmented Reality as users can interact with objects at a distance without need for a separate input device. We propose Gaze-Hand Alignment as a novel multimodal selection principle, defined by concurrent use of both gaze and hand for pointing and alignment of their input on an object as selection trigger. Gaze naturally precedes manual action and is leveraged for pre-selection, and manual crossing of a pre-selected target completes the selection. We demonstrate the principle in two novel techniques, Gaze&Finger for input by direct alignment of hand and finger raised into the line of sight, and Gaze&Hand for input by indirect alignment of a cursor with relative hand movement. In a menu selection experiment, we evaluate the techniques in comparison with Gaze&Pinch and a hands-only baseline. The study showed the gaze-assisted techniques to outperform hands-only input, and gives insight into trade-offs in combining gaze with direct or indirect, and spatial or semantic freehand gestures

    Body-Borne Computers as Extensions of Self

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    The opportunities for wearable technologies go well beyond always-available information displays or health sensing devices. The concept of the cyborg introduced by Clynes and Kline, along with works in various fields of research and the arts, offers a vision of what technology integrated with the body can offer. This paper identifies different categories of research aimed at augmenting humans. The paper specifically focuses on three areas of augmentation of the human body and its sensorimotor capabilities: physical morphology, skin display, and somatosensory extension. We discuss how such digital extensions relate to the malleable nature of our self-image. We argue that body-borne devices are no longer simply functional apparatus, but offer a direct interplay with the mind. Finally, we also showcase some of our own projects in this area and shed light on future challenges

    Towards Touch-to-Access Device Authentication Using Induced Body Electric Potentials

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    This paper presents TouchAuth, a new touch-to-access device authentication approach using induced body electric potentials (iBEPs) caused by the indoor ambient electric field that is mainly emitted from the building's electrical cabling. The design of TouchAuth is based on the electrostatics of iBEP generation and a resulting property, i.e., the iBEPs at two close locations on the same human body are similar, whereas those from different human bodies are distinct. Extensive experiments verify the above property and show that TouchAuth achieves high-profile receiver operating characteristics in implementing the touch-to-access policy. Our experiments also show that a range of possible interfering sources including appliances' electromagnetic emanations and noise injections into the power network do not affect the performance of TouchAuth. A key advantage of TouchAuth is that the iBEP sensing requires a simple analog-to-digital converter only, which is widely available on microcontrollers. Compared with existing approaches including intra-body communication and physiological sensing, TouchAuth is a low-cost, lightweight, and convenient approach for authorized users to access the smart objects found in indoor environments.Comment: 16 pages, accepted to the 25th Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MobiCom 2019), October 21-25, 2019, Los Cabos, Mexic

    Designing gaze-based interaction for pervasive public displays

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    The last decade witnessed an increasing adoption of public interactive displays. Displays can now be seen in many public areas, such as shopping malls, and train stations. There is also a growing trend towards using large public displays especially in airports, urban areas, universities and libraries. Meanwhile, advances in eye tracking and visual computing promise straightforward integration of eye tracking on these displays for both: 1) monitoring the user's visual behavior to evaluate different aspects of the display, such as measuring the visual attention of passersby, and for 2) interaction purposes, such as allowing users to provide input, retrieve content, or transfer data using their eye movements. Gaze is particularly useful for pervasive public displays. In addition to being natural and intuitive, eye gaze can be detected from a distance, bringing interactivity to displays that are physically unreachable. Gaze reflects the user's intention and visual interests, and its subtle nature makes it well-suited for public interactions where social embarrassment and privacy concerns might hinder the experience. On the downside, eye tracking technologies have traditionally been developed for desktop settings, where a user interacts from a stationary position and for a relatively long period of time. Interaction with public displays is fundamentally different and hence poses unique challenges when employing eye tracking. First, users of public displays are dynamic; users could approach the display from different directions, and interact from different positions or even while moving. This means that gaze-enabled displays should not expect users to be stationary at a specific position, but instead adapt to users' ever-changing position in front of the display. Second, users of public displays typically interact for short durations, often for a few seconds only. This means that contrary to desktop settings, public displays cannot afford requiring users to perform time-consuming calibration prior to interaction. In this publications-based dissertation, we first report on a review of challenges of interactive public displays, and discuss the potential of gaze in addressing these challenges. We then showcase the implementation and in-depth evaluation of two applications where gaze is leveraged to address core problems in today's public displays. The first presents an eye-based solution, EyePACT, that tackles the parallax effect which is often experienced on today's touch-based public displays. We found that EyePACT significantly improves accuracy even with varying degrees of parallax. The second is a novel multimodal system, GTmoPass, that combines gaze and touch input for secure user authentication on public displays. GTmoPass was found to be highly resilient to shoulder surfing, thermal attacks and smudge attacks, thereby offering a secure solution to an important problem on public displays. The second part of the dissertation explores specific challenges of gaze-based interaction with public displays. First, we address the user positioning problem by means of active eye tracking. More specifically, we built a novel prototype, EyeScout, that dynamically moves the eye tracker based on the user's position without augmenting the user. This, in turn, allowed us to study and understand gaze-based interaction with public displays while walking, and when approaching the display from different positions. An evaluation revealed that EyeScout is well perceived by users, and improves the time needed to initiate gaze interaction by 62% compared to state-of-the-art. Second, we propose a system, Read2Calibrate, for calibrating eye trackers implicitly while users read text on displays. We found that although text-based calibration is less accurate than traditional methods, it integrates smoothly while reading and thereby more suitable for public displays. Finally, through our prototype system, EyeVote, we show how to allow users to select textual options on public displays via gaze without calibration. In a field deployment of EyeVote, we studied the trade-off between accuracy and selection speed when using calibration-free selection techniques. We found that users of public displays value faster interactions over accurate ones, and are willing to correct system errors in case of inaccuracies. We conclude by discussing the implications of our findings on the design of gaze-based interaction for public displays, and how our work can be adapted for other domains apart from public displays, such as on handheld mobile devices.In den letzten zehn Jahren wurden vermehrt interaktive Displays in öffentlichen Bereichen wie Einkaufszentren, Flughäfen und Bahnhöfen eingesetzt. Große öffentliche Displays finden sich zunehmend in städtischen Gebieten, beispielsweise in Universitäten und Bibliotheken. Fortschritte in der Eye-Tracking-Technologie und der Bildverarbeitung versprechen eine einfache Integration von Eye-Tracking auf diesen Displays. So kann zum einen das visuelle Verhalten der Benutzer verfolgt und damit ein Display nach verschiedenen Aspekten evaluiert werden. Zum anderen eröffnet Eye-Tracking auf öffentlichen Displays neue Interaktionsmöglichkeiten. Blickbasierte Interaktion ist besonders nützlich für Bildschirme im allgegenwärtigen öffentlichen Raum. Der Blick bietet mehr als eine natürliche und intuitive Interaktionsmethode: Blicke können aus der Ferne erkannt und somit für Interaktion mit sonst unerreichbaren Displays genutzt werden. Aus der Interaktion mit dem Blick (Gaze) lassen sich Absichten und visuelle Interessen der Benutzer ableiten. Dadurch eignet es sich besonders für den öffentlichen Raum, wo Nutzer möglicherweise Datenschutzbedenken haben könnten oder sich bei herkömmlichen Methoden gehemmt fühlen würden in der Öffentlichkeit mit den Displays zu interagieren. Dadurch wird ein uneingeschränktes Nutzererlebnis ermöglicht. Eye-Tracking-Technologien sind jedoch in erster Linie für Desktop-Szenarien entwickelt worden, bei denen ein Benutzer für eine relativ lange Zeitspanne in einer stationären Position mit dem System interagiert. Die Interaktion mit öffentlichen Displays ist jedoch grundlegend anders. Daher gilt es völlig neuartige Herausforderungen zu bewältigen, wenn Eye-Tracking eingesetzt wird. Da sich Nutzer von öffentlichen Displays bewegen, können sie sich dem Display aus verschiedenen Richtungen nähern und sogar währenddessen mit dem Display interagieren. Folglich sollten "Gaze-enabled Displays" nicht davon ausgehen, dass Nutzer sich stets an einer bestimmten Position befinden, sondern sollten sich an die ständig wechselnde Position des Nutzers anpassen können. Zum anderen interagieren Nutzer von öffentlichen Displays üblicherweise nur für eine kurze Zeitspannen von ein paar Sekunden. Eine zeitaufwändige Kalibrierung durch den Nutzer vor der eigentlichen Interaktion ist hier im Gegensatz zu Desktop-Szenarien also nicht adäquat. Diese kumulative Dissertation überprüft zunächst die Herausforderungen interaktiver öffentlicher Displays und diskutiert das Potenzial von blickbasierter Interaktion zu deren Bewältigung. Anschließend wird die Implementierung und eingehende Evaluierung von zwei beispielhaften Anwendungen vorgestellt, bei denen Nutzer durch den Blick mit öffentlichen Displays interagieren. Daraus ergeben sich weitere greifbare Vorteile der blickbasierten Interaktion für öffentliche Display-Kontexte. Bei der ersten Anwendung, EyePACT, steht der Parallaxeneffekt im Fokus, der heutzutage häufig ein Problem auf öffentlichen Displays darstellt, die über Berührung (Touch) gesteuert werden. Die zweite Anwendung ist ein neuartiges multimodales System, GTmoPass, das Gaze- und Touch-Eingabe zur sicheren Benutzerauthentifizierung auf öffentlichen Displays kombiniert. GTmoPass ist sehr widerstandsfähig sowohl gegenüber unerwünschten fremden Blicken als auch gegenüber sogenannten thermischen Angriffen und Schmierangriffen. Es bietet damit eine sichere Lösung für ein wichtiges Sicherheits- und Datenschutzproblem auf öffentlichen Displays. Der zweite Teil der Dissertation befasst sich mit spezifischen Herausforderungen der Gaze-Interaktion mit öffentlichen Displays. Zuerst wird der Aspekt der Benutzerpositionierung durch aktives Eye-Tracking adressiert. Der neuartige Prototyp EyeScout bewegt den Eye-Tracker passend zur Position des Nutzers, ohne dass dieser dafür mit weiteren Geräten oder Sensoren ausgestattet werden muss. Dies ermöglicht blickbasierte Interaktion mit öffentlichen Displays auch in jenen Situationen zu untersuchen und zu verstehen, in denen Nutzer in Bewegung sind und sich dem Display von verschiedenen Positionen aus nähern. Zweitens wird das System Read2Calibrate präsentiert, das Eye-Tracker implizit kalibriert, während Nutzer Texte auf Displays lesen. Der Prototyp EyeVote zeigt, wie man die Auswahl von Textantworten auf öffentlichen Displays per Blick ohne Kalibrierung ermöglichen kann. In einer Feldstudie mit EyeVote wird der Kompromiss zwischen Genauigkeit und Auswahlgeschwindigkeit unter der Verwendung kalibrierungsfreier Auswahltechniken untersucht. Die Implikationen der Ergebnisse für das Design von blickbasierter Interaktion öffentlicher Displays werden diskutiert. Abschließend wird erörtert wie die verwendete Methodik auf andere Bereiche, z.B. auf mobilie Geräte, angewendet werden kann

    WoX+: A Meta-Model-Driven Approach to Mine User Habits and Provide Continuous Authentication in the Smart City

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    The literature is rich in techniques and methods to perform Continuous Authentication (CA) using biometric data, both physiological and behavioral. As a recent trend, less invasive methods such as the ones based on context-aware recognition allows the continuous identification of the user by retrieving device and app usage patterns. However, a still uncovered research topic is to extend the concepts of behavioral and context-aware biometric to take into account all the sensing data provided by the Internet of Things (IoT) and the smart city, in the shape of user habits. In this paper, we propose a meta-model-driven approach to mine user habits, by means of a combination of IoT data incoming from several sources such as smart mobility, smart metering, smart home, wearables and so on. Then, we use those habits to seamlessly authenticate users in real time all along the smart city when the same behavior occurs in different context and with different sensing technologies. Our model, which we called WoX+, allows the automatic extraction of user habits using a novel Artificial Intelligence (AI) technique focused on high-level concepts. The aim is to continuously authenticate the users using their habits as behavioral biometric, independently from the involved sensing hardware. To prove the effectiveness of WoX+ we organized a quantitative and qualitative evaluation in which 10 participants told us a spending habit they have involving the use of IoT. We chose the financial domain because it is ubiquitous, it is inherently multi-device, it is rich in time patterns, and most of all it requires a secure authentication. With the aim of extracting the requirement of such a system, we also asked the cohort how they expect WoX+ will use such habits to securely automatize payments and identify them in the smart city. We discovered that WoX+ satisfies most of the expected requirements, particularly in terms of unobtrusiveness of the solution, in contrast with the limitations observed in the existing studies. Finally, we used the responses given by the cohorts to generate synthetic data and train our novel AI block. Results show that the error in reconstructing the habits is acceptable: Mean Squared Error Percentage (MSEP) 0.04%

    Natural Language Interfaces for Tabular Data Querying and Visualization: A Survey

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    The emergence of natural language processing has revolutionized the way users interact with tabular data, enabling a shift from traditional query languages and manual plotting to more intuitive, language-based interfaces. The rise of large language models (LLMs) such as ChatGPT and its successors has further advanced this field, opening new avenues for natural language processing techniques. This survey presents a comprehensive overview of natural language interfaces for tabular data querying and visualization, which allow users to interact with data using natural language queries. We introduce the fundamental concepts and techniques underlying these interfaces with a particular emphasis on semantic parsing, the key technology facilitating the translation from natural language to SQL queries or data visualization commands. We then delve into the recent advancements in Text-to-SQL and Text-to-Vis problems from the perspectives of datasets, methodologies, metrics, and system designs. This includes a deep dive into the influence of LLMs, highlighting their strengths, limitations, and potential for future improvements. Through this survey, we aim to provide a roadmap for researchers and practitioners interested in developing and applying natural language interfaces for data interaction in the era of large language models.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figures, 5 tables. Submitted to IEEE TKD

    GazeSwitch : Automatic Eye-Head Mode Switching for Optimised Hands-Free Pointing

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    This paper contributes GazeSwitch, an ML-based technique that optimises the real-time switching between eye and head modes for fast and precise hands-free pointing. GazeSwitch reduces false positives from natural head movements and efficiently detects head gestures for input, resulting in an effective hands-free and adaptive technique for interaction. We conducted two user studies to evaluate its performance and user experience. Comparative analyses with baseline switching techniques, Eye+Head Pinpointing (manual) and BimodalGaze (threshold-based) revealed several trade-offs. We found that GazeSwitch provides a natural and effortless experience but trades off control and stability compared to manual mode switching, and requires less head movement compared to BimodalGaze. This work demonstrates the effectiveness of machine learning approach to learn and adapt to patterns in head movement, allowing us to better leverage the synergistic relation between eye and head input modalities for interaction in mixed and extended reality